Monthly News & Updates

Oct 28, 2023

Featured Learning Lab Workshop

Stop Judging Yourself and CHOOSE to IMPROVE

This self-paced and web-based workshop will help you turn the ingrained habit of self-evaluation (boo! hisss!) into the useful and growth-oriented practice of self-assessment (yay!). $10

Purchase Access

Click to visit the Learning Lab

We're happy to announce a new EVENTS calendar on our website. You can toggle between list and calendar view, learn more about any event, click to register, and even add an event to your personal calendar. Click the list view above to visit the full calendar.

Hello there, Self-Growers!


It's time for our monthly catch-up, and we couldn't be more excited to share the latest happenings and exciting news from our end. We've had a busy month making progress and having fun along the way!


Firstly, let's talk about the star of the show: our new product update! We've been listening to your feedback, and after many cups of coffee and late-night brainstorming sessions, we're going to host more of our 2-hour workshops, starting with Program Assessment and Student Success.


We hosted our first-ever workshops on how to best utilize ChatGPT in combination with the Learning Process Methodology and the Course and Activity Design Methodologies. What a blast it was. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who took part.


Lastly, we'd like to take a moment to announce our new social media accounts. We would absolutely love for you to join us there. These platforms will provide us with a unique opportunity to stay connected, share updates, and engage in a more immediate and informal way. So, if you haven't already, go ahead, give us a follow and let's continue our journey of growth and discovery together. Just search for Pacific Crest or use the links below. Remember, every like, share, and comment brings us closer as a community. We can't wait to see you there!

That's all for this month's edition but remember, we love hearing from you. So, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries, suggestions, or just want to say hello.


Until next month, keep being awesome!

Our NEXT event starts on November 3...

During this institute, participants will work within groups to design a new course. The Institute activities and flow follows our Methodology for Course Design:


Analysis: Learning Outcome-Driven Instructional Design

Step 1—Construct long-term behaviors

Step 2—Identify course intentions

Step 3—Construct measurable learning outcomes

Step 4—Construct a knowledge table

Design: Activities and Knowledge to Support Learning Outcomes

Step 5—Choose themes

Step 6—Create the appropriate methodologies

Step 7—Identify a set of activities

Step 8—Identify a set of specific learning skills for the course

Development: Construction and Selection

Step 9—Identify activity preference types

Step 10—Match the activity types with the chosen activities

Step 11—Choose the in-class and out-of-class activities

Step 12—Allocate time across the themes

Step 13—Sequence the activities across the term

Step 14—Create individual activities from a prioritized list

Step 15—Enhance activities by using technology

Step 16—Ask peers to review the activities you create

Step 17—Produce key performance criteria

Step 18—Locate or build key performance measures

Step 19—Design a course assessment system

Step 20—Design a course evaluation system

Step 21—Design a course syllabus

Learn more!

It's not too late...yet.

Featured Blog Post

Building Behaviors for the Future

Long-term behaviors are the optimal starting place when designing a course. As much as we might wish we had a Transmogrifier (a la Calvin and Hobbes) that we could use to turn students into organized, patient, curious, details-oriented (etc.) people, that just isn’t possible (yet).

The best we can do is try to help students build the behaviors NOW that they will hopefully show in the future as graduates and professionals.

Simply put, a behavior is as an ability, skill, or attitude that is demonstrable in various contexts and which is evident because one desires to and is capable of exhibiting that ability, skill, or attitude when necessary...

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Featured Blog Post

Forget the Valedictorian; Let’s Recognize the Improvetorian

"In top suburban schools across the country, the valedictorian, a beloved tradition, is rapidly losing its singular meaning as administrators dispense the title to every straight-A student rather than try to choose the best among them.

Principals say that recognizing multiple valedictorians reduces pressure and competition among students, and is a more equitable way to honor achievement, particularly when No. 1 and No. 5 may be separated by only the smallest fraction of a grade from sophomore science...

Stratford High School (Houston): 30 valedictorians…eight High Schools in St. Vrain Valley (Colorado): combined total of 94 valedictorians…"

While recognition of most improved is sometimes awarded in competitions, it is generally seen as a kind of also-ran award…a way of boosting the self esteem of someone who wasn’t good enough to win the appellation, ‘best.’

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Monthly Self-Growth Tip

Increasing Weekly Productivity

Fix the amount of time you are going to allocate to both your professional and personal work. Once you feel that you have scoped the week appropriately, add 10 percent to your workload (and each week thereafter add another 10%). Then script the week looking for how to layout the week most productively. In scheduling, look for techniques that improve efficiency and effectiveness keeping in mind that each task/small job requires a different level of quality.

Expending excess time on something that is either nice but not necessary or beyond anyone’s expectations takes away time from the rest of the tasks that often are more important. Each week reflect on productivity to find one thing that really works and then crystalize it as a new best practice in scheduling. Also, find something that doesn’t feel productive and then think of something in your scheduling process that will transform that area to increase productivity.

Our Spiffy New Bookstore!

While we’re still integrating it into our main website, it is UP AND RUNNING with ALL the bells and whistles.

Click to visit

Tips and Ideas:

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

In today's diverse society, creating inclusive learning environments has become an essential part of designing a program, course, or activity. A lack of diversity and inclusion can lead to ineffective learning, reduced student engagement, and even legal or ethical problems.

This is why it is crucial to make an intentional effort to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion principles into your teaching designs.


As a college faculty, it's your responsibility to create an atmosphere where students feel respected, valued, and included. In this article, we'll give you tips on how to include diversity, inclusion, and equity in your program, course, and activity designs to improve the quality of the learning environment and mitigate risk factors.

1.   Learn about different cultures and backgrounds

To design an inclusive learning environment, you need to understand your students' backgrounds and cultures. Remember, each student comes from a unique and diverse background, and their values and beliefs may differ from yours. Therefore, take time to learn about your students' cultures and backgrounds through surveys, personal interviews, or research to help you connect with them better.


2.   Incorporate inclusive language

Inclusive language is a tool that can promote respect and equality in the classroom. By using inclusive pronouns, avoiding assumptions or stereotypes, and being mindful of your tone, you can create a positive learning atmosphere that fosters inclusion and equity. Remember, inclusive language is about treating everyone with respect, regardless of their identities.


3.   Encourage Group Work

Creating study groups that include students from different backgrounds can promote diversity and inclusion. Students of different backgrounds can provide a unique perspective on the same topic. This can lead to less groupthink and more creativity. Additionally, it can encourage students to learn and appreciate different points of view.


4.   Assess your teaching methods

Assess the teaching methods you use in the classroom to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Consider if your methods could unintentionally marginalize or exclude certain students. It's crucial to use strategies that are culturally responsive and inclusive. This could include using various media, teaching from multiple perspectives, and incorporating activities that encourage participation from all students.


5.   Get assessment feedback from students

Finally, it's essential to ask for assessment feedback from your students about how inclusive and equitable your teaching is. You can gather feedback through anonymous surveys or focus groups. This feedback will help you identify areas of improvement and find ways to make your teaching more inclusive and equitable.


Inclusive learning environments are essential to creating an atmosphere where all students feel respected, valued, and included. By using the tips we've outlined above, you can help mitigate risk factors and improve the quality of the learning environment. Remember that creating an inclusive learning environment is a continuous process that requires intentional effort. So embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, seek out feedback from students, and always be open to adjusting your teaching design to create a more inclusive learning experience for your students.

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