See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
June 22, 2022
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

If you missed worship this weekend join us on
Wednesday Night at 7pm in the sanctuary!
Bible study at 6pm in room 105/107.
Pastor's Message
Father's Day and My Mom's Kitchen

Dear People of Grace,  

Thank you for bearing with me, as I have written often about my own grief and loss. It has truly been healing. I hope if it’s too much that you just skip on down. I want to thank you for your care that you have given me and the staff here at Grace. Thank you as well for the warm welcome that you have given to Interim Pastor Christine Belfry. I am looking forward to all of us learning and growing together.   
Father’s Day and My Mom’s Kitchen 
My last year has been centered around family, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. This tends to happen when you have a parent die and another parent who lives close and is grieving. Typically, during the summer months, we would see my parents once a week for dinner and games. This year, I see my dad at least twice a week, if not more. And it has been good. He gives so much, and I know he feels like a burden, but this has not been the case at all. On Father’s Day, Jeff and I went over to make him dinner. Nothing particularly special, just a hamburger and grilled potatoes. We have eaten many meals in my parents’ kitchen over the past few months, but this is the first meal that I have made. Digging through the cabinets and drawers, my grief caught me. I will confess that sometimes I have been struck by how okay I have felt. But on Sunday, on Father’s Day, what I really wanted was my mom. I wanted her to be the one in the kitchen chopping the potatoes and chatting with me. I wanted her to be sitting on her couch and telling me about her day. I wanted to hear the banter that so often took place between my mom and dad in the past. But there was no banter, just me in the kitchen chopping potatoes with her knife, her cutting board in her kitchen where she should be.   
Grief can catch you. It just grabs hold for a little while and holds on, filling your eyes with tears and your mind with memories over the loss that has happened. Sometimes it might knock you down, but for me at least, in the death of my mom often it catches me and just holds me for a bit and reminds me of how much I miss her and how much I was loved.   
Pastor Joanna 
On The Case V.B.S. 
What an incredible week we had solving mysteries to better understand God’s abundant love for all of us! Grace was filled with the beautiful voices of children who inspired me as they praised God with their dancing and singing. We had two amazing detectives who were leading us in story in song, wonderful teachers, and volunteers and SO MUCH FUN! Thank you to everyone who stepped up to make sure that VBS happened this year. We are beyond grateful and can’t wait to keep connecting with our kids and sharing in God’s love.
Summer Worship

-Sundays at 8:30am Traditional
-Sundays at 10am Contemporary
-Wednesdays at 7pm Contemporary
Kids Time @ Grace this Summer
We invite kids ages 3 and up to participate in Kids Time. Kids Time is for those who would like to go outside during the sermon for learning and fun. Kids Time is offered on Wednesday Nights for 7pm worship and 10:00am Sunday Worship.
The Nursery is OPEN during Sunday Worship
at 8:30 & 10am for the Summer!

Fellowship is after Worship on Sundays. Coffee, water and treats will be available in the Narthex after worship.

Ministries News
Come join us for our
OK@Play June Event!
Thurs. June 23rd at 6:30 pm
Ticknor Hill Bed and Breakfast
   1625 3rd Ave., Anoka, MN

Come and tour the famous Ticknor Hill Bed and Breakfast in Anoka. We will meet with, owner/innkeeper Debbie Wallace (a long time Grace member) for facts and stories from the Queen Anne Victorian home built in 1867.
We will visit with our OK@Play friends outside at the B&B and then you may choose to join others by walking to 2 Scoops on 2nd Avenue for ice cream! We hope for a beautiful summer evening of fun.
No cost, except for your ice cream. No sign up needed. No lawn chairs needed unless you want to bring a special one for yourself. We are very gracious and give thanks to Debbie for giving us this opportunity to see and enjoy their beautiful B&B atmosphere! All are welcome!
Empty Nester Event
Date Change to Thursday, June 23rd

Thursday, June 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the home of Doug and Angie Hanson. Their address is: 15102 152nd Terrace NW, Ramsey. This event will be a bon fire. Please bring a lawn chair and BYOB. The Hansons will provide snacks. 
High School Bonfire!

Join us on Wednesday, June 29th for worship and a bonfire. Worship begins at 7:00pm, the bonfire is from 8:00-9:30pm. Bring a lawn chair and dress for the weather! We will have hot dogs and smores to roast over the fire! All 9th – 12th grade students are welcome!
Children's Ministry Movie Night
Friday, July 15th
6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall

Children’s Ministry Movie Night for ages 3 years old through 5th grade is back! Please join us for this free and fun night at the movies! All children must be accompanied by a parent or other adult.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Food Shelf Needs

The food shelf is need of the following items. Please drop them off at the food shelf door or the office.
Canned soup-cream and chunky
Canned vegetables
Boxed crackers or snacks
Canned pasta sauce
Canned tomato products (diced, crushed, etc.)
Canned stew
Dessert - cake mix/frosting, brownie mix, etc.
PowerPoint and Streaming Help Wanted!

We are in search of new volunteers to help on Sunday mornings (And Wednesday evenings) with our PowerPoint projection and Streaming. It is not a large commitment, nor is it difficult to learn. One Sunday (or Wednesday) a month! Volunteers will go through a short training session, and then be able to assist. If you are interested, or have questions, please contact David Phelps. (It really is not that hard, and there are detailed instructions for every step of the way.)
Noisy Offering
Noisy Offerings from June 16th to June 30th will be going to the gasoline cost for this years Youth Summer Trips
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Prayers of the Church

Please pray for: Lois Vadner, Marie Kolar, Mike Burckhard, Pastor Maria Markman, Phil Knutson, Diane Rosky, Harland & Anne Marie Johnson, Julie Caldwell, Shirley Fystrom, Kathy Beckman, Jason Beckman, Lu Henning, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Carroll Potter, Clint Trousil, John Malecha, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont.

We pray for those who have suffered the death of a loved one: The family and friends of Phyllis Hiller upon her death; Dick & Nadine Lovik & Family grieving the death of their daughter in law, Kathy Lovik; Pat & Dana Walters & family grieving the death of Pat’s Father, George Scholten.