Great TutorVerse Offer!

Hello, 7th Grade parents and students.

On Wednesday, we held a Zoom featuring Jeff Wu, Director of TutorVerse. He spoke to us about an opportunity for MS104 families of receive up to a 50% discount from TutorVerse's usual fees for an invaluable SHSAT study program that would be held in person at Baruch starting in December.

We're sorry if you missed the presentation, but you can access the recording of the Zoom at THIS LINK.

The page also includes important information regarding the program, the offer, and your opportunity to sign up for what might be a limited number of spots.

Like they say on late-night TV infomercials...


We sincerely hope you're able to take advantage of this offer, and that it helps you, come high school admissions time next year.

As a current 8th grade parent whose son went through this program, I can highly recommend it. And I can tell you that having an opportunity to be accepted to one of our amazing specialized schools is a pure blessing considering the uncertainty inherent in the rest of the public high school application process.

Best of luck!

The MS104 PTA

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