January 15, 2024 Vol. 54, No.1
And the Winner is... | Travel Grant Applications
PCPI Awards Applications | PCPI Board Training
Happy New Year! We hope 2024 will be one full of opportunities to make lasting memories. Maybe among those memories will be a trip to Indianapolis, Indiana, for this year's Annual General Meeting, April 18-21. We'd love for you to join us! Read on to learn more about how a Travel Grant might help you get there.
Each year, we dedicate time during the annual meeting to honor individuals in the cooperative community who have gone above and beyond. Check out more information below about how to nominate someone deserving from your local co-op community to receive a PCPI award.
We are also looking forward to another virtual offering of PCPI's board training session. We received wonderful feedback from the fall session and hope you'll take advantage of this training opportunity for your members--especially those taking on new board roles for the upcoming school year! See below for more information.
Cooperatively yours,
Melissa Ranck
Editor, Cooperatively Speaking
Last month we asked what you most look forward to in the winter season, and the favorite for many of us is spending holidays with family. While the holidays have come and gone, we still have lots of time left for our second place choice: curling up under a warm blanket!
Whether you've seen snow yet this season or not, let's get into a winter mindset with a few "would you rather" questions:
-or- have a snowball fight?
have wet feet from snow/rain
-or- forget your gloves at home?
-or- untangle twinkle lights?
Travel Grant Applications Are Here
We hope that by now you've noticed the buzz surrounding PCPI's Annual General Meeting, and we also hope you're planning to join us! To help our members attend and take part in the meeting, PCPI established the Marika Townshend Travel Grant program in honor of a longtime advocate of cooperative preschool.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, April 18th through 21st. All PCPI members – individuals, schools, councils – are eligible to apply for a travel grant. Funds can be used to cover costs to attend including registration, lodging, and travel expenses. Grant recipients must plan to attend the entire meeting.
Grant applications must be received on or by February 15 and must be SUBMITTED by the deadline in order to be considered. Applications will be promptly reviewed by the Marika Townshend Travel Grant Committee and awardees notified quickly in order to facilitate travel planning.
Click here to complete the Marika Townshend Travel Grant application. Don't forget, the due date for application is Thursday, February 15. Questions? Reach out to travelgrants@preschools.coop.
Nominate Someone Deserving
By Carole Cordle
Each year, the PCPI Awards Committee is honored to acknowledge the outstanding service and commitment of our members to the co-op community.
Is there someone you’d like to recognize for their dedication to your co-op community? Do you have a beloved teacher, enthusiastic family volunteer, administrator or board members who helped guide your co-op through difficult times? Click here for a list of award descriptions, judging criteria and details about the application process, which can be completed here.
The deadline for applications is Friday, March 1, 2024.
As you welcome new members onto your board for the 2024-2025 school year, let PCPI help get them up to speed! Registration coming soon for a virtual training covering topics like duties as a board member, best practices for governance, financial responsibility, and more. Training is expected to last one hour, and attendees will receive a certificate.
Two opportunities to attend!
Sunday, April 28
7 pm EST/4 pm PST
Offered via Zoom
(This event will not be recorded)
Monday, April 29
1 pm EST/10 am PST
This training is FREE for PCPI members. If you are a staff member or caregiver at a member school, this means you!
Thank you to Resources for Parenting for your ongoing support of PCPI!
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact PCPI to learn more!
A PCPI Members Google Group has been created to give us another avenue to share ideas and information. This has replaced the Yahoo Group which is no longer active.
Joining is easy!
Click the button below to send an email to PCPINews@preschools.coop.
Use the subject line: Add to Google Group.
- Include your first and last name, your school and/or council name, and the email address you'd like to have added. (If there are multiple people in your school who should be added to the group, you are welcome to include all of their information in one email.)
Group members will receive a daily digest of messages exchanged. Message threads will be grouped by topic for easy searching later. Spread the word!