Palm Sunday
Here is a link to: Sunday's Bulletin.
Facebook Live Link:
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Monday: Mass at Noon (Facebook Live)
Holy Tuesday: Mass at Noon (Facebook Live)
Holy Wed: Mass at Noon (Facebook Live)
Maundy Thursday: Mass at 7:30 (Zoom and Facebook Live)
                The Watch ... 8:30 pm ( Facebook Live)
Good Friday: Liturgy of the Presanctified and Veneration of the Cross at Noon (Zoom and Facebook Live)
Easter Vigil: 7:30 pm. In person by reservation only. Zoom and Facebook Live
Easter Day:  Mass at 10:30 am. In person by reservation only. Zoom and Facebook Live
In-Person Worship
After three in person worship tests, the reopening committee, vestry, and I are confident that we are able to take the next step towards reopening by allowing a limited number of people to attend worship in person in a safe way for the Palm Sunday Mass. 

Please understand, that in order to be admitted inside the church for worship, YOU MUST HAVE A RESERVATION. Apologies for all caps, but it is imperative that you understand that those without a reservation can not be admitted into the church, due to social distancing requirements which have limited our seating capacity.

In order to make a reservation, please visit:  

All other pertinent information can be found through the link.
Our St. Martin’s community and school provided close to 60 Easter baskets for children in the Bound Brook school system and to families serviced by SHIP. Both organizations were extremely thankful for the generosity of our parish, our school and the neighbors in our local community who went above and beyond to provide toys, books and candy to fill the baskets that were donated. And the children in the school and their families, along with parish members and neighbors, donated over 100 new children’s outfits which were given to FISH. Thank you all for your kindness.
Last Lenten Study
Zoom Link for Lenten Study:

Meeting ID: 886 2555 7684
Passcode: Lent
Job Opportunities
Engineer I and II - Manufacturing Industry (Job Descriptions) Contact Howard Stamato for more info.
Bridgewater-Raritan School District: teaching positions, cafeteria aides, special education assistants, and secretarial positions. We are especially in need of substitute teachers (you need a 4 year college degree; does not have to be in teaching). Contact Alison for more information.
Distribution of Blessed Palms and Consecrated Hosts for Easter Communion

Blessed Palms will be distributed by drive through at the church on Saturday March 27 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. You may also pick up a consecrated host so that you may receive communion on Easter. Please watch the Easter Mass on Zoom or Facebook Live and consume this host at the appropriate moment when Communion is being administered to the people. If you cannot drive by the church to pick up a host on March 27, please email Father Rob on his personal email in order to make arrangements for getting Easter Communion.
March Madness Squares
Just like our Super Bowl Squares, we will be doing NCAA March Madness Squares as a small fundraiser for St. Martin's. The final game won't be played until April 5th. Here is the link to the spreadsheet:
Prayer Concerns
and Blessings
  • Yvonne’s sister Sue who was recently diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Debbie who is having surgery soon for colon cancer
  • Jeff Keates
Continued Prayers For:
  • Jacob, Jane’s grandson
  • Jane Linn and family
  • Kristin
  • Linda Virtue
  • Diane’s father Joe
  • Lorna in Hospice
In Thanksgiving for:
  • Bishop Stokes for his commitment to all people

Church Secretary
We are looking for a volunteer secretary for a few hours on Mondays. The job entails some filing, answering phones, checking mail and email, and forwarding messages to Fr. Rob. If interested, please contact him.
Death in Our Diocesan Family
It is with sad hearts, but with a living hope in the promise of eternal life, that we announce the death of Father Ron Pollock's father, Dr. Ronald Pollock. Please keep the Pollock family in your thoughts and prayers. May the soul of Dr. Pollock rest in peace, and may Light perpetual shine upon him.

Father Ron Pollock is the rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Somerville.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or