


"As we near Thanksgiving this year, and every year, we should take the opportunity to better understand the history of the indigenous brothers and sisters, the people who inhabited the land we now call our own, and the role our ancestors played in overtaking the land. The true story is not one we want to acknowledge, but important if we are to claim the ministry of Jesus...

"The Wisconsin Conference renamed Pilgrim Center to Daychola Center saying, 'This new name recognizes that this land was and remains a sacred place for Native Tribes...'''

"Kelly Gallagher, Associate Conference Minister of the Southern New England Conference wrote, 'The good news is that we have the capacity--and the teachings--to behave differently. We have a faith that teaches us humility, repentance, relationships, and community. We have a set of core values and ethics that can be called upon to overcome the self-serving, power seeking, dominating values we have claimed and perpetuated for so long... The time has come to hold up the faith that is truly at the core of Jesus' teachings--a faith of walking with, instead of over--a faith of inclusion instead of exclusion, a faith that calls us to repent, and repair and seek a way forward for all.'" The complete reflection can be found here..


From Eldonna Hazen Moderator of 1st Congregational UCC, Madison

Used with her permission



Now that the worst of the pandemic is over, 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, will again provide its annual community meal on Thanksgiving Day in their dining room. In addition, meals are delivered to those unable to attend.

The Congregational UCC, Whitewater, is encouraging its members, as they shop, to steadily gather food for their community's pantry and present their Love Bags on Thanksgiving Sunday.

Salem UCC, Verona, is providing Thanksgiving meals through the Badger Prairie Needs Network.

Olivet Congregational UCC, Columbus, is collecting a thank offering for gifts to local organizations, such as the food pantry.

All Saints Day, also known as Totenfest, November 1, or a Remembrance Sunday, is being observed by 1st Congregational UCC, Baraboo; 1st Congregational UCC, Madison; 1st UCC, Reeseville; MCC/Community of Hope, Madison; Windsor UCC and Plymouth Congregational UCC, Madison. Members are invited to provide photos or other items of remembrance for their worship centers.

The Green County Area Human Trafficking Task Force will offer a program at Brodhead Congregational UCC on November 16, 5:00-6:30. The plan is to have a human trafficking survivor speak followed by a panel of experts.

Once again in October, Memorial UCC, Fitchburg, explored the Doctrine of Discovery to better understand the history of the oppression of Indigenous people and culture.

Memorial UCC, Fitchburg, followed this up with a presentation-- Multimedia Exhibit & Storytelling Program Celebrating the Tapestry of Humanity on Saturday, November 4, 6:30-8:30. It will take the viewer through decades of untold history from evolution to the present.

Indigenous justice was the focus of the presentation of Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches at Java & Jesus of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison.

St. John's UCC, Monroe, will present Quilts of Valor near Veterans Day to honor the members who have served, or are serving, in the military. Zwingli UCC, Monticello, also had a Quilts of Valor ceremony to say "thank you" for the service and sacrifice of veterans.

1st UCC, Reeseville, also noted Veteran's


Christopher Kolakowski, the director of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum and author of numerous publications spoke about the Korean War at the Over 55 group of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison,

1st Congregational UCC, Baraboo, called attention to a statement on Israel/Palestine of the Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) of which the United Church of Christ is a member. It called for de-escalation, humanitarian access and addressing systemic issues. Read the statement here. (Click on to the down arrow in the upper right menu and then on the document listed.)

An auction, featuring items crafted by members was a part of a community dinner at Mineral Point Congregational UCC.

Rev. Eldonna Hazen, pastor of 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, recently testified at a legislative hearing on bills to prohibit health care providers from providing gender-affirming care for minors and bills to ban transgender women college athletes from participating on the team of their gender.

Noting that a new symbol has emerged to welcome and support marginalized LGBTQ people, Plymouth Congregational UCC, Madison, has adopted and is publicizing the new Progress Pride Flags

The Congregational UCC, Evansville, had a gathering to write letters to the students being sponsored in El Salvador.

Several of our churches have called attention to and/or were planning to attend the October 20 Watch Party at MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, for Installation of Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson at the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ

The taboo surrounding menstruation was the focus of a presentation and discussion at Middleton Community UCC.

Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, celebrated the fact that during the past five years they have raised more than $250,000 to help families with young children find stable housing through Heart Room.

McFarland UCC coordinated with their local police department in collecting items for October's National Domestic Awareness Month.

Rev. Tanya Sadagopan shared designs for a new stained-glass window--"Caring for God's New Creation"--at 1st Congregational UCC, Janesville.. It will complement the existing windows which grace its sanctuary.

Since the holidays can be a particularly lonely and difficult time for incarcerated folk, MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, is sending Christmas cards to them through the Madison Area Jail Ministry.

As a part of their membership in MOSES (a local affiliate of WISDOM, a faith-based advocacy organization), members of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, joined others across Wisconsin at the state capitol to urge officials to end the lockdowns at the prisons, reduce the prison populations, and reinvest taxpayer funds in community-based alternatives.

MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, has embarked on a process to educate their membership on MOSES toward a vote to join the organization.

The sewing ladies of St. John's UCC, Monroe, have been making seat belt pillows for patients following their abdominal or breast surgery.

MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, recently sold their handmade Hats for Haiti as part of a fundraiser.

Immanuel UCC, Darlington, was the host for a public meeting on heart health

Rev. Julia Burkey, pastor of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, and her husband are hosting a full moon Flicker Full Moon Pop-up Wild Church gathering in Donald Park

A concert led by the Barry Robinson Chorus will help Salem UCC, Verona, celebrate their 20th anniversary.

Several of our congregations, including Salem UCC, Verona; Plymouth Congregational UCC, Madison; 1st Congregational UCC, Madison; and MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison have been supporting the work of Just Dane's bakery program through their offerings of their bakery items. The program trains formerly incarcerated persons toward helping them become employed.

Two new weekday meditation groups are being launched at Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison.

All of our churches, in their Sunday worship services, pray for members and others who are undergoing various kinds of issues. St John's UCC, Monroe, goes one step beyond that with a Prayer Tree that reminds us that the power of prayer is in the number of persons praying.

Memorial UCC, Fitchburg, will be the hosts for an Interfaith Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20.

Members of MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, will be visiting the American Black Holocaust Museum in Milwaukee in November.

Recognizing that art touches all our lives, MCC/Community of Hope, Madison, is including a variety of decorations in their sanctuary

1st Congregational UCC, Madison, is one of the sponsors for the 50th Anniversary Dinner for Outreach LGBTQ+ Community Center at the Monona Center.

At Plymouth Congregational UCC, Madison, the annual fall Gallery Night--a city-wide event--will feature art created by students of the nearby Lowell elementary School.

Members of Community UCC, Middleton, helped with landscaping ad freshening up of office spaces at the Road Home apartment complexes.

Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, has asked its members to provide meals for David and Alice Anderman, who were injured in a serious car accident recently.

The annual Fair Trade sale of Middleton Community UCC will take place in time for Christmas. St. John's UCC, Monroe, is selling products of Equal Exchange, an organization that helps farmers in the U.S. and 40 countries around the world.


In hosting the 40th annual CROP Walk on October 15, 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, lifted up the fact that the Madison Walk has raised over $1.5 Million in supporting the work of Church World Service.

Salem UCC, Verona, also participated in this year's CROP Walk..

The Congregational UCC, Whitewater, participated in their community's CROP Walk, 1st UCC, Belleville, participated in their community's area CROP Walk.

The Congregational UCC, Edgerton, was host for a Water Walk, a simulation of the walk that many make every single day to distant water sources for their daily water supply.

St. John's UCC, Monroe and St. John's UCC, Monroe also had Trunk or Treat events.

The children of 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, had a Costume Party for UNICEF. Memorial UCC, Fitchburg had a Trick or Treat party for UNICEF.

Memorial UCC, Fitchburg, also had a Blessing of the Animals, such as pets, as did 1st Congregational UCC, Janesville.

MCC/Community of Hope UCC, Madison, was one of the hosts of the annual United Week of Prayer

1st Congregational UCC Fort Atkinson; Congregational UCC, Edgerton and Congregational UCC, Evansville, are among the congregations that provided Meals on Wheels recently.

1st Congregational UCC, Baraboo, recently provided a monthly supper at the Pathway Home Shelter. 1st UCC Belleville, served a community meal in Belleville. The Congregational UCC, Whitewater, and Olivet Congregational UCC, Columbus, provided free community meals.

Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, provided their semi-annual meal at The Crossing, the ecumenical ministry to college students at the UW-Madison.

Carrying on a community tradition, 1st UCC, Belleville, had a float in the UFO Day parade.

The youth of 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, had a jack-o-lantern sale as a service project.


We are invited to the ordination of Katya Ouchakof at Memorial UCC, Fitchburg (5705 Lacy Rd.) on Sunday, November 5, at 4:00. Clergy are invited to robe and process. The stole color is red or rainbow

Rev. Ruth Bradshaw has resigned as pastor of Olivet Congregational UCC, Columbus, effective November 12.

Rev. Lex Liberatore's last Sunday as pastor of Lake Edge UCC, Madison, is November 19. He will begin as pastor of 1st Congregational UCC, Platteville, on January1.

Rev. Tiff Bates will be the interim minister

of Congregational UCC, Edgerton.

Rev. Ted Drewson will be the interim minister of Zwingli UCC, Monticello.

Rev. Sonny Graves will be the bridge pastor of Zwingli UCC, Mount Vernon.

Rev. Sue Schneider-Adams will be the interim minister of Zwingli UCC, Paoli.

Following her ordination on October 22, Christina Schoenwetter will be installed as associate pastor of St. John's UCC, Monroe, on November 19, 4:00. Clergy are invited to robe in red or rainbow stles.



Rev. Franz Rigert, our Conference Minister, recently met with members of the three Abrahamic religious religions. All agreed that this is a time for lament.

They agreed that while "(T)his doesn't feel like the right time to weigh in on the complicated economic, religious and geopolitical issues that have contributed to this long and intractable conflict..., perhaps it is best at this moment to acknowledge that the actions of any militia or government may reflect the views of some, but surely not all, of their people..."

"This feels like a time to advocate not for one side or the other, but for the humanitarian relief of all who have suffered greatly and are in critical need of food, water, shelter and security.

"This feels like a time acknowledge that although there are no easy solutions, there are good and faithful Palestinians and Israelis who long for the day when tolerance, peace and neighborly love will be the way of life in the Holy Land..." The complete text of Rev. Rigert's remarks can be found here.



By Maren Tirabassi

With what shall we come

to Veterans' Day?

and how shall we honor

those who serve to protect our nation?

Shall we come with sales events--

new cars, mattresses,

and pre-Black-Friday discounts?

Shall we respond with cemetery flags,

parades of boy schouts

and middle school bands?

No, our hearts tell us what is good--

as good as the Armistice

after world war,

as good as dancing on the Berlin Wall.

What do our veterans require of us

but to do justice

by renewing lost benefits

and granting generous new ones,

to love kindness

by caring for those

who come home suffering

in mind, body, heart and spirit,

and to pledge a walk of peace

so that those who died

may not have fallen in vain,

and that children of all nations

may one day live humbly

with one another.



In this November 8 (12:00) webinar on the UN Climate Conference, panelists will assess the participation of the CEO of one of world's largest oil producers, which is currently working to aggressively expand his company's production.


Faith Formation Youth Retreat

on November 10-12 at the Daycholah Center on Green Lake is a weekend of faith and team building for persons in grades 6-12.

Knock Knock Middle School Retreat

on November 17-18 at the Daycholah Center on Green Lake, for youth in grades 6-8, is for them to discover that love and acceptance are the true experience of church. More details can be found on the Conference web site.


1st Congregational UCC, Fort Atkinson is seeking a part-time Organist/Pianist, which normally takes 2-3 hours per seek. Call them at (920) 563-4802 for more information.

1st Congregational UCC, Janesville, is

looking for a part-time Director of Music, one who is eager to bring a fresh approach to Christian worship. The Director leads the vocal choir and bell choir. In its recruitment in the community, it auditions high school Music Scholars. Read more about it here.



The Letter: A Message for Our Earth--the true story of how five people were brought together by the climate crisis and an invitation to meet the pope--was shown and discussed at the Fall Creation Care Retreats of the Wisconsin Conference

in 1st Congregational UCC, Baraboo, the adult studies featured an introduction to the Language of Compassion, also known as Nonviolent Communication, and discussed articles from the Center for Contemplation. In November, they will learn about the innovative initiatives the Sauk County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council has in place.

The fall Women's Book Study of 1st Congregational UCC, Madison, is Untouchable: How Powerful People Get Away with It, by Elie Honig, an explanation of how the rich and powerful manipulate the legal system to escape justice.

The Seekers Book Club of 1st Congregational UCC, Janesville, is reading The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben..

In November Lake Edge UCC, Madison, will discuss The Authenticity Project, by Clare Pooley.

The Book Group of Memorial UCC, Fitchburg in October discussed Hijab Butch Blues, a memoir by Lamya H. All, and in November will discuss The Love Songs of W.E.B. DuBois, by Honoree Fanonne Jeffers.

The movie group of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, which meets at Oakwood Village, discussed The Imitation Game, a combination of a WWII spy thriller and an arrest of a man for being gay.

In November they will watch and discuss El Norte, the dramatic story of an indigenous Guatemalan brother and sister during the Guatemalan civil war in the 1980s and in Los Angeles.

In November, Coffee and Conversation of Middleton Community UCC will begin reading How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion and Persuasion, by David McRaney, the UW Big Read for 2023.

Java & Jesus of Orchard Ridge UCC, Madison, discussed The Quaking of America: An Embodied Guide to Navigating our Nation's Upheaval and Racial Reckoning, by Resmaa Menakem



Associate Conference Minister 

Rev. Rachel Bauman



David Mickle



Rev. Tanya Sadagopan



Marlea Gilbert



Donald Taft


Division on Church & Ministry

Rev. Ruth Bradshaw, Chair


Social Concerns Committee

Jessica Taft, Interim Chair

Shalom Editor:

Roger Brooks

Southwest Association |
4459 Gray Road | DeForest, WI 53532 | 608-846-7880