Special Announcement: GCOOS Board of Directors Election
Is Ocean Observing Calling to You? It's Your Last Chance to Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for the GCOOS Board of Directors!
It's your last chance to make a nomination — or nominate yourself — for the GCOOS Board of Directors. We're accepting nominations through 5 p.m. CST tomorrow Friday, 18.

Members of the Board are superheroes for our oceans, helping to set the direction for ocean observing in the Gulf of Mexico, develop and improve data products and support outreach and education Gulf-wide.

While our Board Members come from different sectors — private, governmental, academic and outreach & education — they all have one goal in common: They're committed to expanding and supporting the Gulf's ocean observing network and to providing data, information and products that improve the health and safety of residents in the Gulf of Mexico and support the Gulf's environment.

If our mission is something you'd like to take a greater role in supporting — or you know someone who would be perfect for the job — please submit a nomination for the GCOOS Board of Directors today! Self nominations are welcome.
  • Nominations close at 5 p.m. CST tomorrow, Friday, March 18
  • Friday, March 25: Ballots sent to voting members
  • Friday, April 8: Voting ends at close of business
Board Openings
  • 2 seats from the Private Sector
  • 1 seat from the Governmental Sector
  • 1 seat from the Academic Sector
  • 1 seat from the Outreach & Education Sector
Nomination Process
  • Self nominations are welcome.
  • Confirm that the nominee is a GCOOS member or affiliated with a member organization. (Request membership here.)
  • Confirm that the nominee is interested in serving if elected.
  • Indicate the nominee's sector.
  • Provide a 2-3 paragraph biography detailing work and interests related to GCOOS/ocean observing in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Email Board nominations to the 2022 Elections Officers Dave Driver and Jennifer Vreeland at
Contact Us
GCOOS is the Gulf of Mexico regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) and the only certified system dedicated solely to the Gulf of Mexico. Our mission is to provide timely, reliable, accurate and on-demand information on the open ocean and coastal ocean waters of the Gulf of Mexico to ensure a healthy, clean, productive ocean and resilient coastal zone.
Dr. Jorge Brenner, Executive Director • Dr. Barbara Kirkpatrick, Senior Advisor Bill Lingsch, U.S. Glider User Group CoordinatorDr. Kerri Whilden, Oceanographer • Dr. Chris Simoniello, Outreach & Education Coordinator Felimon Gayanilo, Systems Architect, Co-Data Manager • Bob Currier, Research Specialist, Product Developer, Co-Data Manager • Marion Stoessel, Senior Research Associate • Jennifer Vreeland-Dawson, Research Associate • Grant Craig, Program Coordinator • Laura Caldwell, Program Assistant • Nadine Slimak, Public Relations & Content Marketing, Vetted Communications, LLC
In Memoriam: Matt Howard, 1952-2018