
Two Great Opportunities 
to Up Your Game
Thursday 3/25 
Act Now to Get In

Veterans Entrepreneurship Program - Stage 2
Practical Business Skills 

Veterans and Veteran Spouses
Stage 2 - Apply Now
Starts in April

Five modules, one per week, each with two online sessions:
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
  1. 4/06 & 4/08 - Vet the Venture - Are My Ideas Lucrative?
  2. 4/13 & 4/15 - Ignite the Entrepreneur in You!
  3. 4/20 & 4/22 - Financials for Small Business Launch & Growth
  4. 4/27 & 4/29 - Sales & Marketing Powered Up
  5. 5/04 & 5/06 - Minimizing Risk
 Application Deadline Extension: Thursday, March 25, 2:00 pm CST

Scroll down for more on session topics & presenters. 

For more call 713-718-6650 or email

Schedule & Session Topics

Optional Weekly Virtual Office Hours  

As an benefit, our program also offers optional weekly virtual office hours on Wednesdays from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm.  This is designed for participants who would like to interact with the facilitators and ask questions in between sessions. 

Facilitators - We also have great facilitators! For pics, names and qualifications scroll down! 
Who Can Apply: 
Veteran Entrepreneurs 
Spouses of Veterans

Class Size is Limited - Put some good thought into your application and submit a strong one! 

Application Deadline Extension: Thursday, March 25, 2:00 pm CST

For more call 713-718-6650 or email
Featured Presenters

1 & 4

1 & 2



Modules: 1) Vet the Venture; 2) Ignite the Entrepreneur in You; 3) Financials for Small Business Launch & Growth; 4) Sales & Marketing Powered Up; & 5) Minimizing Risk.

Featured Facilitators:
  • Austin Tenette - Entrepreneur in Residence, HCC Northeast, Executive Leadership Coach, FocalPoint Coaching, Silver Fox Advisor.  
  • Ned Mueller - Entrepreneur in Residence, HCC Southeast,  Owner, Mueller Consultants, LLC, Silver Fox Advisor, Retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps.
  • Thea Goldin Smith - Faculty, HCC Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Chief Possibilideas Guide for Level VII Resources.
  • Nanette Ray - Faculty, HCC Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Owner TNR Accounting & Management Consulting, LLC, Serial Entrepreneur.
  • Ashley Small - HCC Goldman Sachs 10.000 Small Businesses Graduate, Communications Strategist & Founder, Medley Incorporated.
  • David Regenbaum - Entrepreneur in Residence, HCC Northwest, Chairman of the Board, HCC Foundation, Former Owner, AMI Institute, LLC, "Retired" Entrepreneur.

HCC Thanks Sponsor
Wells Fargo Bank

Small Business Success Series by HCC©

We Look Forward to our Next Cohort
This Spring 2021
See Some of Our Past Alumni 
Our Virtual Cohorts in 2020

We've Graduated Three Cohorts of Entrepreneurs already
from our Small Business Success Series by HCC©  
 Two Were Virtual in 2020.  

Let's go for a great cohort of Veterans and/or Veteran Spouses this Spring!

Thanks again to our Sponsor Wells Fargo Bank!   

What You Learn After You Know it All

Session 6 in the Series
Missed Other Sessions? 
Join us Anyway
 Each Session is Great!
It's Free...this time! 

HCC Mattress Mack School of Selling 
Sessions Have Been Popular! 

  Session Attendance ranges from 175-225.

We've Had Excellent Video Interviews 
with Jim McIngvale for every session.

On Tuesday 3/23 Jim popped in Live! 

Jim with our Delivery Team and More Guests Who are Key to our Efforts: 

Pictured Left to Right, Top to Bottom: SCORE - Karen Yeates - Zoom; HCC: Sabiha Dholkawala - Logistics;  Sandra Louvier - Director; Maya Durnovo - Chief Entrepreneurial Officer, Zachary Hodges - President-HCC NW; Jim McIngvale - Owner, Gallery Furniture, Houston icon and philanthropist!;  Kimberly Burroughs - Facilitator; David Regenbaum - Entrepreneur in Residence;  Austin Tenette - Facilitator; Flora Renteria -Communications;  Not Pictured:   Mike Feinberg, TX School Venture Fund; John Harris - SCORE - Records; and Yasmin Guerra, Work Texas.

Interactive Format - Strong Takeaways - Our Sessions are popular, engaging and interactive, via Q&A and chat.  Lots of live interaction with facilitators, Dr. Kimberly Burroughs and Austin Tenette and our host Sandra Louvier. There's also great peer-to-peer learning as attendees weigh in and add real life experiences, examples, challenges and problems solved.

Content Was Developed in Collaboration with Jim McIngvale. Thanks to: 
  • Kimberly Burroughs, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses,, Houston Community College 
  • Austin Tenette - Entrepreneur in Residence; Houston Community College Northeast. Executive Leadership Coach, FocalPoint Coaching
Live or in his video Interviews, Jim McIngvale is excellent!  

Who's Attending:   A poll at one of the sessions determined that half of the attendees were small business owners; while others included employees, sales professionals and students. They all had in common an interest in upping their game in sales, be it selling their ideas, products, services and/or improving their performance in their jobs/professions/careers.

Hope to see you on Thursday 3/25, 10 am - 12 pm to hear more about Selling and: 


For More About Our 3 - Stage Veterans 
Entrepreneurship Program
A Collaboration by HCC with the
University of St. Thomas McNair Center 
for Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship 
 and our Partners

About the Glenda & David Regenbaum Center for Entrepreneurship - HCC Northwest

OUR MISSION:  To help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. We do this by offering workshops, seminars, summits, classes and competitive training and advising, while also providing practical knowledge, resources and connections.
Contact us at or 713-718-6650

We are committed to furthering the cause of social justice in our community and beyond...

Houston Community College is committed to furthering the cause of social justice in our community and beyond. HCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. I fully support that commitment and, as such, will work to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication, mutual respect, and non-discrimination. In this course, we share in the creation and maintenance of a positive and safe learning environment. Part of this process includes acknowledging and embracing the differences among us in order to establish and reinforce that each one of us matters.  I appreciate your suggestions about how to best maintain this environment of respect. If you experience any type of discrimination, please contact me and/or the Office of Institutional Equity at 713-718-8271. 
From all of us to all of you In all our offerings! 
Sandra Louvier, Director
David Regenbaum, Entrepreneur in Residence
Flora Renteria, Reception Assistant
Sabiha, Dholkawala, Administrative Assistant