March 24, 2021 | Volume 12 | Issue 12
COVID-19 - Current Situation in Florida

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Florida's COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard

Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection
Dear Reader:

Though there may be many among you who have undergone immunization against COVID-19, this pandemic may by no means be over. We should be cautious as new mutant strains have arisen which make certainty about the absolute protection afforded by vaccination unclear, their response to treatment uncertain and there is the possibility that the variant viruses may spread even from those who are immunized.

Please continue to take care, wear a mask whenever in public, wash hands well and often, use sanitizer if available, cough or sneeze into elbow and socially distance yourself (preferably at least 6 feet from any person), outdoors, or in a well ventilated area whenever and where ever possible.
Best of luck.

Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, Editor
Staff NCH
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