Spring 2024 | Issue VII

Updates and Events from the Sherrod Library


  • Celebrating 25 Years
  • New Books
  • Live Reference Services
  • Featured Resource
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  • Library News


  • Library Services for Faculty
  • Research Consultations
  • Library Workshops
  • Open and Affordable Educational Resources
  • Student Research Presentation Prep
  • Library Instruction
  • Library Events

Need a Library Refresher?

Join our librarians for a session covering essential information on library services for teaching and research.

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 

Online over Zoom 

Registration Form

New Books

The Sherrod Library continually purchases electronic and print books on a variety of topics. In addition to supporting every academic program, we offer books on a wide range of topics, from differing viewpoints on current issues, to how-to books, to career planning to fiction. You can find the full listing of our newest books on the Sherrod Website.

See All New Print and eBooks


The Digital Filmmaking Handbook

The Bodies Keep Coming: Dispatches from a Black Trauma Surgeon on Racism, Violence, and How We Heal

Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills (PEEPS) Examiner's Manual

Our Migrant Souls: A Meditation on Race and the Meaning and Myths of "Latino"

Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology

My Friend Anne Frank: The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds

Graphic Public Health: A Comics Anthology and Road Map

Engaging Appalachia: A Guidebook for Building Capacity and Sustainability

Exploring Musical Spaces: A Synthesis of Mathematical Approaches

Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America

Elon Musk

Building a Unified American Health Care System: A Blueprint for Comprehensive Reform

Is there something you think we should buy? Let us know!

Suggest a Purchase

Research Consultations

Need to get help from a librarian?

Schedule an in-depth individual appointment for research assistance with a librarian today!

Make an Appointment

Sherrod Library Faculty Advisory Council

February 21, March 20, and April 17th

Attend in person at the library room #309 or Zoom

The Sherrod Library Faculty Advisory Council (SLFAC) serves the library and the rest of the university by providing a forum for two-way communications between ETSU’s faculty and the Sherrod Library. Comprised primarily of ETSU departmental representatives and Sherrod Library librarians and administrators, council members provide faculty perspectives and input regarding Sherrod Library collections, spaces, and services.  

Members of the council will also assist in communicating news regarding library developments and participating in initiatives that impact the colleges’ programs, departments, colleagues, and students.  

More Information Here 

Improving Library Reference Services

The Fishbowl - Sherrod Library's Live Reference Desk

In Fall 2023 the library reintroduced in-person reference in Sherrod 156. This space can be found directly behind the Ask Us desk—a long and narrow room, notable for its walls of interior windows that inspired the room’s nickname, the Fishbowl. 

When visiting this space, patrons can speak face-to-face with an academic librarian, all of whom are equipped with expert research skills and subject specific knowledge. These meetings are typically brief and may be used for help with any number of needs. For example, students will often come into the library looking for guidance as they begin their first research papers. For many, the concepts of databases, peer-review, and scholarly conversation are entirely new. In the Fishbowl, these concepts are made accessible to students, who quickly take a vital step in their academic journeys—performing their own research.  

In its first semester of operation, this new space contributed to record Research and Instructional Services (RIS) usage, with an overall 89% increase in recorded drop-in transactions. As the library works on this vital service, a priority for this semester is continuing to increase visibility. One way this may be done is through partnerships with teaching faculty and positive word of mouth. A trend indicated by current RIS data is that many patrons come to the library for research help after being referred by an instructor. In fact, nearly half of all research consultation reservations for the past semester were made under the direction of a professor. It is through these recommendations that many students come to understand the library as an invaluable academic resource in addition to a workspace. 

While the world of information has changed greatly since the days of card catalogs and bound periodicals, the need for ethical stewardship has not. As new students enter university in a country steeped in misinformation, artificially generated or otherwise, the library increasingly becomes a bastion for inquiry and vetted scholarship. It is imperative that students know that their tuition dollars pay for more than class space and study areas. In the Library, that money funds services which provide individual attention, research sources, and a gateway to the real world of academia. 

Library Workshops

How to Give an Academic Presentation

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Dr. Wendy Doucette

Register Here

Learn how to create a solid presentation to promote and present your research, impress your professors, and influence future employers.

Intro to Legal Research

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Paul Nease

Register Here

This introduction to legal research includes online and database resources.

How to Make an Academic Poster

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Dr. Wendy Doucette

Register Here

Learn basics and best practices for designing academic posters that stand out and showcase your research.

Tools and Strategies for

Citation Management

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Sarah Bull

Register Here

Come to know which tools for citation management align with your assignment, project, thesis, or dissertation.

For the full schedule of workshops, please see our workshops page.

Featured Resource

ABI/INFORM Collection


The ABI/INFORM Collection is composed of ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review. It also contains company/country/industry-focused reports, and major news sources like the Wall Street Journal. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.

This collection contains over 50 million company records, 450,000 working papers, 10,000+ business case studies, and 50+ years worth of actual & forecasted data. To learn more about the ABI/INFORM Collection or how to search it effectively, consider making a research consultation appointment with one of our librarians.

Explore ABI/INFORM Collection

Open and Affordable News

In a recent article in College and Research Libraries, Ashley Sergiadis (Sherrod Library), Phil Smith (Center for Teaching Excellence), and Moin Uddin (Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Surveying) discussed findings from a survey conducted among instructors and students from fourteen ETSU general education courses that utilized Open Educational Resources and other free online course materials. The article delves into the advantages and challenges associated with these free online course materials, offering solutions to possible challenges. The article covers equitable use and access, diversity of representation, and potential shifts in teaching methods when using free online course materials.

If you are interested in learning more about Open Educational Resources, library e-textbooks, and other free online course materials, consider attending our Saving Bucs: Open and Affordable Course Materials Information Workshop on March 4 at 10 AM over Zoom. $100 stipends are available for attending the workshop (or viewing the recording of the session) and completing an activity afterwards.

Instructors can also receive a $500-$2000 stipend for using free online course materials as part of the Open and Affordable Awards Program. Deadline to apply is May 15, 2024 if you plan on using free materials during summer 2024, fall 2024, or spring 2025.

Student Research Presentation Preparation

Attendees Viewing a Conference Presentation

Preparing Students to Present their Research at ETSU’s Annual Student Conferences

As you know, every spring, students have the opportunity to formally present their research on campus at the Appalachian Student Research Forum (graduates and undergraduates) or at the Boland Symposium (undergraduates only). This year’s events will take place on Friday, April 5, 2024 in the Culp Center. 

The Library offers workshops to help students create and explain their oral and visual presentations. Encourage your students to sign up now for How to Give an Academic Presentation on February 21 and How to Make an Academic Poster on March 6. These workshops are synchronous sessions on Zoom from 1-2PM. Registration is required.  

Scholarship Opportunities 

Library Instruction

This spring, bring the library to your classroom. Provide your students with the tools they need to be successful researchers by scheduling a library instruction session.

Instruction sessions can be tailored to your unique course needs and learning goals. 

Visit our Website

Library News

Christiana Keinath, Health Sciences Librarian, Co-Author of Scoping Review

Sherrod Librarian Christiana Keinath was a co-author for the article, "Community Engagement in International Medicine: A Scoping Review." This article was published in The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine in December 2023. For more information, check out this blurb from the College of Public Health.


Celebrating Ashley Sergiadis, Digital Commons IR All-Star & Bobblehead Recipient

Ashley Sergiadis, Associate Professor and Digital Scholarship Librarian, has been selected as a 2023 Digital Commons Institutional Repository (IR) All-Star for her track record of vibrant IR collection growth, her innovative and tireless approach to engage faculty and others on campus to support their scholarly communications needs, and a demonstrated eagerness to share and teach others.

For more library news, visit

Help Us Improve the Newsletter!

Thank you for reading this newsletter. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns about this content, please forward those to Sarah Bull at

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