January 2024 | Issue 38
The TriCircle Connection
We inspire families, individuals, and communities to overcome the disease of addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!
Click here to visit our website today!

Quote of the Month
"The truth is that stress doesn't come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about these circumstances."

From the Desk of Ana Gopoian

The Story Behind the Story:      

Responses to Stress, Trauma, and Unhealed Wounds

Most people who have been affected by the disease of addiction have, at one time or another, asked themselves these profound and pointed questions, “How did this happen to me?” and “How did I end up here?” We all have a story behind our story!

From the vantage point of the individual, the answers may be buried and elusive. The roots of the disease have grown so deep they are hidden from view and barely able to be excavated.

Rarely do traditional treatment programs demand the degree of introspection, self-examination, self-care and soul-searching required to exhume and expose our true selves and to heal our wounds from the inside out.

Many studies correlate the disease of addiction with chronic stress, past and present trauma or unhealed wounds. There is also a great deal of evidence showing that exposure to childhood trauma is connected to the structure and function of the brain and the subsequent development of substance use disorders, depression, and PTSD.

In the formative years, a child’s experiences cause certain neural pathways to develop, grow stronger or weaken. Trauma can diminish brain activity in the same way learning to speak or walk can strengthen it. These early experiences can create wounds that manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including feelings of fear, low self-esteem, insecurity, PTSD, and difficulty forming bonds and trusting relationships. Even just feeling isolated, unloved or misunderstood can lead to such emotional challenges.

What is traumatic to one, may not be deemed as such to another. However, there isn’t a person on the planet who has not experienced some form of fleeting or chronic emotional distress, perhaps the result of everyday hardships such as work related stress, illness, isolation, anger and fear, or the result of intense, unpredictable, prolonged stressors such as interpersonal conflict, grief at the loss of a loved one, family dysfunction or extreme financial instability.

While it may not be possible to eliminate stress, we need to find ways to manage it. The co-occurrence of substance use disorders and trauma is quite common and complex. Many people develop a substance use disorder after turning to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate. Understanding the root causes and how past trauma affects substance use and other mental health challenges may be the key to understanding how to better and more holistically treat it.
In regard to therapy as a useful tool in treatment, Kevin Jensen, a blog author for Recovery Ways writes:

“Our childhood wounds can have a lasting impact on our mental health in adulthood. While we all experience some form of trauma growing up, not all of us have the chance to heal these childhood wounds. Unhealed trauma can lead to a variety of mental health challenges in adulthood, including depression, anxiety, and addiction. By understanding the link between childhood wounds and mental health in adulthood, we can learn how to start the process of healing trauma and achieve a healthier, happier life.

Trauma therapy is one of the most effective tools for healing unhealed childhood wounds. Inner child healing is a powerful approach to this type of therapy that can help us to reconnect with our inner child – the part of us that carries the pain of unresolved trauma – and work through the wounds. The goal of this type of therapy is to find peace and resolution within ourselves so that we can move forward into adulthood without being weighed down by past traumas.
Childhood trauma can manifest itself in different ways as an adult, including mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Therefore, addressing these traumas in therapy is important for helping an individual cope with these issues.
There are many approaches to trauma therapy that can be used, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which can help to reprocess traumatic memories; Attachment Theory, which focuses on the development of secure attachments with caregivers; and Inner Child Healing, which focuses on healing the inner child who experienced the trauma.
It is essential that the therapeutic process involves developing a safe space for the individual to work through the traumas of the past. In therapy, clients can be guided to gain insight into the root of their issues, allowing them to begin to address and heal from these wounds.”

One thing is for sure, if the unhealed wounds are not unearthed and identified, if the stressors and traumas that have caused our addictions and mental health challenges are not addressed and resolved, healing will not take place. Digging deep enough to reach the roots may be a gradual and painful process, but the relief, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and self-love we discover as a result possess value beyond measure!

Remember, our inner beings never stop calling us forward to dwell in the fullness of who we truly are, whole, perfectly imperfect, worthy of happiness and deserving of love!!

Wishing you all a New Year full of good choices, fresh starts, joyous self-discovery, and love.

Together WE are Stronger!

Our January

Piper Schwab's
Pivotal Turning Point

Born and raised in the serene confines of Wallingford, Connecticut, Piper's early years were anchored in the tranquility of a close-knit community. Yet, woven into the fabric of her life were threads of adversity that would come to define her mission and passion. Growing up within the embrace of Wallingford, Piper attended Lyman Hall High School, where she fostered her academic pursuits while navigating the complexities of adolescence. It was during these formative years that Piper's life took a poignant turn. She witnessed the harrowing effects of addiction firsthand within her family, primarily stemming from her mother's battle with alcoholism. This intimate exposure to the perils of addiction and its profound impact on her family dynamics left an indelible mark on Piper's conscience. The struggles and challenges became a crucible that shaped her values and aspirations, ultimately steering her towards a profound

Following her high school tenure, Piper embarked on an educational journey to Boston, where she currently dedicates herself to the pursuit of knowledge at Emmanuel College. Her chosen field of study, Communication and Media Studies, serves as both a foundation for her academic growth and a conduit for her deep-rooted passions. Piper's journey took an unexpected turn about a year ago, a turning point that would alter the trajectory of her aspirations. Her mother's health crisis - a stroke induced by alcohol - served as a catalyst for introspection and transformation. It was a wake-up call, a pivotal moment that spurred her mother onto a courageous path of recovery. Witnessing her mother's resilience and triumph over addiction ignited a fervent desire within Piper to contribute to the realm of recovery and rehabilitation. The experience fueled her resolve to delve into a field that not only aligned with her academic pursuits, but also resonated with her personal ethos.

It was this yearning to make a tangible difference that led Piper to TriCircle, an organization devoted to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery. Through her involvement with TriCircle, Piper found a platform to channel her empathy, knowledge, and dedication.

Together WE are Stronger!

The Spread the Seeds of Change for Children Holiday Gift Drive was a Huge Success!

TriCircle and the students of CT Coastal Academy partnered with our sponsors, our generous Eastern CT community and TheCharityChallenge.net to brighten the holidays for hundreds of local children and families in need by collecting over 1000 dolls, toys, puzzles, games and hundreds of other items, even a bike, for families who have DCF involvement in eastern CT.

We couldn't have done it without YOU and our amazing sponsors: 98.7 WNLC and Hall Communications, Eastern CT Savings Bank, Tamarack Lodge - Weddings, Events, Glamping, Affordable Storage Guys, LLC in Montville and Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce - Norwich, CT

Here is to another successful year! Love to all of you, your generous spirits and hearts of gold. We appreciate everything you do each year to help!

Check Out Our Website
and let us know what you think!
Our upcoming Yoga sessions will be held in a beautiful new location:
549 Center Street, Wallingford,
beginning on January 27th.
Special thanks to DiversaFit for offering our new location free of charge!
What is SMART Recovery? SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change. Join us!

2023 Save the Dates
TriCircle's Hope After Loss Support Group Meetings Every Monday

Hope & Support Group Meetings Every Thursday

For Complete Schedules and Locations Click the Links Featured Below

Tues, Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - 7:00-8:00pm (Every Tuesday) SMART Recovery Meetings, 248 South Cherry Street, Wallingford (Master's Manna)

TriCircle Memorial Quilt Square Making Opportunity - Friday Jan 19, in Rocky Hill, additional details will be made available soon on our Facebook and website. Supplies and light refreshments provided.
1741 Pub & Grill
Join us for some great food, fabulous friends and lots of fun!

10% of proceeds from all of our Setback games benefit The TriCircle Memorial Scholarship Fund!

Fri, Jan 12 will be our last Setback game at Dad's in Wallingford!
The new day and location will begin on Wed, Jan 24 at:
Wood -n- Tap
970 North Colony Road
Wallingford, CT
Looking for a purpose driven, fun and fulfilling opportunity to showcase your amazing gifts and talents and give back?

TriCircle is searching for people who are action oriented and passionate about our cause to work with the Memorial Scholarship Committee. We need your enthusiasm and creativity, and we welcome you to join us. If you are interested in honoring your loved one through our TriCircle Memorial Scholarship, please inquire about making a donation or joining the committee by contacting Trish Williams at: trish@tricircle.org

If your superpower is planning, organizing, and/or helping to implement events, then here is your chance to shine - the Fundraising & Events Advisory Board needs you now! Meetings will soon be established by new members once a month at
TriCircle, 169 Colony Street, 2nd Floor, Meriden

Community Service Hours Are Available for All of the Above!

Together WE are Stronger!
Searching for a Compassionate Group That Truly Understands?
TriCircle's Hope & Support Groups provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one's substance use or addiction. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.
Below is a full schedule for Hope And Support Group meetings, including location.

Thursdays - Hope And Support

TriCircle's Hope After Loss Groups offer a place where everyone understands. There is no judgment or blame, but rather support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey moving forward in life. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.
Below is a full schedule for Hope After Loss
Group meetings, including location.

Mondays - Hope After Loss

Zoom options will continue to be available
for both support groups.
Please email Ana for more details!

TriCircle is located at

169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are pleased to be located inside the Women and Families Center.
This allows for wonderful opportunities to expand
the reach of our support services and resources
as we cultivate this collaborative partnership.
This location also provides increased accessibility
on the bus line and nearby train station.

Together WE are Stronger!

Your input is greatly appreciated!

If any of our readers know of an organization, group or idea that will add strength, availability and reach
to our collaborations and services, please
reach out to us at info@tricircle.org.

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TriCircle and consider a donation today!
PayPal Giving and Venmo are also ways to give.
Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!