It's National Library Week! All week long, we're celebrating the people and programs that make San José's public libraries a vital part of our community – especially at this challenging time. And you're invited to join us!

Here are 3 things you can do to support your library this week...

  1. Make a gift to SJPLF in honor of a library staff member who's had an impact on you or someone in your family!
  2. Email your City Councilmember to let them know why libraries are essential to our recovery and resilience!
  3. Follow us on social media for more updates and opportunities!

Thank you for all that you do to lift up our libraries and help us create a more equitable, engaged, and educated community.
Cheers to Library Workers!
On Tuesday, April 6, our board and staff fanned out across the city to deliver gift boxes to San José Public Library branch staff in honor of National Library Workers Day!

The boxes were designed and assembled by Love Box, a San José business that participated in the SJPL Works program, which provides a hub of services and resources for local job seekers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs.

Join us in thanking the amazing people who make our Library work!