Sixth Sunday of Easter!
The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
Sixth Sunday of Easter!
May 9, 10 am (livestream)

Please connect on YouTube HERE
Message from Pastor Jon
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

Carol Howard Merritt, a Presbyterian pastor and author who spoke at our church some years ago, tweeted yesterday: Mother's Day did not originate as a Hallmark holiday. It started in the Methodist Church to honor all of the women who worked for peace and justice. It was an anti-war movement that focused on hydrating babies, ensuring sanitation, and building hospitals. I confess, I did not know this.

At least in the United States, Mother's Day began as a movement to organize women for public health and social change. Before the Civil War, Ann Reeves Jarvis organized "Mothers' Day Work Clubs" wherein women could learn best practices in childcare. Later, Jarvis instituted "Mothers' Friendship Day" as a means to reconcile opposing Civil War soldiers. Not long after, Julia Ward Howe sought to promote peace and justice by establishing June 2 as "Mother's Peace Day."

I must also confess that before I read Carol Howard Merritt's tweet I had an apprehensive attitude toward this holiday. Christina and I struggled with infertility for years before we were gifted with Elias and Emery. I still remember the pain of those days and am cognizant that for many people this day brings more sorrow than joy.

But this year, as I read up on the history of this day, I thought of all the incredible mothers and maternal figures of Ark and Dove who care for our children with imagination and intelligence. I think of all the mothers in our church who organize for peace and justice and draw us all together and in. I am deeply grateful for all the mothers and the motherly who reflect the care, justice, and peace of God our Mother. For them, for you, I celebrate.

Verse and Prayer
You did not choose me, but I chose you.
- John 15:16
This day, this hour, we choose you and your ways, O God. There are, for us, many choices. So many propositions, opinions, and pleas beseech our consideration. So many responsibilities and requirements beg our devotion. So much entertainment beckons our attention. So much advertisement entreats our investment. But on this day, in this hour, we choose you and your ways. After all, you chose us first. Amen.
It's been so interesting to go back and look at hymns we've previously recorded to see how our platforms and methods have changed over the past year. Even though we've learned a lot about how to make music in the digital space, I'm really looking forward to making live music again. I hope very much that you're getting ready at home by singing along with the hymns on Sunday, singing in the shower, singing in the car and whenever you remember to make a joyful noise. I hope you enjoy this week's postlude, a snappy arrangement of "Old 100th," most commonly used as a doxology in our denomination.

Director of Music
This week the band has continued with a super popular hymn and one of my favorite worship songs, 'Multiplied' by Need to Breathe. Our offertory song is 'Christ is Enough' by Hillsong, and our response is 'Doxology (Amen)' by Phil Wickham. The prelude, 'Valseana,' is by a Brazilian guitarist composer, Sergio Assad. It is from a longer work called Aquarelle that was written for Scottish guitarist David Russell. Don't forget that we are starting outdoor worship service on May 16th which will happen every other week for the summer. I am so excited to see many of you again!

Have a blessed week!
Director of Contemporary Music
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Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cornithians 9:7
Sixth Sunday of Easter!
April Finances
YTD Expected Unpledged Income
Actual Unpledged Income 

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving
YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving

Outdoor Worship Services
Beginning Sunday May 16, 9:15 am
To RSVP for the outdoor worship services, please sign up HERE. Outdoor service will begin Sunday, May 16, and will be held every other Sunday at 9:15 am. Please check the homepage of the Ark and Dove website for cancellation due to inclement weather. The website will be updated the morning of the outdoor service. Out of consideration for other attenders, masks are required. Outdoor worship services will be held May 16 and 30, June 13 and 27, July 11 and 25, and August 8 and 22.
Spring Flower Planting
Ark and Dove Facilities Ministry is looking for a few people to help plant flowers in the flower beds and spread mulch. If you would like to help, please email Autumn Vernon, Facilities Elder,
Vacation Bible School
CAP Food Pantry Donations and Volunteer Need
We have resumed our collection of food for the Christian Assistance Program food pantry in Severn. Donations can be left at church on the table just inside the front door or in the covered picnic area. The CAP featured item for April is hot or cold cereal (cold or hot), and for May it’s canned or dried fruit. In addition, CAP needs volunteers to carry bags of food from the pantry out to the cars, 3-5 pm one or more Thursdays per month, especially during the first hour and especially April-June.
GLEAM Planning Meeting
The GLEAM (God’s Love Embraces All Ministry) team will be holding its next planning meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 7:00 pm. If you would like to join us or would like more information about our team and what we do contact Amanda Crose or Amy Tardiff
A Brief Guide to Ministry With LGBTQIA
Youth Book Discussion Please join us Tuesday, May 18, 7:30 pm for a Zoom discussion of the book A Brief Guide to Ministry With LGBTQIA Youth by Cody J. Sanders. Short and packed with information, this book provides useful advice, case studies, and ministry examples for churches that are looking to expand their youth ministry in ways that fully affirm and welcome LGBTQIA youth. Any questions, please contact Pastor Jon To RSVP, please contact Amy Tardiff
Christian Education
The Intersections Class
Everyone is made up of a bunch of parts, right? But it’s not just eyes, hands, elbows—it’s also class, cultural background, sexuality, gender, education, race. That combination of other parts, the sometimes less visible parts, is called intersectionality. Everyone has their own intersectional identity. So what does that mean for faith? There is the concept of intersectional theology that honors the many parts that make up each of us and how those parts can impact our relationship to God and to the Church. Many marginalized groups have theological traditions that reflect their relationship to and understanding of God in light of their marginalized identities. Recognizing and honoring these rich theological traditions can not only enrich our relationships with God, but with others as well.

In this drop-in-friendly class, we will be exploring what intersectional theology is, as well as learning about some of the traditions that can be found around us. Please RSVP Katie Nilsen Johnson ( for a Zoom link.

  • May 13, 8 pm: The Witness of Black Women Christians
What does the theology look like of the women who called out James Cone for not going far enough, for ignoring them - black women in America? Using the story of Hagar we’ll look at the theology of Delores S. Williams, Wilda Gafney, and Katie Geneva Cannon.

  • May 20, 8 pm: The Witness of Latinx Christians
  • May 27, 8 pm: The Witness of Queer Christians
  • June 3, 8 pm: The Witness of Asian-American Christians
Summer Book Club
Summer Book Club returns in May with Ta-Nehisi Coates' highly acclaimed magical realism novel "The Water Dancer." Set on a struggling tobacco plantation in Virginia, the novel follows Hiram Walker, a young mixed-race boy born into slavery, who discovers he possesses a superhuman ability when he falls into a river. We will meet on Zoom, Tuesday, May 25, 7:30 pm. As the summer goes on, we may be experimenting with different meeting options, so stay tuned! Contact Kim Champagne ( or Pastor Jon ( if you are interested. Here are other books we have selected so far with the meeting dates: "A Children's Bible" by Lydia Millet (June 15th), "When No One is Watching" by Alyssa Cole (July 20th), TBA (August 17th). Since we've not chosen an August book yet, we are open to your suggestions!
Outreach and Connctions
Crafting Group
The next two meetings for the crafting group are Wednesday, May 5 and Monday, May 17 at 7:00 pm. All skill levels and handcrafts welcome! Anyone interested in joining please contact Amy Tardiff at lilac.n.spruce(at)
Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church
For more details, please click on image:
Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Owen Roman; Ardeth and Bob Johns; Steven Kirby; Arlyce Lohr; Patty Plander; Krista Klohr; Christa Kronser; Dick Paronto; Richard and Edie Budd; ; Vaughn Brown; Camille Dubois’ uncle and parents; Debbie Saylor’s sister, Christine; Ryan Stavely’s father, Brian; Brooks Emrick and her sister, Susan; Amanda Crose’s grandmother, Betty Davis; Dotty Kaufman, her son, Bill, daughter-in-law, Carol, granddaughter, Sarah, and grandson Nathan; Michelle Schoonmaker and her friends Bri Reed and the Liggon-Horn family; Steve Debus' cousin-in-law, Stephan; Kathy Miller’s brother-in-law, Jeff Miller; Lewis Shorter and Lewis Shorter’s niece, Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle; Bob Fuller’s brother, Joe Fuller; Dot Forloines’ family, granddaughter Melisa Tucker Saatthoff and her great-grandson Luke; Donna Anderson's brother-in-law, Tom Brown; Debbie and Bruce Arey’s family in Connecticut and daughter, Allison, and niece, Naomi; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Julia Kirby's mother, Margaret Floyd; Kennon Bauman’s uncle, Dan Johnston; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Christy Yeager’s mother, Linda Jordan; Linda Jordan’s niece, Bonnie; Diane Johnson's Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and cousin Richard; Shelley Franklin's father; Hollis Butterworth’s daughter, Rachel Mershont; Amanda Wehage’s sister and father, Dave; Laurie Barrow’s nephew, Gunther Kurtz; Sabonna Keeney’s mother; Bernabe and Griselda Solano, and Griselda's sister, Irma; Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law, Carl Hahn, and Paul Doughty’s mother, Ruth Doughty; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Bill Ruble’s mother, Mary Jane Weathers; Ann Hirschy’s aunt, Cindy, and brother; Christina Nelson’s grandmother, Pat Dole; Kelly Burnett’s nephew, Justin; Patriceo Green’s cousin, Philip Brown; Lou Kareha’s aunt, Judy Kochis, and cousin, Thomas; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s grandchild, Gray Adacutt; Cheryl Walcutt’s mother, nephew, and sisters; Erika Sealing's grandmother, Margaret Schade; Lourdes Cordero's granddaughter; Paula Griggs’ friends Char and Jackie Pullen; and Kim Young’s friend, Kurt Kost.
PRAYERS OF SUPPORT, LOVE AND GUIDANCE for those hurting from addiction and depression.
PRAYERS OF HEALING for those with COVID-19 including: Dot Forloines’ granddaughter, Abigail; Julia Kirby’s great niece, nephew, his wife, and friends, and the Coffey family; Michelle Schoonmaker's friend Ajita Robinson; and Jennifer Roman's aunt, Laura Clay, and grandmother, Louise Nothdurft.
PRAYERS OF LOVE, SUPPORT AND PROTECTION for all essential workers around the world, including: Mike Stiegler; Bill Gaurin; Tricia Gray’s mother, Sabrina Johnson; Becca Distad; Jack Burnett; Caitlyn Bussey; Emily Sanders; Audrey Miller; Linda Jordan’s nephew, Russell; the Ralston’s family members and friends; Simone Stiegler’s friend, Jean Marie; Amy Grimm’s mother; Jeff Grimm; Amy Goldberg’s brother, Joseph Alexander, and parents, Michael and Maryann Cooper; Judy Cooper’s daughter; John Mikeska’s son, Jonathan; and Hollis Butterworth’s sister-in-law, Cyndie.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113