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Message from the Associate Dean - BCH Oakland

June 2022

Kelley Meade MD


It is that time of year when we celebrate PRIDE month and also reflect on our UCSF PRIDE values: Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence. These core values are for everyone who works, learns, teaches and discovers at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals.

I have always held that respect is one of the most important core values. We have respect for our colleagues and all the hard work they have put in during the pandemic. This time of year we pay particular respect to the residents and fellows who have completed their training programs. A tremendous Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland resident and fellow graduation was held in the outdoor pavilion of Scott’s on June 4, 2022.  Here are the special recognitions:

Stanley Higashino Resident Award for outstanding Clinical Excellence:

Shella Raja, MD

Kerry Spooner-Dean Resident Award for outstanding Community Service:

Brianna Ennis, MD

Yasmin Ahmedi Award for outstanding Care and Compassion:

Dierdre Farlow, MD

Robert Gerdsen Faculty Award for outstanding Commitment to GME:

Ann Petru, MD

Resident Research Award:

Christine Trinh, MD

Teaching Fellow of the Year:

Michael Smith, MD (Critical Care)

Byron Aoki Teaching Award for Hospital-based Attending: 

Nandita Mandhani, MD (Neonatology)

Outstanding Community-based Attending:

Gena Lewis, MD

Monique Williams Award for outstanding Support and Service:

Jessica Cheung, CCLS (Child Life)

Outstanding Resident Teaching:

Dierdre Farlow, MD

Faculty should know that we are sunsetting My Evaluations and moving to MedHub. More Info.

Of note this year are the PRIDE Experience Awards. The BCH Oakland Graduate Medical Education team was one of the proud recipients of this important recognition for all their hard work. Amy Vongthavady, from the Medical Staff Office as also recognized.  

New faculty are coming as well. Just a quick reminder that chairs, chiefs and administrators should reach out for all applications for credentialing on this campus.

Congratulations to April Zaat and Lydia Tinajero-Deck for their acceptance into the UCSF Teaching Scholars Program.




Congratulations to the 2022 Graduates!

BCH CHO Grads 2022

Here are the plans of the 2022 graduates

Esmeralda Mejia Katherine Castillo May Aguirre

PRIDE Experience Award in the Team Category

BCH Oakland GME Office Team

Esmeralda Mejia, Administrative Assistant

Katherine Castillo, Administrative Manager, Graduate Medical Education & Coordinator, Pediatric Residency Program

May Aguirre, Education Project Coordinator

Amy Vongthavady and Kelley Meade MD

PRIDE Experience Award in the Staff Category

Amy Vonthavady, Medical Staff Services

The winners are listed at

april zaat and lydia tinajero deck

UCSF Teaching Scholars

Program Winners

April Zaat, MD and Lydia Tinajero-Deck, MD


Welcome 2022-2023 Intern Class!

CHO class of 2025

New Division Chiefs

Image of Mark Walters

Dr. Mark Walters will assume the role of Chief of the Division of Hematology in the Department of Pediatrics, effective May 15, 2022. 

Read More

Dr. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero

Dr. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero will assume the role of Chief of the Division of Oncology in the Department of Pediatrics, effective June 6, 2022. Read More

New Dean, School of Pharmacy

Kathy Giacomini Dean School of Pharmacy

Kathy Giacomini, PhD, has been named the new dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy.

Read More

Voalte for Clinical Communications at UCSF Health

Voalte Tip Sheet and Statement:

Logging into Voalte for the first time? Here is some important information:

1. If asked for a site code: csfsfo (all lower case)

2. Username: your APeX login (all lower case)3. Password: your APeX password

NOTE: We are exploring an option to forward Spok pages to Voalte. Until that is set up, everyone should continue to use their Spok pager and/or Spok mobile app in addition to Voalte.

UCSF Health has been working to improve communication for inpatient clinical care using the Voalte clinical communication software. Read More

Voalte Tipsheets
Providers BCH Oak

Pediatric Musculoskeletal Conference for 

Primary Care Providers (Virtual) - June 17, 2022

ICYMI - The 6th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium 

The 6th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium was held on Tuesday May 24th 4:00-6:30PM at the Mission Bay Conference Center.

To view the posters:


1.   Search the Directory 

Directory link:

2.   Find posters by title, team member name, or keywords (use CTRL+F Windows/CMD+F Mac).

3.   View the poster elevator pitches

4.   Use the link by each poster to view the entire poster PDF


Here is the 2022 Directory of Posters

Updated UCSF Event Policy

Guidance on Hosting Meetings and Events

Please note that guidance on events is rapidly changing. Refer to for the most up-to-date info. Please contact at BCH Oakland with questions.


Our top priority is to ensure the safety of the UCSF community and our patients. Any event plan is conditional on current health orders.

More Info

BCH Quality Leadership Update 

Dr. Arpi Bekmezian has accepted the position of Chief Quality Officer at Hoag Hospital in Southern California, effective June 30, 2022. Dr. Deb Franzon has agreed to expand her current role as interim Quality and Safety medical director for BCH Oakland and will become Interim Executive Medical Director for Quality & Safety for the BCH Enterprise, effective July 1, 2022.  Read More

Center for Faculty Educators

Call for Nominations 2022

Jaclyne Witte Boyden Award for Staff in Education

Submissions Due - Monday, June 27th

jaclyne witte boyden award call for nominations

Precision Medicine World Conference 2022

precision medicine world conference 2022

Precision Medicine World Conference 2022 

June 28 - 30 | multiple times

Get updates and register for the 2022 Precision Medicine World Conference. 


HEAT: Health Equity Action Time

Focus on Child and Adolescent Mental Health

HEAT: Health Equity Action Time | Session 3

"Moving from Promise to Practice: Roadmap for the Future"

June 28, 2022 from 1-4 PM

Building upon the landscaping and mental health service map detailed in session one, in this session we will have the opportunity to meet with leaders who are re-envisioning California’s systems of care and take a deep dive into unprecedented State reform around behavioral and mental health. 


Contact Information:

Cassandra Vega, Project Manager

UCSF Center for Child and Community Health


In Case You Missed It...

HEAT Session 1: Critical Reflection and a Shared Path Forward

Watch the recording here

Release of the UCSF Changemaker Series

The UCSF Changemaker Series, created by Professor of Medicine Hilary Seligman, MD, MAS, is a four-part video series that seeks to build the capacity of UCSF researchers to generate scientific evidence that is responsive to the needs of real-world decision-makers. Each 10-15 minute video highlights a UCSF researcher in conversation with an interdisciplinary panel of non-academic experts discussing how investigators at all stages of their careers can more meaningfully inform policies, systems, and structures in order to create social or policy change.


Read more

Watch Videos here




From Marsha J. Treadwell, PhD

DEI Co-Chair BCH Oakland

Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, UCSF School of Medicine

Jordan Fund Endowed Chair, Department of Hematology/Oncology

The focus of the BCH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative is to dismantle systemic racism within BCH by taking action to insure that policies, institutional practices, cultural representations and other norms no longer reinforce and perpetuate racial group inequity for Blacks, Indigenous and People of Color. Patients and families and other groups in the workforce, including LGBTQ+ are negatively impacted within the current problematic climate. For more information, please feel free to reach out to me, our program manager Henry Ocampo at, or visit our website


Updated info on the DEI website.


Questions? Email Abdur Shemsu at


The DEI/AR Council is proud to present our second annual Action Plan for Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism for the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals in FY2022. This strategic plan was created collaboratively by the BCH DEI/AR Council, Senior Leadership, Executive Leadership, and the Board of Directors. Moving forward, the work must continue to be collaborative since we know that the impacts of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism occur at individual, institutional and systemic levels.

Diversity Digest

News and Announcements from UCSF Office of Diversity & Outreach

Subscribe to the newsletter!

DEI Trainings

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training

See the upcoming sessions and register HERE

UCSF Cultural Groups and Resources

UCSF Multicultural

Resource Center


Heritage Month Celebrations



Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA)

BCH Black Caucus


Chicanx Latinx Campus Assocation (CLCA)

The Black Caucus



UCSF Committee on Disability Inclusion 




UCSF Office of

Diversity Outreach


UCSF’s PRIDE Values and how they can be enacted through our daily lives are:


P - Professionalism: To be competent, accountable, reliable, and responsible, interacting positively and collaboratively with all colleagues, students, patients, visitors, and business partners.


R - Respect: To treat all others as you wish to be treated, being courteous and kind, acting with utmost consideration of others.


I - Integrity: To be honest, trustworthy, and ethical, always doing the right thing, without compromising the truth, and being fair and sincere.


D - Diversity: To appreciate and celebrate differences in others, creating an environment of equity and inclusion with opportunities for everyone to reach their potential.


E - Excellence: To be dedicated, motivated, innovative, and confident, giving your best every day, encouraging and supporting others to excel in everything they do.


Download a copy of the PRIDE Values


COVID-19 & Vaccine Updates

UCSF COVID-19 Resources

Vaccine Information Hub

Messages and News

Office of the Chancellor

Updates from Josh Adler,

Chief Clinical Officer UCSF Health


UCSF Wellness Resources Hub

Useful Wellness and Mental Health Apps:

Emotional Well-Being


Pediatric Grand Rounds


Oakland Grand Rounds

Pediatric Grand Rounds Oakland cover trending topics in medicine. Events are held every Tuesday from 8-9AM and everyone is welcome. 

Contact for log-in information

More Info

Did you miss Grand Rounds?

Visit and use password CHRCO

to view recorded Grand Rounds presentations.


Please contact William Burrough, Chief Resident,

for Case Conference information: 

Pediatric Grand Rounds

San Francisco

Speaker Disclosures/

SF Pediatric Grand Rounds Schedule


 For the full Pediatrics Grand Rounds schedule please visit the Wiki page:


Pediatric Grand Rounds takes place every Thursday from 12-1 PM,

currently as webinar only. 


For questions contact:

Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series

The Frontiers in Child Health Research Seminar Series

2nd and 4th Mondays, 12-1 pm, via Zoom


Link to previous recordings


For more info, please contact: 

Stad Center of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine Global Lecture Series


  • 23rd "Become an EPEC-Pediatrics-Trainer” Conference plus Professional Development Workshop. San Francisco, July 13-16, 2022 FLYER

  • 13th Annual Pediatric Pain Master Class (Face-to-face & Virtual). San Francisco, Dec 3-9, 2022

Seminars are the 1st Thursday of every month 3:00-4:00 pm

To receive a Zoom invitation for virtual lectures, please contact

You must register in advance for each lecture.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining this webinar.

Tom McNalley, Alicia Heilman, Karen Sun & Stefan Friedrichsdorf

Stad Center of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals



hand with pen marking within box

*REVISED* UCSF Guidelines on Research-Related Conflict of Interest

The guidelines and documents can be found on the COI website.

More info

NIH Updates

Special Notification:


  • NIH updated reporting requirements if program directors/principal investigators or other senior/key personnel named on the Notice of Award are removed or disciplined due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions. More information to follow prior to the implementation date.


Policy and Guidance:





  • Notice: Special exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH post-submission material policy during the COVID-19 pandemic has been extended to the January 2023 Councils. Read about the extension details here.

Operations, Training, and Tools


New | IRB Consent Form Templates

The IRB consent and assent form templates have been revised to comply with new policies, to better inform research participants, and to provide more detailed instructions to study teams. New studies submitted on or after June 1 are required to follow the new templates. 


Update | Definition of "Serious Adverse Event"

The definition of "Serious Adverse Event” has been revised to (1) explain what to do if the protocol definition of SAE differs from the IRB's definition and (2) clarify what is meant by “life-threatening adverse experience.” See the asterisks on the HRPP webpage.

41st Annual Summer Student Research Program Symposium

Friday, August 5, 2022

SOM Travel Award for Child, Elder, or Dependent Care

Rolling applications


The School of Medicine's Academic Affairs Office will provide funding through travel awards for child, elder, or dependent care to support School of Medicine faculty members. The intent of these funds is to promote a family-friendly environment so that the expenses associated with childcare, elder care, or dependent care are not an impediment to faculty members' participation in professional conferences.


For questions, please contact Sheila Quimpo.

Read More Here

From the UCSF Research Development Office

More Info

Do you have ideas or suggestions for newsletter content?


If you have an idea or suggestion for content that you feel would be helpful,

please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas.

Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Dean’s Office

UCSF School of Medicine




Mailing Address:

747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609

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