January 2022
As We Start a New Year... Evidence-Based Healthy Aging Workshops are More Important than Ever
As the pandemic persists, one thing is clear: care for chronic health needs and falls prevention are more important than ever.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that older adults, particularly those with chronic diseases, have been disproportionately harmed by the pandemic and account for more than 75% of COVID-19 related deaths. Moreover, research shows that while one in every 10 people in the U.S. has diabetes, 40% of those who have died from COVID-19 had either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In addition, one in 10 people with diabetes who are hospitalized with COVID-19 have died within a week. In short, unmanaged diabetes and other chronic health conditions increases the risk of dying from COVID-19. Likewise, we know that falls risks have only increased throughout the pandemic.

The good news is that research out of Harvard University demonstrates that self-management and preventative care can improve outcomes among those who are infected with the virus. This information strengthens the argument that evidence-based interventions like the ones offered by the WIHA provider network not only help people age in good health but also prevent the risk of serious COVID-19 illness and deaths.

We're so grateful for the work you are doing in local communities and want to thank you for continuing to offer these important programs. We know it's been hard and understand the stresses you've been under related to the pandemic and accompanying staff and volunteer shortages. If there is any way that we can assist in planning efforts for virtual or in-person workshops, please let us know. You are our partners, and we offer you our full support during this challenging time. Now more than ever, the entire world is seeing the importance of health promotion, wellness, and disease prevention efforts. No matter where you find yourself these days, we know you are committed to community health. We're here to help.
Before You Cancel . . .
If you've scheduled a workshop but are having trouble filling it or have other challenges that have you worried you may need to cancel - call us first!

With all the work you put into organizing your workshop, we hate to see you have to cancel it, so let us brainstorm with you to find ways to get your workshop back on track. We are learning great best practices from national and Wisconsin partners that we are excited to share.

If you haven't already, check out our Help Yourself to Better Health materials to help you promote your workshops. If you have questions about using materials, please contact Kris Krasnowski.
WIHA Office Hours
Thanks to all who joined us for our January 2022 Office Hours where we picked up our December conversation about successful strategies for recruiting program participants. Also, in an effort to help providers expand their local capacity, we talked about engaging volunteers for health promotion programming and other needs. If you missed either the December or January Office Hours, we hope you'll catch up by checking out the recordings (at right). Referenced materials and webpages are linked in gray. Thanks to Carolyn Schmidt and Erin Eggert for their expertise.

The next Office Hours session will be held in March. Watch for your calendar invitation!
WIHA Offers Resources Support Brain Health

With support from a Wisconsin Department of Health Services BOLD grant, WIHA has created two brain health fact sheets - one on brain health for healthy aging and one on diabetes and brain health - that are ready for distribution in your workshops and communities.

We encourage you to share these resources with workshop participants and others in your community (download at right) to encourage practices that promote brain health.
WIHA Program News
Attention Program Facilitators/Leaders!
WIHA Data Collection Update
As you know, getting data from workshops is critically important. We ask you to send us the data from your programs so we can: 1) report to funders and other stakeholders, and 2) engage and demonstrate program reach to policy makers and other potential program supporters. Data collection helps keep program costs low enabling providers to offer them free or low-cost.

We recently updated data collection materials to be more concise and less burdensome for participants and Leaders/Facilitators which necessitated a new data collection process. All program providers are required to comply with data collection protocols under the WIHA license. Leaders/Facilitators are now required to complete data collection and return materials to WIHA no later than 2 weeks after the last workshop session.

Please click on and download the new data collection process document below for detailed steps.
If you held a workshop in 2021, please be sure to send us your Attendance Log and Data Packets as soon as possible!

Questions? Please contact Ela Young.
Register Now!
Winter/Spring Facilitator Training
Ready to re-build your program Facilitator capacity? Looking to add a new program this year? Now is the time! Facilitator trainings are starting soon! This is a friendly reminder to submit applications at least one month prior to training start date. Check out the 2022 schedule below and apply today!

Stand Up Facilitator Training Special
We have extended our special offer for the Stand Up and Move More Facilitator Training. The cost for February and March 2022 Facilitator trainings will be $100 per person. The price will raise to the standard $250 fee for all subsequent trainings. Learn more here! Contact Erin Eggert with questions.
Attention Healthy Living with Diabetes Program Providers!
Who's Up for a Challenge?
We want to make sure that people with prediabetes and diabetes have access to all of the information and programs that they need to improve their health. So we're offering a special challenge for Healthy Living with Diabetes program providers! From November 2021 – April 2022, Healthy Living with Diabetes program provider organizations who hold a 7th session with information on Diabetes Self-Management Education & Supports (DSMES) will be entered into a drawing to WIN a free leader training voucher for the 2022 calendar year! That’s up to a $550 value, depending on which program you choose to redeem your prize. You may use the voucher on any WIHA program in 2022.  
The drawing will be held on May 2, 2022.  Attendance logs with documentation that you held the 7th session must be turned in by April 30 to be entered into the drawing. If you have questions, contact Jill Renken.
Questions? Contact the WIHA staff lead for the program in question:
Thank You, WIHA Leadership Circle!

Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll addthem to our subscriber list.

Email Kris Krasnowski.

Thanks for all you do to support healthy aging in your community. If you're interested in making a contribution to the work of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, please visit the link below.