Founder's Center for Spiritual Living
3281 W. 6th Street, LA, CA 90020
A Message from Dr. Arthur Chang

Dear Friends of Founder's,
Due to the recent increase in Covid cases, I have decided, in order to protect our members and friends, Founder’s will not have in-person services on Sunday through the month of January. We hope to resume Sunday services on February 6th.
Wednesday evening services will continue by Zoom. If you need an invitation to a Zoom event, and are not already on the list, please call or email our office.
Please share this message with other members and friends.
Love and blessings,
Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Chang

Join us for in person services in English and Spanish
Sunday, February 6th at 10 am

We have all safety protocols in place, so bring your mask!

While we highly recommend that congregants get vaccinated prior to coming to service, it is not a requirement to attend. Just tell us your vaccination status as you enter the building so we can seat you properly.

If you have any questions, please call our Church Office:
213-388-9733 Ext. 101 for English
Ext. 118 for Spanish
 We need your support more than ever!
1.Donations may be made through our website:
Just click the "donate" button below.
2.Make a donation through "Easytithe"
Just text the amount of your donation to:
If you are a first time donor, the site will walk you through a setup and you're ready to make a love offering whenever you want!

3.Checks can be mailed to our address:
3281 West 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Contact our office: 213-388-9733 Ext. 101 
with any questions.
By Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48)
Martin Luther King Jr. fell into that category of one who lays down his life for human kind. The scourge of Black Americans by structural racism can hardly be imagined if you are not black. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Throughout history, White Americans have shown several examples of this, which includes their treatment of peoples of Africa, brought to America as slaves and exploited in the worst imaginable ways.
Africans were brought to America as slaves as early as the 1500’s although the official Jamestown date is somewhere in 1619.
On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that as of January 1, 1863, all enslaved people in the states currently engaged in rebellion against the Union “shall be then, henceforward and forever, free.”
King observed the freedom to vote cost America nothing. However, the real price would come with the call for equality, at which time America would be asked to improve housing, education and opportunities for the African American people. This is when even greater resistance would come.
King’s letter from a Birmingham jail addressed the “Three Evils of Society,” The evils of Racism, Poverty and War.
Black people have been subject to all three of these from the Emancipation until now.
King demonstrated an unfaltering belief that truth is integral to justice. “All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper.’”
Dr. King never wavered from his invocation of that truth — regardless of how uncomfortable it may be — it is critical to America’s ability to live up to its stated ideals. He never lost his faith in the power of truth, either. As he said in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in 1964, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” 
The vision of a truly just, fair and equal America, which Dr. King spent his life working to build, is still being shaped today, and we all have a crucial role to play in its creation. 
Structural racism and other forms of systemic discrimination and inequity have worked against Black equality and justice.
The arbitrary killing of George Floyd by law enforcement in full public view is merely a sampling of the countless injustices Blacks have endured through time.
Most killings of Black people has been private, as in the 2020 case of Ahmaud Arbery, recorded by a young woman by cell phone. This evidence led a jury in the US state of Georgia to find three White men guilty of the murder. The men had followed Arbery in a truck as he ran through a neighborhood.
In December, 2021, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis partnered with a group that has sought to ban from classrooms a book about Dr. King. This was to announce an anti-truth measure that promises to be, in the words of a press release from the governor’s office, “the strongest legislation of its kind in the nation.” Florida’s “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” replicates scores of anti-truth bills already in play in more than 25 states.
The idea of being “woke, “a term originating in Black American vernacular (e.g., “stay woke”) has been co-opted as a derisive blanket dismissal of the concerns of historically marginalized communities. Florida’s anti-truth measure reveals what this backlash is really about.
The hopes and dreams of Black Americans, described by Dr. King, and those of the majority of White Americans are likely the same. Perhaps there will never be compensation to Blacks, who did the yeoman’s work of setting this nation on its great economic path, receiving nothing but structural racism for their efforts. Curiously, when masses of poor Whites came to America, they were given lands to own and cultivate.
Martin’s dream cannot be in vain even where there are deliberate steps in several states to take away the right of their citizens to vote.
Millions of White Americans who have already matured beyond the narrow limits of the tribalism that is racism, will need to keep these three statements by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in mind:
1.    The three Evils of Society are Racism, Poverty and War.
2.    All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper’ and…
3.    I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.

Email your requests to 

Founder's may be closed, but many of our recent services can be viewed on our Facebook page:

  Call the Church Office at 
213-388-9733 Ext. 101
for additional information. 
Visit our website!

Wednesday Night Zoom Services with Dr. Arthur Are Continuing!!
January 19th 2022

Martin's Dream & the Trumpet of a Nightmare

Tribalism, in its negative form, includes racism. This may not be a solvable problem. Illness, for example, is not a solvable problem. In one form or another, biological life will be challenged. However, the body finds ways to cope and extend our lives. Tribalism/racism may not be any different. This does not mean we cannot coexist well with it. The great mistake will be to expect perfection in a world that is constantly changing.

 Wednesday Night Service on ZOOM!! 
To receive an invitation, email "Wednesday Zoom" to

Ponte al día

El servicio de fundadores en español estará cerrado del 23 de enero al 6 de febrero debido al aumento de casos de Covid en Los Ángeles últimamente. Habrá otro aviso para informarle cuándo se reanudarán los servicios en vivo. Los extrañamos mucho y esperamos con ansias la reapertura de la iglesia. Mientras tanto, mantente bien. Usa tu máscara. Vacúnese si puede.

Síguenos en Founder's Facebook en Español
 presentaciones de los practicantes:

Linea de oración de Founder's: Llame a la iglesia al 213-388-9733 x. 117 para solicitar una llamada por oración personal o para recibier información sobre servicios y clases.

Lo invitamos a realizar estudios complementarios con zoom de estudio de libros en la filosofía de La Ciencia de la Mente, ya sea los miércoles por la noche a las 7:00 pm o los viernes por la noche a las 5:00 pm. Para recibir más información y recibir una invitación, escriba a Ivania a

Los invitamos a todos a unirse con nosotros y así crecer espiritualmente y aprender como "cambiar sus pensamientos para cambiar su vida".
meditation candles
Founder’s Prayer Lines are ready for your calls
Please call
213-260-7894 for English
213-260-7895 en Español
Leave your name and phone #, and a practitioner will contact you within 24 hours. Meanwhile, please use the recorded blessing to help center yourself and know that God is always with you.
Ernest's Corner

Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All instinctively feel this. The Truth points to freedom, under Law. Thus the inherent nature of man is for­ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom. We do well to listen to this Inner Voice, for it tells us of a life won­derful in its scope; of a love beyond our fondest dreams; of a freedom which the soul craves.

The Science of Mind, Page 25-3

Featuring Dr. Arthur Chang 
Next week, on "This Thing Called Life"  
Dr. Arthur will be speaking on the theme: 
"Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life"
The weekly broadcasts are: 
Monday: "Mission: Being the Change"
Tuesday: "Think: Grow Your Power"
Wednesday: "Courage: Crossing the Threshold of Freedom"
Thursday: "Prayer: Your Qualified Thought"
Friday: "Spiritual Practice: Doing the Change"
The shows are posted daily and available 24 hours per day. 
Ask for help

Sometimes it’s just not feasible to navigate the tricky anxiety, depression, isolation and trauma by yourself. For those who have underlying mental health conditions, for those who have experienced past traumas, for people on the frontlines in medicine, and for people who are lonely, this moment can be especially tough. But there are a number of free, confidential resources to turn to for help. Here are a few:
—Steinberg Institute website, links to mental health resources and care throughout California,
—Institute on Aging’s 24/7 Friendship Line (especially for people who have disabilities or are over 60), 1-800-971-0016 or call 415-750-4138 to volunteer.
—Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, 24/7 Access Line 1-800-854-7771, links to COVID-19 information.
—Mental Health Association of San Francisco 24/7 Peer-Run Warm Line, 855-845-7415.
—Fresno County Behavioral Health Warm Line, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 559-600-WARM (9276).
—National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
—The Crisis Text Line, Text “HOME” (741-741) to reach a trained crisis counselor.
—California Psychological Association Find a Psychologist Locator,
—Psychology Today guide to therapists,
Some psychologists will work with people for free or reduced rates, if needed, given the challenging times.
Founder's Practitioners are also available for prayer to address your needs. Call the church office for an appointment.
213-388-9733 Ext. 118