May 10, 2021 | Issue # 3
Alameda County Economic and Civic Development Department | NEWS & UPDATES
Any Questions | Call Us! (510) 670-6506
Upcoming Workshops
Sponsored by Alameda County ECD & Alameda County SBDC
Food Entrepreneurship Training Academy
When: May 10 - June 21 Time: 5:30-7:30 PM
Where: Online
Cost: Free!
How to Make Your Business Virtual
When: May 18, 2021
Time: 3:00-5:00 PM
Where: Online
Cost: Free!
Business Resources
Federal Relief Grant for Restaurants & One-on-One Business Advising
Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Application Process Now Open!
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is designed to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open.
Applications open May 3rd through the Small Business Administration. For the first 3 weeks, only applications from restaurants and other eligible businesses that are majority-owned by women, veterans and “socially and economically disadvantaged” applicants will be processed and paid out, although any restaurant can apply. After that, grants will be funded in the order that they’ve been approved by the SBA.
Recipients are not required to repay the grants as long as funds are used no later than March 11, 2023 for eligible uses.
The RRF grants, up to a maximum of $10 million, are aimed at replacing lost, pandemic-related revenue for eligible applicants for up to 20 locations. Businesses with more than one restaurant can get up to $5 million per location, but each applicant is limited to a total of $10 million in funds.
Eligible applicants: 
  • Restaurants
  • Food stands, food trucks, food carts
  • Caterers
  • Bars, saloons, lounges, taverns
  • Snack and non-alcoholic beverage bars
  • Bakeries
  • Brewpubs, tasting rooms, taprooms
  • Breweries and/or microbreweries
  • Wineries and distilleries
  • Inns
  • Licensed facilities or premises of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products
For assistance preparing your application
SBA Call Center: 1-844-279-8898
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-8pm

Partner Spotlight | Mandela Market
Mandela Partners is a nationally recognized non-profit known for its pioneering work to train local food entrepreneurs and for its food business incubators, including the Ashland Market & Café. 
Located at 16395 E. 14th Street in Ashland, it is now home to

  • Hella Ju’C,
  • Yo-Yo Treats
  • Thanks Que Grill 

Come enjoy these fresh, healthy food options while supporting our locally-owned businesses.
Mandela’s Entrepreneurs Program supports the launch and growth of community-based businesses through its Workshop Series and One-on-One Advising.
Check out Mandela Partners at |
You can e-mail Mandela Partners at |
Pip's Pep Talk:
Have a question?

Call our Permit Coach
(510) 670-6506