December 29 - 17 Tevet
Was dedicated by
Hadassah and Roni Kotel
in loving memory of
Saul Moshe Friedman z"l
שאול משה בן פייוול אהרון ז״ל
brother of Hadassah and
uncle to Ma’ayan (7th Grade), Erez (3rd Grade) and Nitzan (1st) Kotel
in commemoration of his upcoming yahrtzeit on 18 Tevet.
May today’s learning serve as an aliyah for his neshama.
December 28 - 16 Tevet
Was dedicated by
Livingston Friends
in honor of the marriage of
Nechama Hirsch and Gavi Dickman (JKHA '17/RKYHS '21)
December 27 – 15 Tevet
Was dedicated by
Aviva and Amishav Bresler
in memory of
Brenda Gottfried
Brunya bat Dov Ber z"l
beloved great-great aunt of Ezra (2nd grade), Anaelle (Gan) and Rena (EC3) Bresler
in commemoration of her yahrzeit.
December 26 – 14 Tevet
Was dedicated by
Harriet and George Blank
in memory of
Yitzhok Silber
Yitzhok Yaakov ben Asher Yehuda z”l
beloved grandfather of George Blank
great-grandfather of Leslie and Joshua Ostrin and Sandra and Howard Blank, great-great grandfather of Jessica Zeffren (JKHA '03/RKYHS '07) and Dr. Noam Zeffren, Danielle Chustckie Blank (RKYHS '10) and Adam Blank (JKHA '06/RKYHS '10), Danielle Stark Blank (JKHA '09/RKYHS '13) and Joshua Blank (JKHA '09/RKYHS '13), Tamar and Daniel Blank (JKHA '13/RKYHS '17), Alex Ostrin, Uri Ostrin, Ayelet Ostrin and Sigal Ostrin, and
great-great-great grandfather of Jonah (2nd Grade), Max (Gan), and Lizzy Zeffren and Leah (Gan), Eitan (EC3) and Avital Blank
in commemoration of his yahrtzeit.
December 26 – 14 Tevet
Was dedicated by
Rebekah and Andy Freeman
in memory of
Fred Barber ZT”L
beloved grandfather of Abby Freeman (EC3), in commemoration of his 70th birthday.
May his neshama have an aliyah.
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