October 12, 2023/ 27th of Tishri 5784/ Parsha Bereshit

Candle Lighting: 6:02 PM

Our hearts, minds, and tefillot are with Israel. While our students continue the rhythms of their classes and routines in school, this week's Connections will highlight some of the ways JKHA and RKYHS are working to find the balance between empathy, concern and care for Israel while continuing our commitment to learning. In addition to specific programming, classes across the board in all divisions have held guided discussions to enable students safe outlets to unpack and to process, and guidance counselors have been available to students as needed.

JKHA and RKYHS have welcomed two Bnot Sherut once again this year, Moriya and Tehila, who are performing their national service with us at JKHA/RKYHS and are dedicated to deepening our students’ love for Israel and enhancing their connection to the Land of Israel. Among their additions to classes this week, they worked with all grades throughout JKHA and RKYHS to create a video of support for the residents of Israel and members of the IDF.  They also set up stations in the different divisions with printed copies of select tehillim and tefillot for students to say. 

Click here to watch the video created by the Bnot Sherut.  

Early Childhood/Lower School

This week, all of JKHA wrote and sent letters to children in southern Israel. The letters will be sent as part of World Mizrachi Schools Department and Amit Schools “Letters for Israel” initiative. Early Childhood students made "mitzvah cards" to brighten people's day and be sent along with the letters. We are committed to having students compose more letters to IDF soldiers and others in future weeks and have already heard feedback from recipients on how meaningful these letters are for their morale.  

Lower School approached the situation with students on age-appropriate levels.  Rabbi Srolovitz and the guidance team met with third and fourth grades together and discussed the recent and current events in Israel in a straightforward approachable way on their level, and the importance of supporting Israel in their time of need. They said a perek of Tehillim (Psalms) together and discussed the importance of their prayers. Rabbi Srolovitz and guidance counselor Ms Klahr met with first and second grades separately discussing the news in an appropriate way. They conveyed the same messages of safety and how we do our part as Jews.

In addition to the daily Tehillim that is said in grades 1-4, we began this week to sing the first lines of the prayer for the State of Israel and the prayer for the well-being of the IDF in our Morning Assembly every day for EC4-4th grade. Click here to watch our students Dave for Israel.

Middle School

Middle School students wrote and sent letters to children in southern Israel and to members of the IDF.  Students are writing in penpal format with positive messages in Hebrew and English. The letters to fellow schoolchildren are being sent as part of World Mizrachi Schools Department and Amit Schools “Letters for Israel” initiative. The letters to the IDF soldiers were sent directly with Joseph Cohen (JKHA '14.RKYHS '18) who is en route back to Israel from NJ to serve with his IDF unit. We will continue to have students compose letters of support and work to warm the hearts of our soldiers defending the country.  

The letters from our students were so powerful and brimming with support, care, and love. See above to view some examples of our students' kindness. 

An achdut kumsitz brought Middle School together to ramp up their tefillot as they sang words of tehillim and displayed their unity and support for Israel.

JKHA is proud to organize Yeshiva Day Schools from around the country to unite in tefillah for Israel tomorrow morning over Zoom.  JKHA grades 4-8 will be leading a communal zoom with 27 day schools from around the country participating.

Middle School and High School

All of JKHA Middle School gathered with all of RKYHS first thing Monday morning for a moving assembly. Rabbi Rubin shared valuable history and information to put the current situation in context for our students and faculty. He shared that everyone in our community is connected to what is happening in Israel on different levels. He spoke about increasing our acts of kindness and chesed, and the importance of Tefillah in general, but particularly in moments of crisis. Together we recited verses of Tehillim, tefillot for Tzahal, the State of Israel, and those being held captive. Everyone joined in unison for the singing of Acheinu and Hatikva to conclude the program.  

Click here to view our students singing.

High School

In partnership with UJA Federation NY and local Jewish Day Schools, our students and faculty attended a Community-Wide Rally and Vigil in support of Israel on Tuesday. The energy in the air was palpable as thousands of people gathered in midtown Manhattan with their unwavering commitment to Israel on full display.

Ivrit classes this week spent much time focusing on the war in Israel. They discussed the history, followed current events from Israeli sources, and allowed students the forum to express their feelings and unpack everything that has been taking place. Classes also took time to write letters in Hebrew to IDF soldiers. Students' letters were sincere and heartfelt and we hope they provide chizuk to those serving and defending the country.  

RKYHS students took the initiative to form a rolling tehillim group on WhatsApp. Students from all four grades have joined and sign up throughout the day and night to say a perek or multiple perakim of tehillim for Israel, completing the sefer repeatedly. May the tefillot of our students be answered and bring safety, security and peace to the people in Israel and the brave soldiers in the IDF.

A group of 11th and 12th grade RKYHS students participate in the SOAR (Seminar on Antisemitism and Racism) program with students from St Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark, NJ. Students meet weekly to work together to combat racism and antisemitism and increase cultural and racial understanding and awareness. The entire session this week was spent on Israel. Rabbi Avishur provided history and an overview of the current situation. RKYHS students talked about their personal ties to Israel including family and friends living in Israel and those who have been called up to fight. The St Benedicts Prep students asked insightful questions and the students engaged in respectful and thoughtful conversation. 

Father Ed Leahy, the head of St Benedict’s Prep in Newark, our partner school in the SOAR program, arrived at school on Monday simply to give support to his colleague Rabbi Rubin and our school community. He stayed to meet and talk with some students and hear their feelings and share his own. We appreciate Father Ed's showing of support.

Students in Ms. Kohl's English class learned how to write a proper business letter and worked on enhancing their formal letter writing. To practice what they learned, they wrote letters to President Biden in support of Israel. They thanked the President for his support of Israel, and urged him to continue to do so - both verbally and by sending more military aid. Many students shared their family connections to Israel, and wrote about personal feelings they are dealing with in the wake of the horror of this war.

RKYHS has organized a program tomorrow with over 8,000 students from close to 40 Yeshiva High Schools from all across North America to join together via Zoom to hear Divrei Chizuk (words of encouragement), recite Tehillim, and collectively sing the unifying song Acheinu and Hatikva. Schools will be joining from the West Coast, the South, the Midwest, Canada, and the East Coast. It will be an incredible moment and a great show of solidarity for Israel.


At our first Rosh Chodesh Parent Cafe on Monday, we will be saying tehillim for Israel with Rabbi Rubin. Please join us for however long you’re able. 

Click here or below to order by Oct 15!



All JKHA/RKYHS alumni are invited to join Rabbi Schlusselberg for a special virtual learning session in support of Israel at 8 P.M. EST

Meeting Link for October 12, 2023 @ 8:00 P.M.


Join by phone

(US) +1 609-474-6155

PIN: 258362756

We are proud to recognize so many JKHA/RKYHS Alumni who are in their service and being called up from the reserves who are serving and protecting Israel during this challenging time. We send them and their families our support and prayers for safety and peace in Israel.  We are working to be in touch with our alumni in Israel who are serving as well as living in Israel to see what support we can provide. 


October 13 - 28 Tishrei

Today's Day of Learning

is dedicated by

Amy and David Silverstein

in memory of

Tracy Ashkenazi-Kimmel

Tova Yehudit Faigy bat Avraham Yisroel and Lessy z"l

beloved aunt of 

Caleb (10th grade), Asher (8th grade) and Lily (8th grade) Silverstein

in commemoration of her upcoming second yahrtzeit on 29 Tishrei.

October 10 - 25 Tishrei

Today’s Day of Learning

is dedicated by

Debbie, Wayne, Andrew, David, Michael and Jacob Zuckerman

in memory of

Francine Grauer z"l

beloved mother of Debbie Finkelstein,

and beloved grandmother of Jason, Daniel and Alex Finkelstein.

Click Here to Donate 

We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS


If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: or (862) 437-8001