Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military in order to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects moral, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.


We had a great Town Hall on Wednesday with lots of important issues discussed. The video is available of the talk by our special guest speaker, retired USAF BG Christopher Walker (USAFA '88) including his Q&A:

Watch Video
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a Moral Sickness Infecting Our Military

By Patrick “Kit” Bobko, USAFA graduate, USAF veteran 

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Ideology, not lack of funds, is behind our military’s recruiting crisis

By Eddie Gallagher, US Navy SEAL veteran

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Poll: Vast Majority of Veterans Think the Military is Too ‘Woke’ 

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Desperation: Air Force again dangles $600,000 in bonuses to keep pilots in uniform

Has the USAF become so woke that they have to resort to large bonuses to bribe pilots to stay in the USAF? 

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US Judge Won’t Block US Naval Academy’s Race-Conscious Admissions Policy

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Black women’s group defends race-based admissions at military academies

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Rescinded or not, ex-military members still ask SCOTUS to take up Defense Dept’s COVID vax mandate

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Supreme Court wipes rulings on federal employee, military vaccine mandates

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Democrats Propose Solving Their Military Recruitment Crisis With Illegal Aliens

Roman empire history repeating itself

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House passes the annual Defense authorization bill

“With this NDAA conference report, you almost feel like a parent who’s sent their child off to summer camp and they come back like a monster.” —Congressman Gaetz

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Defense Bill Ditches Ban On Abortion Travel And Transgender Treatments

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NDAA Does Not Put America’s Security First

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NDAA headed to Biden’s desk sans reinstatement language for vax refusers

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CDR Salamander’s Take on the NDAA

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Top Army Official Can’t Say What’s Been Done To Convince Americans The Military Isn’t ‘Politicized’

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RAND REPORT: What Americans Think About Veterans and Military Service

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Colleges Have Abandoned Excellence for DEI

Watch video!

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Elon Musk: “DEI must DIE.”

“DEI must DIE. The point was to end discrimination, not replace it with different discrimination. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” are propaganda words for racism, sexism and other -isms. This is just as morally wrong as any other racism and sexism. Changing the target class doesn’t make it right!”

Listen to the People

“This is NOT the same military my dad or I enlisted in. It seems to have become a lab for social experimentation. Our enemies take great comfort in the inept and compromised senior leadership who are more concerned with PC , CRT, and pronoun as opposed to war fighting. Whereas our enemies are focusing on fighting and winning wars.”

--"I wish you weren't right, but you are. I enlisted in 1998 and recently retired in 2021. The term 'dumpster fire' doesn't even come close to describing what the military had turned into by the time I got out. I was told to conduct extremism training to my troops and the material was 100% about right-wing extremists. I asked if I had leeway to discuss the left-wing extremism that was also prevalent (BLM, ANTIFA etc) and was told no, stick to the material provided. I also had to give gender equality training that heavily consisted of transexuals and their transitioning process. It was clear what was happening and I'm glad I got out when I did.”

“I’m currently in the Army and there are huge issues that aren't tolerable. But being this close to 20 year retirement is the only incentive keeping me in. I've seen several amazing and young leaders under toxic leadership after their first contract they get out. The army doesn't protect or stand for men at all anymore. The quality of terrible soldiers that they allow to graduate from basic training is terrible I'm afraid. For the military future of America, they are promoting young selfish toxic leaders really fast to NCO. Soldiers I wouldn't trust with a potato gun. They don't have integrity; they will lie in order to protect one another. They want the Army to adapt to them and their participation trophy mentality."

“I served in the military (Air Force and Navy) for 23 years. Enlisted at 17 and retired as an O5 in the Navy. I believed in this country with my whole heart and soul. Now I can't even explain to my 12 year old why I served. He understands things were different but just will never willingly put on the uniform of our Country. If the children of veterans and a retired veteran no longer have faith, who is going to defend our freedoms.”

"My Husband just retired from the military after 23 years and he would have stayed in and gave them 30 if they hadn't went woke and political and every single friend of his says the same! I did 8 years 2002-2010, not only do I not suggest to my own children and family members to NOT join, I actively caution against it at all cost! We don't fight for a country who has made it known that they hate us!"

FROM: Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention


To become more effective, have greater reach and expand the STARRS network of those standing up to the destructive CRT/DEI/Woke practices in the military, we need your financial support. Please consider making a tax-deductible generous donation or recurring donation so that STARRS can wage and win this war. Thank you!

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“Thank you for all you do for saving the soul of our nation.”

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!


STARRS is a group of retired military members and patriots dedicated to ensure the greatest fighting force on the globe remains the U.S. military. STARRS mission is to help educate our fellow Americans regarding the criticality of having a military that focuses solely on the essential readiness needed to fight and win our Nation’s wars. Winning requires a military which provides equal opportunity and a meritocracy leadership system which rewards high standards, ethical character, teamwork, and selfless service to our Nation. This mission accomplishment requires the elimination of DEI from the DoD by informing people about all ideologies, policies, agendas, and organizations that threaten a meritocracy based military.

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