Sunday Worship:

In Person and


at 9:00 and

11:15 am

12401 Alder Woods Drive

Fairfax, VA US 22033


This Week at Pender

October 19, 2023

By following Jesus

and reaching out to others,

we seek God's transformation

of ourselves and our world. 

Hello Pender,

On Sunday, October 22, 2023 Pastor Bruce Johnson will preach on “Living for God” (1 Peter 4:1-11).

The Gospel Lesson will be Matthew 22:15-22.

Sunday will be the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost.

Read the Sunday Bulletin for more information.

We look forward to seeing you!

All of Pender's services are streamed live and in person. Masks are currently optional.

Join us live at Pender UMC

12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA US 22033

Pender's Traditional Service will be in person and live-streamed at 9:00 am
Pender's Contemporary Worship is in person and live-streamed at 11:15 am
Prayer Requests

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. " 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation. To make your prayer needs known, you may email the prayer chain by clicking here to send an email to our group of prayer warriors.

Submit your prayer requests

Pender has a powerful group of individuals who pray for the needs of the congregation. This group offers prayers of thanksgiving, for strength, for healing power for family and friends and for other issues in your life.

Please contact Iris Salcewicz with any prayer requests you have and if you would like to become a prayer warrior for Pender. 

Your joys and concerns will be added to the prayer list.

Dear Church Family:


Due to the generosity of a church member, last Sunday I had the honor of representing Pender at the annual fundraising banquet for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries. It was a great evening to share with other Christians, churches, and citizens in support of this tangible service to some of our most vulnerable neighbors. Having visited WFCM earlier this fall and seeing for myself the great work done by their grace-filled workers, I am glad to know that Pender remains a supporter of WFCM as one vital expression of our ministry of the gospel in our community.  

Over the past three months, our focus in worship has been our call to live as witnesses of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, following his instruction and the example of the early church. One important way to live as Jesus’ witnesses is to think and act as stewards. While the world preaches ownership and possession, Jesus’ disciples know that each of us is a steward: our lives—and every good thing in them—are gifts of God, and it is incumbent on us as disciples to learn to live as managers of Gods’ good gifts that rightly belong to our Creator and Redeemer. To live as stewards is to embody our witness to Christ in the priorities, details, and decisions of our daily living. When we join the United Methodist Church, each of us takes vows to support the ministries of the church with our “prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.” This is the language of stewardship, the knowledge that we are gifted and accountable to God for our lives, coupled with a commitment to work out our witness in every aspect of our lives, by God’s grace. As we prepare for a new year of serving Christ together at Pender, we are going to shift gears in worship and preaching to focus on our five vows of membership that represent essential aspects of our witness in the stewardship of life. This Sunday, we will begin by focusing on our high call to be trustworthy “stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10). I hope you will join us in worship to praise the Lord with heart, soul, and voice, as we consider how we may live as faithful and joyful stewards of the triune God in our lives and together.            

Next year will be a consequential year for the United Methodist Church and the Virginia Conference. Would you like to have a say in the work, priorities, and direction of Virginia United Methodism? On November 4, the NOVA District Conference will take place at St. Matthews UMC in Annadale. The conference will vote to approve district delegates to next year’s Annual Conference in Hampton (June 20-22). The district provides funding for delegate expenses. As of now, there are not enough nominees to fill our allotted district delegate slots at Annual Conference. If you are interested to represent our congregation and district as a delegate to Annual Conference, please notify me no later than Tuesday, October 25.  

Pastor Bruce

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

No matter how humble or unassuming they may be, most people get a warm glow inside when someone says “thank you” for what they’ve done or expresses appreciation simply for who they are.  Clergy and others who fill pastoral roles are no exception.

October is Pastor (or Clergy) Appreciation Month.  It is a time to say “thank you” to the people who may be most visible as preachers and teachers, but who, in reality, are on-call 24/7 standing with congregants and others to offer spiritual and other support in times of confusion and transition, times of heart-wrenching sorrow, and times of overwhelming joy.  They laugh, cry and pray with those whom they shepherd and serve.

  1. Write a simple note of thanks for his  work and ministry. 
  2. Pray for Pastor Bruce and his family. 
  3. Offer to take communion to a homebound member, or call and check-in with them.
  4. Offer to take Pastor Bruce out for coffee or lunch. 
  5. Have the children of the church make cards for our pastor.
  6. Send Pastor Bruce an email with encouragement for the week.
  7. Offer a prayer for Pastor Bruce and worship on Sunday morning. 
  8. Stick around after worship one Sunday to tidy the sanctuary. 
  9. Get together with other families in the church to treat Pastor Bruce and his family to a gift card for a meal out!
  10. Bring Pastor Bruce a treat to enjoy.
  11. Publicly support our pastor, and encourage fellow members to do the same. 
  12. Support the ministry of Pastor with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
  13. Remind and gently encourage Pastor Bruce to make time for self-care and rest!
  14. Encourage Pastor Bruce to attend a retreat this year to renew and reset!
  15. Pastor Bruce is looking for volunteers, please step up and get involved. 

Board of Discipleship Presentation of the Denman Award for Clergy for Pastor Bruce Johnson

The Denman Award presentation and dinner for Pastor Bruce Johnson was held at Pender UMC in Fairfax, VA on October 8, 2023.

District Superintendent Sarah Calvert was present along with representatives from the Virginia Conference UMC.

The Harry Denman Evangelism Awards honor a United Methodist clergy, youth, and layperson in each annual conference who has exhibited outstanding efforts in Wesleyan evangelism by faithfully carrying out the mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ.”

The award is named for the late Dr. Harry Denman, a distinguished lay evangelist whom Dr. Billy Graham called “my mentor in evangelism.” The awards are made possible by The Foundation for Evangelism (, founded in 1949 by Dr. Denman, who felt it was the business of every Christian to be an evangelist. It is most fitting that annual conferences today honor persons who carry on the spirit of Harry Denman.

Those eligible for this prestigious award practice the Great Commission. This can involve personal witnessing, speaking, and inspiring individual persons or the local church to be actively involved in helping people experience God’s transforming love through Jesus Christ. Neither the size of the local church with which the person is affiliated, the age or gender of the person, nor the length of their service should limit one’s eligibility. What is essential are the persons whose lives have been changed by the life and ministry of the nominee.

The Virginia conferences honor an individual each year and present the awards at the Virginia Annual Conference gathering.

The selection process is directed by the Board of Discipleship of the Virginia conference, and all nominations are collected through the nomination process set by the board.

Board of Discipleship Presentation of the Denman Award for Clergy for Pastor Bruce Johnson

The Denman Award presentation and dinner for Pastor Bruce Johnson was held at Pender UMC in Fairfax, VA on October 8, 2023.

District Superintendent Sarah Calvert was present along with representatives from the Virginia Conference UMC.

The Harry Denman Evangelism Awards honor a United Methodist clergy, youth, and layperson in each annual conference who has exhibited outstanding efforts in Wesleyan evangelism by faithfully carrying out the mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ.”

The award is named for the late Dr. Harry Denman, a distinguished lay evangelist whom Dr. Billy Graham called “my mentor in evangelism.” The awards are made possible by The Foundation for Evangelism (, founded in 1949 by Dr. Denman, who felt it was the business of every Christian to be an evangelist. It is most fitting that annual conferences today honor persons who carry on the spirit of Harry Denman.

Those eligible for this prestigious award practice the Great Commission. This can involve personal witnessing, speaking, and inspiring individual persons or the local church to be actively involved in helping people experience God’s transforming love through Jesus Christ. Neither the size of the local church with which the person is affiliated, the age or gender of the person, nor the length of their service should limit one’s eligibility. What is essential are the persons whose lives have been changed by the life and ministry of the nominee.

The Virginia conferences honor an individual each year and present the awards at the Virginia Annual Conference gathering.

The selection process is directed by the Board of Discipleship of the Virginia conference, and all nominations are collected through the nomination process set by the board.

Pender's Annual Trunk or Treat is returning bigger and better than ever!

Our 2023 upcoming fall festival features trunk or treat (wear costumes), snacks, games for all ages, and live music by our Common Ground Praise Band (including karaoke so everyone can get involved). 

This will be a lot of fun for everyone. 

The main date is Saturday, October 21 from 2-4 pm) and the rain date is Sunday, October 29 from 2-4 pm. Please wear a costume!


There are two bins in the narthex for the congregation to supply individually wrapped candy and snacks for the Fall Festival on October 21. 


We also need the following items:

1. Plastic pumpkins (small and medium). Need both completely closed pumpkins and open pumpkins with a hole on top. 

2. rings (for ring toss)

3. bowling pins

Please put your name on the items so the items can be returned to the owner after the fair. There are two boxes in the back room behind the kitchen (marked "for fall festival"). These items can go into these boxes. 


We need volunteers to help during the Fall Festival. In particular, we need people to help with the following:

1) Trunk or Treat cars

2) passing out candy

3) corn hole game

4) pumpkin bowling game

5) guess the number of candy in a jar game

6) ring toss (on a pumpkin) game

7) hot apple cider bar

8) football (nerf) toss into a hole game

9) Put one oreo cookie on forehead and have the person try to put the cookie in to his or her mouth without using hands game

10) parking

11) face painting

We need people to sign up so we know many people to expect to help us out during the festival. 

To help out during the Festival, please sign up using our SignUpGenius or the QR code below.

Jim and Roberta Pont are offering Fun With Music again. They could use a few more toys for children ages 0 to 5.

Also any children's books also for ages 0 to 5 that would be in good condition to give to the children on their birthday month. During their birthday month we sing Happy Birthday and the children get to pick a book to take home. 

They are really looking forward to beginning this program again after the pandemic when we had to shut down.

Please bring toys and books to Pender. Roberta has left a bin marked Fun With Music in the narthex. 

Any questions? Please feel free to call or email Roberta Pont.

Pender continues to partner with Greenbriar East Elementary School again this school year to provide weekend food bags to students.

GBE Backpack program is back with a need to support 50 students each week. We have ways that you can help support this important ministry.

Visit the table in the church lobby, select a Shopping bag based on the attached shopping list (please note approximate cost to purchase items is included)

Sign out the Bag # that you have chosen on the sign-up sheet and please include your email address (This way we can keep track of the bags and send out friendly reminders and important information regarding our packing schedule)

Take the bag and list home and have fun shopping.

Return the shopping bag, list and items to the designated container in the narthex no later than Sunday, October 29th.

Friends and Disciples,

You may have noticed that we no longer have a "My Pender Page" link on our website menu, that is because we have changed the name to "Realm Connect"!

Do not worry, all of your information and accounts are still there, we have just changed the name of the link to organize and reflect on the updates our database has recently experienced. 

Click the "Realm Connect" link on the menu to visit the page. 

On this page, there is a link that reads:

Quick Link to Realm Connect

You can click on this link to access the sign-in page to get to your original account that had all of your My Pender Page information.

If you have trouble logging in, contact the church office for a new "invitation".

Thank you!

Please note that the link to add an event to the Church Calendar remains the same.

PUMC members may add events to the Church calendar.

Log onto MyPenderPage, find "Events" on the menu bar, then "Calendar".

On the right top, click on "Add Event" to add it to the Pending Calendar. You will get an email when your event is approved. You cannot add an event to a room that is already reserved for another meeting.

More information at Building Use

The Pender UMC United Women in Faith will host a women’s retreat on October 28 from 9:30 to 3:00.

The Registration Fee of $25 includes Breakfast and a Boxed Lunch.

RSVP here or use the QR Code below.

Please note that you may need to update your Pender account. If so, email the church office for an invitation.

"For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37 NIV

"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20 NLT

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 NIV

Children's Sunday School meets Sunday in person from 10:15 - 11am.

Welcome to Sunday School!

Any questions? Please speak with Miss Jane or Miss Maya!

Hi Sunday School Families & Friends, 

There are some wonderful family/children's activities happening ithis year. Please come and enjoy! All are welcome -- and invite a friend!

Sunday School

Topic: Youth Sunday School

Time: Sundays @ 10:15 am-11am

On Sunday, October 15, 2023, Pender's Impact Youth Group packed 500 kits to help those affected by the fires in Maui.

Impact Youth is a place where you can learn and grow in your walk with Christ at your own pace. We strive to make a safe place for students to be themselves and to turn their lives towards Jesus Christ.

Don’t worry about where you stand in your faith walk. Whether you are a Bible Vet or still figuring out where Genesis is, YOU ARE WELCOME! We would love to have you.

You will have the chance to meet new friends, learn new music or sing along to songs you already know, experience the Bible in a completely different way.

It is whatever you need it to be, come see what we're all about!

All youth in grades 7th-12th are invited to bring your friends and join our Impact Youth Group every Sunday night.

Can't wait to see you on Sunday!

Nov 5: making 100 sandwiches

Nov 19: birthday in a box

Dec 3: Christmas party and kitty catnip socks

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals continue this evening Thursday, October 19 at 6:30 pm.

Praise Band Rehearsals continue this evening Thursday, October 19 at 7:30 pm.

Come meet our new Director of Music Ministries!

All are welcome!

Handbells are not just for children and teens! We have adult handbell groups for beginner to advanced ringers.  The difficulty level of handbell music is rated from Level 1 (easy) to Level 6 (most difficult). Each of the groups rings 6-8 times in worship between September and June and participates in the annual Christmas handbell concert. 

The groups also like to participate in the various festivals that are held by the regional handbell guild (Handbell Musicians of America – Area 3). Our rehearsals are full of laughing and ringing (sometimes more laughing than ringing!) You do not have to know how to read music to learn how to ring handbells! 

Carillon Ringers group is for ringers who ring Level 2 and Level 3 music.

Carillon Ringers rehearse at 6:45 Tuesday. The handbells will play during the Traditional Service about once every four to six weeks. 

Joy Ringers group is for advanced ringers who ring Level 4 and Level 5 music

Joy Ringers rehearse at 7:30 Tuesday. The handbells will play during the Traditional Service about once every four to six weeks. 

Interested? Contact Brian or the Music Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry group will meet this Saturday from 10 AM - Noon. We are currently meeting by Zoom.

If you crochet or knit, please join us. The group makes prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets, scarves, hats and slippers.

We have show-n-tell so we can see what the group is working on.

Please contact Iris Salcewicz for Zoom information.

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ("WFCM") Current Request for Donations

WFCM has been providing food and services to the community for 35 years. Pender was one of the twelve founding churches that set the path and began the journey.

Thanks goes out to all of you who continue to support WFCM many programs.


The WFCM blue cart is outside the church.

All donations of food and toiletries are welcomed and needed.

Item of the Week: Canned Fruit

Please no:

* Expired food

* Glass jars

Thank you for your continuing generous support of WFCM.

The WFCM Food Pantry is accepting outside donations at their address below. There is a greater need for food but fewer donations.

You can also help by ordering from Amazon for delivery to WFCM. Rice, beans, canned fruit, diapers (Sizes 4, 5, 6), pasta, pasta sauce, etc.


                   4511 Daly Drive, Suite J

                   Chantilly, VA 20151

Financial contributions are also accepted (cash, check or through our website). Please mark your tax deductible donation "WFCM Food Pantry." This will be recorded on your giving statement.

Thank you for your continuing support of WFCM. In 2021, Pender donated 6,128.74 pounds of food and personal care items to help the needy in the community. Thank you for your ongoing and generous support of WFCM.

Learn more about WFCM

Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.

Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us.

We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.

Save the Date

  • October 21, Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat
  • October 28, Woman's Retreat Register here
  • October 29, Backpack Blessings Bags due
  • October 29, Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat Rain Date
  • November 19, Community Thanksgiving Service
  • December 2, Gingerbread Cookies and Ornament making
  • December 9, Holiday Concert
  • December 10, Church Council Christmas Social

Weekly Events

  • Sunday
  • Children's Sunday School Class at 10:15 am.
  • Youth Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
  • Connections Adult Class meets at 10:15 am
  • The Seeker Sunday School Class meets at 10:15 am.
  • Pray for Pender, 10:15 am
  • The Turning Point Youth Group at 4:00 pm
  • Monday
  • Fun with Music
  • Mary Martha Circle, online
  • Tuesday
  • Recorder Consort rehearsal on hiatus
  • Handbell Rehearsals
  • Pastor Bruce Bible Study at 7pm
  • Wednesday
  • Ruth Circle meets in person the second and fourth Wednesday of each month
  • Thursday
  • Pastor Bruce Bible Study at 10 am
  • Lectio Divina Prayer Group Learn more here
  • Choir Rehearsal at 6:30
  • Praise Band Rehearsal at 7:30

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