Ka’m-t’em: The Impact of ACEs and Toxic Stress on Indigenous Communities
Humboldt County Department of Health
An ACEs Aware grantee, the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services developed an online supplemental training called Ka’m-t’em: The Impact of ACEs and Toxic Stress on Indigenous Communities.
This training focuses on the impact of ACEs and toxic stress on Indigenous communities, including how providing trauma-informed care for Indigenous communities must include an understanding of their histories and how these experiences contribute to intergenerational transmission of toxic stress, and protective factors from an Indigenous perspective.
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Trauma and Resilience in Native Communities: California Tribal Health Professionals Reflections on Trauma, Resilience, Screening, and Trauma-Informed Care
This practice paper by Cardea and Allyson Kelley & Associates PLLC, and funded by an ACEs Aware grant, identifies the needs and experiences of trauma and resilience specific to Native communities in California. This paper explores how screening tools and trauma-informed care responses could be more responsive to Indigenous experiences and communities.
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Strengths and Barriers in Implementing the ACE Screening Tool in Tribal, Urban Indian, and Rural Settings
This practice paper by Garrow Consulting, LLC and Center for Healthy Children and Communities, Inc., and funded by an ACEs Aware grant, reports on 12 key informant interviews that the authors conducted via telephone with Tribal, urban Indian, and rural organizations in California. Key informants included clinic directors with decision-making power, providers, and community health workers interacting directly with American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) patients and rural community members.
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National Native Children's Trauma Center (NNTC)
A set of resources on trauma and resilience, including an AI/AN primer on ACEs, webinars, and more.
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Indian Health Service on ACEs
The Indian Health Service (ihs.gov) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human services that provides federal health services to the AI/AN population.
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Tribal Epidemiology Centers
There are 12 nationally recognized Tribal Epidemiology Centers. Click on the map to find one that serves your community.
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Case Study: Learning from Alaska's ACE Story
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) case study highlights how Alaska used the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to determine the prevalence of ACEs in their state, developing a response utilizing guidance from the native community. The full report is also available.
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Injury Prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Native communities worked with the CDC to identify injury prevention resources and improve overall health and wellness.
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