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December 21, 2023

NIE Mid-Year Conference

The Mid-Year Conference container is now open in PLZ! The DEADLINE to complete ALL NIE Mid-Year Conferences in PLZ is Feb. 23


  • ALL required fields should be completed in their entirety before finalizing.
  • The Goal Setting Conference should be completed within 30 days of an NIE employee’s hire/contract start date AND should be completed BEFORE completing the Mid-Year Conference in PLZ. 
  • The Mid-Year Conference is NOT required for NIE Partial plans and will not appear as a container to complete. 

Need a refresher? The following resources are also found in PLZ under the Resources tab.  

Questions? Please reach out to

SEA Winter Break Professional Learning

According to the 12-month hourly work schedule, Specialized Education Assistants (SEAs) are scheduled to work three days (Dec. 21 and Jan. 2-3) during Winter Break unless days off have been requested and approved by school administration. 

SEAs are expected to report to their school sites each day and engage in either of the following: 

  1. Complete professional learning assignments as outlined by the Early Literacy Department OR 
  2. Complete tasks assigned by the school administrator 


Please carefully read the following information:

  • If SEAs plan to be off during the Winter Break, they should follow the request-for-vacation policies as outlined by their school's administrative handbook. 
  • If an SEA takes vacation, the SEA is not required to complete professional learning assignments on the days approved for vacation. 
  • If an SEA is not taking vacation days and the SEA's school administrator has tasks for the SEA to complete, the SEA does not have to complete the Early Literacy professional learning assignments. In this case, it is the school's responsibility to capture and report the SEA's hours worked. 
  • If the school administrator does not provide tasks for the SEA to complete during the three days of Winter Break, the SEA must complete the professional learning assignments for each day worked. 

Please see assignments here: SEA Winter Break Professional Learning SY23-24

Any questions regarding tasks or assignments, please call or email the Early Literacy Office at 901-416-4801 or

For technical/computer issues, please contact IT 901-416-2700

Get Your Flu Shot

Schedule an appointment to get your flu shot TODAY! There is NO CHARGE for MSCS employees with the Cigna Health Plan. However, there is $20 charge for dependents and non-insured employees.

Call 901-416-6079 to schedule your appointment.

TSLA Certification Requirement

Summary of the Foundational Literacy Skills Course Requirement: The Tennessee Literacy Success Act (TLSA) requires that teachers in the state of Tennessee demonstrate knowledge of foundational literacy skills instruction. The law outlines both training and licensure requirements. 

Training Requirements: Beginning August 1, 2023, all current teachers in Tennessee with a TLSA qualifying endorsement (listed here) must complete a foundational literacy skills training course. To satisfy this requirement, educators can complete Course 1 of either the Early Reading Training or Secondary Literacy Training

Licensure Requirements: Beginning August 1, 2023, candidates seeking to obtain, renew, or advance a teaching license with at least one qualifying endorsement (listed here) must demonstrate compliance with TLSA requirements when submitting licensure transactions. Educators may elect to demonstrate compliance using one of the below pathways. The trainings and assessment are free. Educators who do not complete this requirement will not be able to renew or advance the license, and it will become inactive.


The TLSA requirement deadline is quickly approaching! All MSCS educators, school leaders, and district staff must meet this requirement deadline by March 31, 2024. If you have completed this requirement and submitted your certificate as requested, you may disregard this message.

Keep Your Health Goals on Track During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. Click HERE to learn seven coping strategies for holiday stress

The time is now. Learn three ways to keep your health goals on track during the holidays: LINK

Stay updated on all things health and wellness by visiting our website

Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Stay healthy during the holidays! Click HERE to view more information.

Recharge and Refresh

It's time to Recharge and Refresh! Click HERE to view resources to help you become a better you in 2024!

MSCS Employee Grizzlies Ticket Discount

MSCS employees can now purchase discounted tickets to Memphis Grizzlies games! Click HERE to get your tickets and use the code "MSCS23".

MSCS Employee Nike Store Discounts

MSCS employees can enjoy 40% off on select merchandise at the Nike Company Store from Nov. 19 - Dec. 31. Please click HERE to learn more details and to view the terms and conditions.

December Superhero Employee Nominations

The nomination period for December Superhero Employees is now open. Click HERE to nominate a colleague who goes above and beyond.

2023-24 Mileage Schedule

The MSCS Mileage Schedule is now available for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Click HERE to download and print the schedule for your records.

Safety Reminders: Stow It, Don't Show It!

The District's Safety and Security Team is committed to measures that will keep students and staff safe and reduce any opportunities for crime on District property.

Please read and follow these important safety tips and do your part to reduce vehicle theft and other incidents at your school or office site.


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