RCHP Newsletter
August 2020
Dear Church Family,

The communal rhythm of life is off—totally off. It has seemed near impossible to be ready to send a monthly newsletter at the beginning of a month, as days and weeks and months just don’t feel like they did before March of 2020. Our regular programming is off—when do things start and stop? When it comes to thinking long term, or making plans, things are so up in the air. Maybe if we delay sending a newsletter just one more week it will all…become…clear? Nope. 

I’m writing to you today from the beautiful Adirondack mountains, where, for 45 years of my life (all my life) there has been and continues to be rhythm. This place, with pristine waters, and highish mountains, has been a place where I am rejuvenated and find life again and again. 

The other place where beauty and consistency have always existed for me is in and through the activities of our life together as a church. Sure, the engagements have felt different over the past 5 months. Worship has changed dramatically, and will, surely, continue to change, as we morph to stay true to public health guidelines. The dozens of weekly indoor church events (choir practices and bible studies, prayer groups, support groups etc…) are not what they were—but new things have sprung up, and will continue to spring up, as we listen to God.

The way I know that we remain healthy—despite a pandemic—is that we remain focused on adoring/listening to God and responding to God. I am so thankful for the new ways of connecting and adoring, through zoom, through outdoor bible studies, through children’s book groups, through new levels of one-on-one attention to each other. And, I am so thankful for the wealth of creative COVID-19 related responses that have sprung up in and through our community recently. 

Please read this newsletter, and share the opportunities as appropriate. Let’s finish this summer strong as a community responding to God. I don’t know what the fall will look like. Will the rhythm and flow still be ‘off’? Probably. But I’m not afraid of this, because I’ve seen God at work in RCHP bringing beauty from ashes, day in and day out. 

the Peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Seth
Here are the latest happenings at RCHP:
Children and Youth
Vacation Bible School Outdoors, 2020, August 24-28
We are thrilled to be able to offer VBS outdoors, with revisions and provisions that incorporate best practices and precautions during this time. There is very limited capacity for enrollment, so please reach out to Lisa with interest. See full letter to parents below.
A Note from Youth Pastor Terry Stokes
I'm so excited to get a regular rhythm of youth ministry going, with some form of Sunday and Wednesday gatherings which will include fellowship, teaching, prayer, and praise.
It's been great to get to know some of you all through the events we've had this summer. I'm looking forward to connecting with all of you, both in large-group settings and in individual relationships. 
We'll have a picnic in Donaldson Park as our fall kickoff on Sep 13. 
Grace and peace,
Summer Outings for Kids through I-RISE
We had a great time exploring and engaging the outside world with kids through Interfaith RISE. Enjoy these photos from our outings, and say a huge thank you to the teens and adults who made this wonderful experience happen!
NJ Congregational Center for Cancer Care (NJC4)
NJC4 Youth Cancer Care Ambassador Day of Presentation, August 28
The summer Youth Cancer Care Ambassador internship program will have a day of presentation on Friday, August 28th at 12pm via Zoom. Join us in supporting each ambassador as they present their summer projects that focus on bringing more awareness, engagement, and support to cancer care in their communities. Hear about their efforts, involvements that span from education to advocacy, and their heartfelt dedication to creating more just, loving, and caring communities in support of cancer care. 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 2416 1179
Passcode: 874383
Donating Blood for Cancer Patients, August 29
Cancer Patients Need Faith Communities to Step Into the Gap, A Message and Opportunity from Leah Kaper-Dale, NJ Cancer Care Youth Ambassador:

Hi, I am Leah Kaper-Dale. I am part of a youth ambassador program with NJC4. Working with this program and RWJ, I will be hosting a blood drive at the church on August 29. Blood is incredibly important for sick people, especially people with cancer. Last year patients being treated for Cancer at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital received over 15 thousand units of blood and platelets. Typically, hospitals get a lot of donations from blood drives at high schools and colleges. Covid-19 has obviously closed schools and the blood donations are much lower than normal, so it is needed now more than ever. If you are 16 or older and willing to give blood please click to this link to make an appointment.

If you have any questions for me feel free to email me at Please share the flyer below with anyone who might be interested.
Opportunities for Spiritual Growth and Connection
Daily Prayer on Zoom at 9:00am, and More?
Friends, daily scripture, meditation and prayer occur each morning. It’s accessible through the website. Are you feeling disconnected from God and neighbor? Are you wanting to sing and pray with your family of faith? Do you want to start the day in a centered space? Give 9am prayer a try. And, if 9am consistently doesn’t work for you, please reach out to Pastor Seth or Pastor Stephanie to see if we can arrange an earlier time for those who have to be at work by 9am. Maybe an in-person weekly prayer, or an earlier zoom, would be helpful to your spiritual life?
Virtual Coffee Hours on Sundays at 10:45am
We are re-starting our virtual coffee hour over Zoom, for everyone looking for a chance to connect and chat on Sunday mornings after the worship service. You can join the coffee hour through our website homepage (
In-Person, Socially Distanced, Weekly Bible Study Opportunities
Pastor Seth offers a 7:45am-8:45am Wednesday morning bible study. The gathering occurs (weather permitting) under the willow tree in front of church. Join us as we work through much of the book of Genesis. Pastor Seth is interested in offering a 6:45am in-person Bible Study on Tuesdays, starting after Labor Day.
Quiet Reflection Hours in Sanctuary
The sanctuary of RCHP is the center of connection with God through Christ for many of us. It has been hard to see the sanctuary there and not be invited in. That is going to change. Starting next week, members of church leadership will be hosting times when the sanctuary will be open for prayer and meditation. These are not guided times—just quiet times. And we will ask that all who attend wear masks and take any other necessary spacing and sanitation precautions to keep the space safe. From now until Labor Day, the sanctuary will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays, from 5:30 to 6:30pm and on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:00pm.
Opportunities to Serve God and Neighbors
The Thrift Shop Is Open, But We Need Staffing!
A tremendous number of second-hand stores and food pantries with clothing ministries are currently shuttered. This is occurring at a time when the most economically struggling among us desperately need clothing and other basic household goods. If you would like to be part of the Thrift Shop ministry please reach out to Pastor Seth at 732-882-3193. Let’s find a time, weekly, that works for you.
Masks, Masks, Masks—and Jobs! 
Please continue to direct people to our online Global Grace Marketplace store to purchase masks and to support refugee workers in our area who make beautiful masks. 
Supporting Refugee Chefs and Hot Food Delivery to Those in Need
Global Grace Cafe has been a central source of hot meals for those suffering from homelessness. For 4 months running grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and then the Pandemic Relief Fund have provided $5,000 a month for us to pay chefs, purchase groceries and keep a fully operating kitchen. We have served nearly 10,000 hot meals since the pandemic hit. In order to keep this going, after Labor Day, we will need to find additional funding. Please let Pastor Seth know if you’ve got grant proposal ideas or are interested in doing some local fundraising!
Bereavement Groups and Calendar
Bereavement Support Groups
Bereavement groups allow those who have lost a loved one to share their struggles with others who have experienced a similar loss. RCHP Grief & Bereavement Support Groups will offer a space that allows exploration of thoughts and feelings about grief and loss, a space to receive and provide support and understanding, and a space to learn new ways to approach and manage the tasks of grief. Please take a few minutes to fill out a short survey in order for us to determine the needs in our community.
Bereavement Calendar for August 2020
RCHP Remembers all those who died in August, and all those who still mourn. The following names have been offered for remembrance in August 2020:

Richard Homeyer, Beloved Father of Michael Zalewski

Yves Emeline Jeremie, Beloved Mother of Gihane Jeremie-Brink
and Beloved Grandmother of Mateo, Naya, and Yael Jeremie-Brink

Bruno Juricic, Beloved Father-in-law of Jacquelyn Juricic 
and Grandfather of Ana and Noah Juricic

Blanca Martinez, Beloved Mother of Carmen Baum

Blanche McCartney, Beloved Mother of Pat McCartney

Edward Mroz, Beloved Grandfather of Michael Zalewski

Michael Nussman, Beloved Father of Wendy Nussman

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, 
call Lisa at the RCHP office 732-249-7349