September Synergy Newsletter

Broad Spectrum Bounty: Delving into Cannabinoids and their Acid Forms

By Billee Sharp

When we say full spectrum extraction that is an accurate description; all the cannabinoids in the plant are extracted. To date, one hundred and thirteen cannabinoids have been identified and the process of discovering their properties and potential benefits is underway.

THC and CBD are by far the best known cannabinoids and THC, the only psychotropic cannabinoid has recovered from its outlaw status and now, with its many uses for pain relief, anti-nausea, appetite stimulation, migraine, to list a few, have all been medically recognized.

CBD has become widely available in recent years and is most commonly used to treat inflammation and to manage anxiety. Additionally, it is indicated for therapeutic value in many more conditions..


Inflammation and our Immune Function…. What’s the Deal?

Hello All,

As we approach another delightful autumn season, we all know the inevitable cold and flu influx is also upon us. Fear not! There are many approaches to help boost your body’s natural efficacy at fighting viruses and bugs, and the key to all of them is lowering inflammation.

You see, the body is equipped with a veritable armed force (if you will) of white blood cells that exist in our plasma (the liquid part of blood). There are troops responsible for detecting, alerting, assaulting, and eventually disposing of foreign pathogens from the body. While there are many troops tasked with detecting when something is amiss, there is a lot of ground to cover within the human body for these soldiers. The body’s natural way of alerting these soldiers of impending or actual attack from foreign bodies is to become inflamed, as the redness and swelling associated with inflammation is literally these soldiers showing up to the battle zone to which they were called. What I have described above is what one would call a healthy immune function. You may or may not have already known this, but it is very important fundamental knowledge to have to make sense of what I’m about to explain in more depth.


Cannabis and Music – Part 2

By Dan Reich

Recently we published an article about the relationship between cannabis and music. This article is a follow-up, with more information and a look at some musicians who have not only used cannabis but advocated for its legal use and referred to it in their music.

One key finding in research that keeps coming up is the way cannabis encourages people to be in the present moment. Part of this is linked to the known suppression of short-term memory, and the result of this while performing music is that a musician might forget what they are playing. In early jazz, this often meant that the musicians simply improvised, and the improvisations were frequently dazzling. If cannabis was involved, as it usually was, the effect of the inner clock being sped up relative to actual time outside the body (as discussed in the last article) the musician felt as though they could play more notes, or more expressively, than if they had not inhaled some “reefer.”  


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