California Region

Mission Advancement Egram

May 31, 2022
One Heart. One Hope. One Mission. 
...May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Spirit...
Dear Friends,

As we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost on June 5, we want to thank you for being cherished members of our SND family. Now, perhaps more than ever, our world is in need of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. With your encouragement and support, we nurture these gifts in those entrusted to our care:

Wisdom to embrace the Divine as one's priority
Understanding to grasp the spiritual message of each moment and encounter
Knowledge to pursue the meaning of Divine mysteries
Counsel to discern the best way to embrace and follow God's plans
Fortitude to act with gracious determination
Devotion to one's personal relationship with the Divine
Reverence and awe in the Divine presence and in all of creation

And the result is an outpouring of the fruits of the Holy Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Your donations in any amount contribute to the global spiritual transformation and peace that we all desire and that we share in our ministries.

Be assured of the heartfelt gratitude and prayer of each SND. May you always be filled with the hope, joy and peace you desire.

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services
...proclaiming God's provident care to those on the margins
Sr. Jan Marie Villalobos was recently recognized by her colleagues and the program participants at the Center for Living and Learning (CLL) in Van Nuys.

This agency provides a range of services for individuals wanting to re-enter the workforce. Those hoping to rebuild their lives after incarceration, substance abuse treatment, or homelessness face numerous barriers to re-integration into society and the economy. To help overcome these barriers, CLL provides several services, including apprenticeships, job readiness preparation, employment support services and health services.

The occasion was the first annivesrary of her full-time service there, and here are some of the comments she received...
  • "You bring a special light to CLL. Thank you for always making my days brighter and for all you do..."
  • "Thank you for being so kind and welcoming when I first came here. I am so grateful for you and hope all your days are the best."
  • "Your energy is beyond infectious!"
  • "Your soul is kind, your service constant, and actions love-inspired. Thank you!"

...honoring Mary as a cherished SND tradition!
Be sure to click on the image to enjoy this video of Mary's Day at Notre Dame Academy, Los Angeles. The liturgy, May Crowning, yearbook distribution and signing are featured, together with a lot of end-of-the-year fun.

SND response to the shooting
in Uvalde, Texas
The Sisters of Notre Dame of the United States are saddened and heartbroken by yet another mass shooting that took the lives of innocent children and adult educators. We grieve with the community of Uvalde, Texas and the country in this senseless tragedy. We condemn this and similar acts of violence in our society.

Oh the places you will go!

La Reina graduate, Jacy Bessolo ’10, a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), recently completed her second medical mission trip to Africa. Along with her impressive educational achievements, Jacy has a passion for global health and improving medical services in developing countries. Jacy provided anesthesia and supplies for gynecological surgeries in Rwanda.
Water is life!
The SNDs offer special congratulations to Sana Yaqubi, a native of Afghanistan, now living in Rancho Cucamonga with her family. Sana received a Certificate of Recognition from California State Senator Rosilice Ochoa Bogh, honoring her for her water conservation poster, which demonstrated "her creativity and commitment to bettering the community." Sr. Shirley Marie McGovern has been a member of the on-line tutoring team for the Yaqubi family since 2020. Read her story, "Hamza, the joy of my life..." on page 7 of this archived edition of Vision & Challenge.
Thank you to our AmazonSmile friends!
We recently received $171.29 as a quarterly contribution from AmazonSmile. The AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price from eligible AmazonSmile purchases, which totalled $34,258. Unfortunately, we do not know the identity of these donors, so we cannot thank you directly. Be assured that we are grateful for your participation in this unique rewards program. To participate, follow the link from the graphic and select Sisters of Notre Dame, Thousand Oaks, California. Thank you!