In one week Bowdoin will welcome back members of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes, most of whom studied away from campus last semester. At the Museum of Art and in departments across campus, we are excited about their return. During the upcoming semester, first year students, most of whom were on-campus last fall, will be doing their studies away from campus. To all students and faculty, we look forward to partnering to support your academic work. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and do keep an eye open for special programs that will be happening throughout the semester. For all our audiences please note that on February 17, the Museum will host a Zoom conversation with artist and educator Justin Thompson, who is currently leading a study of Renaissance-era art works in the collection of the Uffizi in Florence that include Black African figures. We look forward to seeing you then and at other programs throughout the new semester. Also, of note this month, please be sure to visit a new exhibition about the Italian master Pontormo that features the Museum’s celebrated painting, Apollo and Daphne (1513). It is open now until February 28th at the Nicholas Hall Gallery in New York City. You can visit either in-person or online. Stay well!

Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
online offerings
Conversation with Michael Rakowitz
This expanded conversation with artist Michael Rakowitz about his practice as a contemporary artist was recorded in December 2020.
Year in Review
Explore the BCMA Year in Review and List of Benefactors for 2019-2020.

Let's Celebrate! It's International Polar Bear Day
What can we learn from the Polar Bear as icon? Explore these images of polar bears in the Museum's collection in conjunction with International Polar Bear Day on February 27.
Justin Randolph Thompson Program
On February 17, Justin Randolph Thompson, Director and Co-Founder of Black History Month Florence, will discuss On Being Present: Recovering Blackness in the Uffizi Galleries, dedicated to recovering Black history in Renaissance-era paintings.
Object of the Month: Two-faced / Double Visage
Learn more about the multimedia installation piece Two-faced / Double Visage (2015–2017) by the Cameroonian artist Hervé Youmbi.

Art Up Close at the BCMA
1:00 pm Eastern Time

"On Being Present: Recovering Blackness in the Uffizi Galleries"
4:30 pm Eastern Time

Art Up Close at the BCMA
1:00 pm Eastern Time
To our members,
The support of our members helps realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings. Membership serves as a special connection to a community of students and faculty, who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are are a member, please renew! If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by joining today 
Museum Hours
The Bowdoin College Museum of art is currently closed to the public until further notice. Enjoy the online collections and digital resources.  

Bowdoin College Museum of Art | 9400 College Station | Brunswick, ME 04011 | 207.725.3275 

Banner image: Six Cranes in Landscape (detail), ink and colors on silk, by Lu Zhi, Chinese, 1496–1576. Gift of William Bingham II from the Peterson Collection.