February 23, 2022




Drawing by Dan Joy
I will always remember the rich experience of sitting around the dinner table with my kids and talking a bit about our faith and how it shapes our family. These conversations were almost always encouraged by some little seasonal reminder we got from the church. Sometimes it was Lenten mite boxes from United Thanks Offering, sometimes it was a more local focus on a season. The point is that it is helpful to have a symbol to jump-start these very important conversations.
This year all our kids are receiving small Lenten Bags that will contain several symbols that are connected to each of the collects for the Sundays of Lent. Our hope is that these will begin some of those conversation at your family table. Next, we thought that this was such a good idea we want to share it with our whole congregation so we can all be a part of these exercises in support of the young ones in our parish and to offer some mode of reflection for our own Lenten experience. Get creative, team up with another member of CHS to share your experience, or communicate with family members who may live far away. Even if you go through this by yourself, our hope is that it brings a bit of flavor and familiarity back to the way you keep Lent, when we still cannot be fully together.
Besides the symbols that relate to the collects, a small container of ashes is also included for your Ash Wednesday devotions if you cannot be with us for the 5:00 pm service that day. These ashes are not blessed, but we will bless them during that Zoomed service and encourage you to mark your forehead with them, discarding the leftovers into a house plant or into your garden.
Please pick up your Lenten bags on Sunday, February 27. We will try to deliver these to our homebound folks, so if you can pick one up for someone you know who will not be able to join us, that’s a great help. They will be available in the reception room before and after church that day. Someone will be present to check your name off a list so we will know who has bags and who needs them.
May God bless us with a Holy Lent!
Your new Vestry held its Thursday, February 17th via Zoom. Chris Crighton opened the meeting with a beautiful essay and prayer by Sarah Bessey, "A Reminder". Vestry members re-acquainted themselves with each other as we reminded ourselves why the Church of the Holy Spirit holds such a special place in all of our lives and our prayers and dreams for the coming year. It was a great exercise to initiate open discussion for the remainder of the evening.

Chris also presented an orientation to the church finances followed by the February financial picture. We received the surprising news this week that both of our elevators will require safety upgrades. Apparently, the state passed this legislation late in 2021, and elevators across the state will require new equipment. We expect our service to be performed in April. Our annual Parochial Report was approved and will be submitted to the Diocese well in advance of the March 1st deadline. Chris also mentioned that the work to upgrade the wi-fi has been completed, and the cameras and control booth to record our services are operational. The Listen EVERYWHERE audio system for assistive listening is now available and may be delivered directly to guests’ smartphones. For assistance downloading the app, please see Brenda Ridgeway.

Our annual Parochial Report was approved and will be submitted to the Diocese well in advance of the March 1st deadline. Chris also mentioned that the work to upgrade the Wi-Fi has been completed, and the cameras and control booth to record our services are operational. The Listen EVERYWHERE audio system for assisted listening is now available and may be delivered directly to guests' smartphones. For assistance downloading the app, please contact an usher.

In Joe's+ report, he highlighted the many projects and initiatives currently underway at CHS. The Parish Profile has been published on our beautifully updated website as well as on the www.Diomass.org site. The Search Committee will be receiving applications soon. 

A Vestry subcommittee has formed to explore ideas for achieving long term financial sustainability, including stewardship, planned giving, growth, and fund raising. We all look forward to learning more from this group in the coming months. 

Joe+ and Gail+ discussed some of the long-overdue cleaning and sorting that is taking place across our campus, especially in the attic, the kitchen, the choir room, and the church basement.

Your wardens reviewed the roles and expectations of a Vestry member--as we always do this time of year. We took another look at the Decision-Making Document that carefully defines the relationship between advisory committees, such as Outreach, Finance, and Building & Grounds, with the Vestry. Joe has been meeting with each of these committees as they review this document and reports that the meetings are progressing smoothly.

In other business, the Vestry formally adopted the Church of the Holy Spirit Safe Church Protocols, two documents outlining the protection of children and youth and the protection of vulnerable adults. In addition to being available here, there will be a printed copy in Debbi's office over the mailboxes, the Church School will have a copy, and the Pastoral Care Committee will have its own copy. We want to remind all parishioners that online Safe Church training is available to anyone who desires it. For a username and password, contact Brooke Eaton-Skea.  

Finally, we spent some time as a few of our Vestry Liaisons shared reports from their respective committees. Be sure to look for committee reports appear elsewhere in this newsletter! Altogether, it was an excellent meeting and great kick off for the new group!
Brenda and Celia
It has been a busy time as Church of the Holy Spirit has moved from “Churches completing their profile” to “Churches receiving names” on the Diocese of Massachusetts website. YAY! Just after the Annual Meeting, our Profile was sent with all other needed paperwork to The Rev. Canon Kelly O’Connell. The position will also be posted in the diocesan monthly newsletter “FYI” which will come out in early March. (sign up for that here: https://www.diomass.org/subscribe-e-news)

The Parish Profile may be viewed on our own website, https://holyspiritorleans.org
The website has just been thoroughly refreshed with lots of new photos and updated information and now has the added search tab: Our Search. We will be adding updates over the next weeks and months as things progress.

The Parish Profile and Holy Spirit website update are not things that happened without a whole lot of work by a whole lot of people. Of course, it all began with the survey many of you took last summer. A very lengthy and careful analysis of the results helped determine the content of the Profile. All members of the committee participated in this discussion, and many contributed to the content. A sub-group (Celia Calhoun, Priscilla Isner, Doug Fromm, and Joe Robinson+) went through the writing process very carefully and organized the narrative into a cohesive story for prospective candidates to learn about CHS.

That narrative was turned over to Kate Paradise and Julia Blake Design and crafted into the beautiful document it is now. It was a challenge to find appropriate photos during this pandemic time—there haven’t been many “photo ops” the past couple of years! But we dug deep (Cynthia, Sharyn, Celia, Rich, Sue S. and Ike also participated in finding and choosing photos) and the result is terrific.

We were advised that candidates would be looking at our website and Kate Paradise worked closely with Desiree Cole (the webmaster) to make sure our website was up to date. It looks great!

The Search Committee has been talking with Doug Harper, our Diocesan Consultant, and has set up a process for receiving and reviewing applications. This stage of the process requires the utmost of confidentiality, so please bear with us. We will share what we can when it is appropriate.

We received this comment from someone who is not a member of CHS: “The Church Profile document is incredible! It is so honest and open and reflective. I hope you find a candidate worthy of your hard work and diligent assessment.”  We hope you feel the same way.

With gratitude to all who have gotten us to this point!

Ike Cole and Cynthia Murray
10:00 a.m.

In person worship with music
in the CHS Church
Covid Safety Protocols for seating.
Masks required.

If you are unable to join us in person,
a Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent Fridays at Noon.
It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin, and CHS Announcements

You can also watch the service live or later on our YouTube channel

10:00 a.m. VIA ZOOM

A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes the links to the Zoom service and the Service Bulletin and Readings.
You don't want to be late for Sunday church!
We hope you will join us for these two traditional activities to start the Season of Lent.
The March 23 edition will include the schedule for Holy Week and Easter Services.
The Church School Invites everyone to
See details below under "Church School News".

A Zoom invitation will be sent.
We will be holding an Ash Wednesday Service in person on
Wednesday, March 2 at 5:00 PM. 

For those of you who cannot attend in person, you can worship via Zoom and You Tube. A Zoom invitation will be sent.
Although we have not been able to meet in person at CHS, we have joined together to offer gifts to others and appreciate nature. Several of our church school students volunteered to create and send Valentine’s to parishioners. 

On February 12th the Youth were invited to a walk at the Red Maple Swamp and Fort Hill Trails in Eastham and then a stop at the Hot Chocolate Sparrow. Photo of the group taken in front of the Penniman House.

We hope to return to in person church school after Ash Wednesday but are awaiting diocesan approval.

In order to keep connected with the parish, we have a PLAN......see below.....
The Youth and Congregation are invited and challenged to
Tuesday March 1st

Make and Bake the most uniquely shaped pancake. Take a photo, then…

Following your pancake supper at home and wearing your favorite APRON ..join us for a short zoom time at 7:00PM 😊
You can share your creations then!

There will be Golden Spatula awards for: most individual shape, most colorful apron, largest stack of pancakes etc.

a Zoom invitation via Constant Contact will be sent the day of the event. Join us and show your Pancake Panache!!

And we hope to see you later in March in PERSON!!

Our walk will resume, after a two-year pandemic hiatus, to raise money for so many families with special needs kids who, during this pandemic, need our help more than ever. 
We meet at the BIBLE ALLIANCE CHURCH, BREWSTER and the walk will take place in Nickerson State Park.

More details will be in the March Together. Have questions? Contact Rich Weeks.
Thursday March 3rd
Hi, CHS Ladies.
Ladies Luncheon is ON for 12:00 noon on
Thursday March 3, the first Thursday of the month
and the day after Ash Wednesday.  
Remember our Covid gathering rules: to bring our own sandwiches and drink, although there will be drinks available from our supply back in December. Let’s come and be together as we begin a Holy Lent.
See you soon! Fay Cole

March 4, 2022
Join us at First Congregational Church of Falmouth 
68 Main Street, Falmouth
Friday, March 4, 2022 at 10am

Theme” I Know the Plans I have For You”
Jeremiah 29:1-14

Written by the Women of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Hosted by the Women’s Union

The Program is based on the prophet Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylonia.
They were in a context of suffering and uncertainty
There are many forms of “exile” including poverty, fear, and isolation
This International World Day of Prayer calls us to bring hope to all exiles

Speaker: Rev Nell Fields
“Welcoming an Afghan Family”

This service will be live streamed on their church website
All are welcome
Click here for more information on the March 4th program.

New location - the Gathering Room (Lower level of Parish Hall)
New time - Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00 am to 1:00pm
New rolling racks, signs, hope and gratitude
Thank you for all your WINTER clothing donations! (Jackets, coats, sweatshirts, sweaters, shirts, pants) - please no men’s suits or shoes in poor condition!
Clothing donations can be dropped in bins outside the “old” Free Shop - bottom floor of the Parish Hall by the elevator.
No plastic bags or paper bags without handles
Please save your SPRING donations - we will be requesting these soon!
Free Shop schedule has been mailed to all volunteers - thank you Ruth Campbell, Fay Cole, Sally Drew, Judy Gardiner, Margaret Anne Heuss, Joan Karter, Ginny Lucil, Meredith Perkins, Michele Puzo, Nancy Ranscht, Jan Roberts, Sue Sasso, Georgia Schneider…..if you did not receive a schedule - let us know.
Consider joining this CHS ministry - contact us - visit the shop…….for people in need of clothing - for people shopping for a friend in need - a recycling center for all!
Sharyn Laughton & Suzy Gray - Co Directors
Welcome to 2022!

The last Deanery Assembly on January 27, 2022, presented "Deanery 101", various reports and then the Diocesan Mission Strategy. The minutes of the Deanery Assembly are attached.

As one of the Deanery Representatives, Celia Calhoun presented a quick overview of the Mission Strategy (attached here) at our Annual Meeting, and we hope you will read it. It asks for commitment by individuals and parishes to various topics under the 8 headings of parish life as discerned by the Mission Strategy Team.

There is a lot to ponder, and we don’t have to do it all, and certainly not all at once, but we are expected to respond. So, over the next few weeks, we will gather a small team to document where we sit currently as a parish in response to the statements of commitment.

Also, you might wish to consider where you are, as an individual, in response to the document (no test!). After that we will be in a position to look into what other areas we might want to get more involved in.

If you are excited by this document, as we are, and want to get involved please let Celia Calhoun, Brenda Ridgeway or Joe+ know.

Celia Calhoun, Deanery Rep., Diocesan Delegate
For Kate Paradise, Deanery Rep., Diocesan Delegate
and Cynthia Murray, Alternate Rep./Delegate

2022 Assemblies:
March 24, 2022
June 2, 2022

We’re Hiring for the Summer!

Are you or someone you know looking for a great summer job?
 Food 4 Kids is an amazing place to work!

· Competitive wages
· Great hours – you can be finished by 2:00 each day
· Your work benefits children from Harwich to Provincetown
· You will be surrounded by others committed to our mission
· We are an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer

We are looking for:
· Kitchen Manager (1) – Responsible for overseeing all food preparation, working closely with the Operations Manager, Staff Assistant and volunteers to ensure meals are prepared efficiently, safely, and on time each day. June 21 – August 30; 40 hrs/week; done by 2:00 PM. ServSafe certification required. (Course and certification available online and paid for by F4K.)

· Staff Assistant (1) – Assist the Operations Manager and Kitchen Manager to ensure meals are prepared, packed, and delivered to our sites efficiently, safely and on time, and that the return of meals, containers, and data forms at the end of the day goes smoothly. June 21 – August 30; 40 hrs/week; done by 2:00 PM.

· Senior Site Supervisor (1) – Assist with preparing and packing meals, working closely with the Operations Manager and Kitchen Manager. Then serve as Site Supervisor at one of our meal sites, engaging with our community partner programs and the children they serve, handing out lunches in accordance with program guidelines and requirements. June 21 – August 30; 30 hrs/week; done by 2:00 PM.

· Site Supervisor (2–4) – Engage with our community partner programs and the children they serve, handing out lunches in accordance with program guidelines and requirements. July 5 – August 19 (dates vary depending on the partner program’s summer schedule); 15-20 hrs/week; done by 2:00 PM.

If interested or to learn more, contact us at info@food4kidscapecod.org
Discover more about us at https://www.food4kidscapecod.org/
Tired of waiting to get the warm earth on those hands? Are you thinking spring and planting? Take heart, that time is coming...but until then, check this out.
If you want to get a head start AND do something good for our environment, check out these resources from the Cape Cod Extension services of Barnstable County INCLUDING A PLANT SALE!
“The plant sale is a pre-order, first come first served basis. The plant material available thru this program are young plants, root cuttings, or seedlings. Young plants, rooted cuttings, and or seedling keep cost reasonable while allowing quick establishment.

All orders must be received by March 18, 2022. All plant material must be picked up on April 29 or April 30 at the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Farm Office located at 3675 Main Street (6A), Barnstable, MA between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.”

Go to this website and you will find a brochure and order form:
We’ll be seeing you soon for the CHS Campus spring cleanup!
Take a vicarious journey to Tanzania with Cheryl Kyle
February 2022 
Wide open skies. Stars so brilliant you can almost touch them. The smell of smoke from cooking fires. My senses were alive as I departed the airplane in Tanzania on January 8, 2022. 
Time greets me in Tanzania. The friendly smiles, the touch of a hand and a hug, time to acknowledge a stranger with a genuine greeting, time to pause on the walk to town to greet a friend I haven’t seen during these two Covid years. Time to see, touch, feel, smell and to be. Time to visit friends and time to work. A blessing! 
The swirling dust storms and desiccated land in the territory around Endupoto Primary School on the Maasai Steppe are of grave concern. The Maasai elders have taken their cattle to grasses far away. The cattle are their livelihood and their bank. More than 6,000 cows have died from the drought in the district. We continue water deliveries to the rainwater harvesting tanks at Endupoto. We hope, we pray, that the rain expected in March will come. 
The door to education has opened for year 2022. Classes have started at Endupoto. Each classroom is full with Maasai girls and boys eager to learn. Even with the two new classrooms built in June, we are bulging with 730 students and more expected.  
One of the windstorms blew the roof off the teachers’ kitchen. Our long-time teacher, Esta was in tears. Thankfully, our contractor, who had just finished putting a fresh coat of plaster and paint in all the classrooms, was available to help Esta stop crying. The new yellow kitchen with five “burners,” holes for firewood, will be finished this week. We will call it Esta’s kitchen, which she will share with four other teachers. 
News of the success of our 31 students who passed the National Exam last year continues to amaze.  Thirty-one is the most who have ever passed! Together with a Maasai guard, assistant headmaster Jackson, Efraem, our driver and project manager and I shopped for books, school supplies, mattresses, sheets, towels, track suits, sweaters, plates, spoons, buckets, brooms, rakes, pangas, trunks, soap, rice, beans, maize, oil, salt, sugar, etc. Housini and his treadle sewing machine made all 31 uniforms and shirts in a week. With the guard making sure all was safe, we hired a lorry, loaded it up and off it went in the dark of night to Endupoto. The next day the students packed their new blue trunks, loaded them on the tractor, climbed into two old Land Rovers and set off to seize the opportunities for education at Oljoro Secondary School. We did it! 
We had previously promised the Oljoro Secondary School a computer since they have electricity now. The IBM Family Science Saturday programs are now in Africa. Oljoro is one of the few schools in Africa ready and willing. The stumbling block is lack of sufficient internet connectivity. Our plan is to purchase a computer in Arusha later in the year and download the classes on a thumb drive or other portable memory device so the students at Oljoro can see them together as a class. This will happen, but a bigger project took priority – the girls' and boys' latrines. There is no need to go into detail, but we decided to act, along with the Tanzania government, before cholera became a problem. Construction has started and this time there will be septic tanks in the design. 
 Travel to Africa isn't easy these days and there are several steps to take before you depart from the United States. Then there is a short Covid test when you arrive in Tanzania, and a 24-hour PCR Covid test before you depart. We made it easy in Arusha where a young doctor on our team came to us to do the tests. The last two years of Covid had reduced our planned safari of 14 to four intrepid travelers. They will attest to the promised “safari of a lifetime” experience and a welcoming celebration at Endupoto Primary School we didn’t expect. Who knew there were three Maasai choirs ready to greet and entertain us? Karen hasn’t set a date for the next safari yet, so stay tuned. The spectacular and fascinating country of Tanzania awaits you, along with the friendly greetings, smiles and gift of time to experience and relish it. 
Asante sana, thank you, for being part of this journey with us. Your prayers, thoughts and support have made all this possible. 
Cheryl Kyle and Karen Royce

If you want to provide financial support to the Endupoto projects, contact Cheryl Kyle.
We did it! All yearly supplies purchased, and new uniforms made.
Endupoto graduates awaiting start of class at Oljoro Secondary School.
Porridge on a termite mound at Endupoto.
Esta’s new kitchen
As mentioned last month, we’re trying something new, and hope you find it useful. We’re bringing you a series of 3 articles on one topic and this month is the 2nd on environmental issues: Cleaning Products
Do you ever wonder or worry about what is in any of the many cleaning products available? How do you understand labels describing ingredients you can’t even pronounce? What exactly does “non-toxic” mean and does it matter?
Fortunately, there are a good number of credible sources to help sort these questions. Below is a list of web sites that offer an enormous number of resources, definitions and most importantly, their methodology. What does that mean? How they develop, research and report the findings they give.
Toxic substances: definition:
An Introduction to Toxic Substances: New York State Department of Health: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/chemicals/toxic_substances.htm
Environmental Working Group’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning: an enourmous amount of information with links to healthy cleaning; product & ingredient data sources; finding ingredient information; how products are rated:
This is a very brief list of possible resources. Good hunting!
 Contact information for more help and support:
Barnstable County Human Services
A comprehensive web site with access to multiple resources on the Cape
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333                Brewster: 508-896-2737            Chatham: 508-945-5190 Eastham: 508-255-6164                 Harwich: 508-430-7530              Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866            Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400               Falmouth: 508-495-5716             So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: go to this link: https://www.capecodhealth.org/
First page has a free sign up.
Only one more Sunday, February 27th, to enjoy Susan Owen's beautiful photography show in the CHS Gallery!

A lover of nature in all seasons. I always enjoy capturing a lasting image.
For 40 years my parents’ house over Nauset Marsh, viewing the Coast Guard Station, gave me the breathtaking moments of calm & devastating hurricanes.
The first I shared this love of capturing nature was with family (a ready
appreciative audience) in the form of note cards with assorted photos. 
That moved onto packets of assorted note cards to friends as well as family.
With photo framing unflattering, I was very happy to discover the depth that canvas prints gave my scenes. POW! I loved them! I hope you do too. In this venue,
pause a moment, take a breath of the moment, as you look into the woods,
out into the water, and up into the sky………….Susan

Did you know that you can view art in the CHS Gallery Monday through Thursday 10 to 3? Each month a new artist...each month a new show!

Coming up………KIMBALL GUILD and their art of hammered aluminum will be featured in the gallery for the month of March.

A few months are still available to sell/show/exhibit your art/craft. The signup sheet is located by the gallery door - in the window! Sign up for one month - set up the first day of that month - take down the last day of month!

Any questions? Contact Sharyn Laughton
Plans are well underway for the 2022 Gallery Opening on
March 26th with a whole new show,

featuring art from Lower and Outer Cape artists
that reflects the burst of spring with
new color, new life, and new energy.

Online entries will be accepted through this Saturday February 26.
The online entry form is on our website. www.galleywestartgallery.com
under the Call For Art page. We encourage ALL CHS artists to enter.

As a volunteer run gallery, we also want to invite CHS members to consider being a gallery volunteer. You don't need to be an artist... just someone who enjoys art and appreciates what Galley West Art Gallery means to our parish and the community.

There are a number of volunteer options that could meet your availability
for one or more days during one of our 5 shows during 2022.
Contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton to find one that might be a good fit for you!
or send an email to us at contact@galleywestartgallery.com
If you missed the online MLK Breakfast, “Justice is What Love Looks Like in Practice,” you can still watch it on the NIA website (nausetinterfaith.org). Parishioners who have seen it give it a top ten rating! It is a little over 90 minutes long. Hopefully, next January we will be back in the CHS Parish Hall for this wonderful event!

Several years ago, the Refugee Support Action Team of NIA reached out to an asylum family from the Democratic Republic on the Congo, Tony, Joelle and Pearl N’tumba/Sifa. They actually have been to Holy Spirit several times. Joelle very much needs a car. If you know of anyone who might be willing to donate a used car, please let Ken Campbell know! 

Lastly, if you think you might be interested in participating in one of the NIA action teams or task forces, please see my report in the CHS Annual Reports for 2021 which will be available before our Annual Parish Meeting. Thank you.   Ken Campbell+ 
The Safe Harbors team of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Harwich is currently hosting a family seeking refuge in the US while their application for asylum is being considered. 

Members of St. Peter’s congregation gathered information and collaborated with faith-based organizations including AAMPARO (ELCA) and Episcopal Migration Ministries at the border and nationally, to prayerfully consider becoming sponsors of a migrant family who does not have family in the US eligible to sponsor them. 

Refugees are vetted and approved for entry prior to arrival in the US where they are granted a work permit, SSN and supported by a number of government-supported refugee agencies. Asylum seekers apply either upon arrival at the border, or after crossing, and if felt to have a ‘credible fear’ case may apply for asylum and remain in the US while their case is being processed. Families have no income or work permit during the first 6-12 months of their process.

St Peter’s will be financially responsible for their housing, accompaniment and other expenses for 1-2 years. They have raised enough funds for the first year and have secured a suitable 3-bedroom house for year-round rental. 

CLICK HERE for more on this wonderful program.
Makes me know I'm not alone! Enjoy. Sue

Me: Sobbing my heart out, "I can't see you anymore...I'm not going to let you hurt me again.” Trainer: "It was one sit-up!!”

Sorry I haven't gotten anything done today. I've been in the Produce Department trying to open this stupid plastic bag. (With a mask on!)

Turns out that being a “senior" is mostly just googling how to do stuff. 

Do you ever get up in the morning, look in the mirror and think "That can't be accurate!" 

God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round...and laughed and laughed and laughed.

My mind is like an internet browser. At least 19 open tabs, 3 of them are frozen and I have no clue where the music is coming from.

Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling, and I'm still alive!
Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.

 Joseph W. Gramer 2 .23 Edward Mason 2.28     
Mae McLaughlin 3.01 Elizabeth Moronta 3.01
Elaine Usher 3.02 Ian Ellison 3.03      
Maya Hyde 3.04 Christian Chung 3.05      
Matthew Thompson 3.05 Jane Wiedenman 3.06
Jean Gatzkiewicz  3.08 Barbara Knisell 3.11      
Susan Gillespie 3.13 Parker Keeffe-Jones 3.14
Kevork Meguerdichian 3.16 Nancy Munson 3.16
Philip Suraci 3.17 Evie Ellison 3.19
Richard Paris 3.23 Heather Spiegel 3.23
Mary Hammatt 3.25 The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 3.26      
Paul Colwell 3.28 Joan Kirchner 3.30

Jeff and Meredith Perkins 3.10.78
Dick and Martha Williams 3.20.65
Kevork and Deborah Meguerdichian 3.25.72
Phil and Sandy Marshall 3.29.58

Tommy Thompson 2.24.01 Ellie Brainard 2.25.15
John I. Lough 2.28.08 Elizabeth Clarkson 3.01.91
Matthew Mapes Nickerson 3.02.89 William Mines 3.03.98
Shirley Adamson 3.05.07 Evelyn M. Burroughs 3.06.08
Aram Kachadorian 3.06.9 Rosamond G. Thomas3.07.14
Dorothy Skeats 3.09.03Marcia Birdsall  3.10.20
James Hammond, Sr.  3.11.95 Katherine Recknagel 3.11.99
Wally Houghton 3.12.03 Lester Knisell 3.13.07 Richard Miller 3.13.19
The Rev. Richard Payne 3.13.20 John Rayner 3.14.05
Robert Munson 3.15.15 Nancy Aucoin - 3.15.2021
Anne Crocker 3.17.18 The Rev. Sherrill Smith 3.18.14
Carol Potter 3.19.15 Freda Bonin 3.20.14
Marion A. Eckhardt 3.20.08 Gordon Hampton 3.22.04
Deni Jacobson 3.23.18 Harold Lockwood 3.23.90
Victor von Schlegell, Jr. 3.23.08
Kenneth Dennis 3.24.99 Robert Thorley 3.25.15
Joan Gironda 3.26.20 Marjorie Burling 3.27.02
Paul Perry 3.28.04 Patricia Nickerson-Flor 3.30.2021
Frances Pike 3.31.99
Bobbi Nickerson 1.4.2022
Francis Hoffman (Barbara Hoffman's husband) 1.26.2022
Harry Lynn Pike 2.2.2022
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.

WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."

FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the February, March, April books are now available to pick up in Parish Office or Contact Debbi and she will mail it to you.

CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site holyspiritorleans.org and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email:  office@chsorleans.org with respect to signing up your group’s schedule for the 2022 program year as soon as possible. The earlier you get in your space usage request, the better the chance you will get the specifics you want. 
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.
CENTERING PRAYER: we are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. We meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days and we do not meet on holidays.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. Contact Richard O'Hara and he will send you the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays.
508-255-2678 or 508 - 241-0357

FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or send an email to intercessors@chsorleans.org Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 
NEXT TOGETHER edition is March 23rd.
Deadline for your article submission is 4 p.m. March 21, 2022

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Editor - Sue Sasso newsletters@chsorleans.org