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Creating Safe Spaces During the Holidays and Year-Round

The holiday season is in full swing. And while holiday festivities and online ordering are at the top of everyone’s mind, I am thinking about safe spaces. How can I create safe spaces for my employees, my clients, and my family during this month?

The Oxford dictionary defines safe spaces as “a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.”

In this month's blog, we share insights into how you can embrace imperfection and intentionally create safe spaces at work, at home, and with your clients this holiday season and beyond. What a great gift — for them and for you!

Read Our December Blog

Tips & Tools: Safe Spaces at Work + with Clients

15 Ways Your Organization Can Create A Safe Space In A Divisive World

With unhappy workers being 10% less productive, providing your employees a safe haven from all that is going on in the world is important to the success of your business.

Fifteen members of Forbes Coaches Council weighed in on how you can make your organization a place where employees feel included, appreciated, and safe.

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VIDEO: Leaders Mentor by Creating Safe Spaces

In a video from the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. McKenzie says if creativity can flow, a team will perform better.

She talks about the importance of training leaders with heart and how she helped establish a learning community where it was safe to say what you know, what you don't know, and what gaps need to be filled in your own personal growth.

In this discussion, Dr. McKenzie describes innovating within safe spaces.

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Tips & Tools: Safe Spaces at Home

Sanctuary: Making your Home a Haven

To flourish, we all need a safe place -- both physically and emotionally -- to come home to. If children are to turn their full attention to the many demands of growing up, they need a secure, solid home where they feel protected.They need to feel we can keep them safe.

And no matter how independent they are, kids need to know they can count on the presence of their parents when they get home. 

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Make it Safe: 5 Ways To Create A Safe Space In Your Home

A lot of the time we need a space to dump out all of our stuff – what happened in our day, how we were treated by someone, what successes we had, etc. Everyone needs this type of space and for our children it is integral to their emotional and mental health for them to be able to find a safe space to share.

What you may miss sometimes is how to create that space so that your child will willingly come to you and talk about things.

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We Nurture Collective: A Resource to Transform Your Parenting from Within

In this Instagram post from @we_nurture the author dives deep into how to nurture a relationship of honesty with your child.

We encourage you to check out their website with additional resources you can use when you are feeling stuck in your parenting journey.

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"Into the Woods, We Walk"

An Original Poem by Traci Newkirk

Below is an excerpt of a poem that HPA president and founder Traci Newkirk wrote and shared with her women's small group yesterday evening. This poem focuses on creating safe spaces within Small Groups.

We hope you will find both solace and inspiration in these words on your journey here on earth. Merry Christmas!

In the depths of the woods, where darkness resides,

Our friendship illuminated the shadows we hide.

With unyielding hearts and spirits so bright,

We banished the thoughts that we are alone in this life.

Advice was not needed, and help wasn’t helpful,

Presence is what we each sought in the woods, but we were careful.

We women just wanted to feel understood, heard and sought.

Not crazy because we needed time to process our thoughts.

The Holy Spirit knows our stories and was present with us. 

He is the real teacher, the healer, the friend like no other,

But our feelings are too big and loud at times,

To hear that small voice in our head that reminds.

Read the Full Poem

Are you or your team feeling stuck? Now is the time to discover and learn how to best utilize your strengths.

Contact us today! We're here to help.

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