Response to a national security elite who thinks claims of wokeness in the military is overblown:
“My oldest daughter was in ROTC in high school, and now in college, she hasn’t graduated yet. A year away from graduating, she has decided not to go into military service. Many of her ROTC friends are serving already and are complaining about the Woke agenda classes they have to endure.”
"They need to pull their heads out and realize it is not the far left that joins the military, it is center left and right. People who do not want to be told they are oppressors or victims.”
“Do people really think that the leadership in the military are going to admit that their actions are the reasons enlistment is down? I know people with 14, 15 years in who are getting out “just” because of “woke” practices. I see the military reaching out to people who could not have served with us and at the same time neglecting people who are perfectly capable of serving.”
“Don’t believe this for a second. Heard from too many recent “lifers” that abandoned the military because of the current liberal policies.”
"I work with people in the military and Woke is having a negative impact. Not just on them, but their children as well, who are not being encouraged to follow in the parents steps.”
"Most of the active duty guys that I’ve spoken with feel that the woke ideology is being shoved down their throats. The woke ideology not only drives people off of active duty, but it also acts as a deterrent to future generations choosing to serve.”
“We’re a generational military family. Our boys were not encouraged to join. It’s so disappointing, but what straight, white male would want to join a racist, woke organization like the US military? There is no successful career path for them while racist, DEI policies dictate the governments’ values.”
“Newsflash: know your target market. Military leaders are playing politics and pandering to woke culture while abandoning their core recruiting population…not too hard to figure out.”