Hello Cindy,

Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military in order to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects moral, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.

The Association of Mature American Citizens (a conservative alternative to AARP) published a great article written by STARRS Board of Advisors member Dr. Scott Sturman (USAFA '72) and STARRS Vice Chairman Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret, that gives a background on STARRS:

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STARRS Strikes Back – Against Wokeness in our Military

STARRS Vice Chairman, retired Army Major General Joe Arbuckle, and STARRS President, retired Air Force Colonel Ron Scott, PhD, were guests on a podcast discussing how CRT, transgender and ESG policies are adversely affecting the military.

Reminder, this Wednesday:

Be sure to attend the next STARRS Town Hall via Zoom this coming Wednesday, 20 Sept. More information and register

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How the Hell Do You Think Us Veterans Feel Right Now?

By Colonel Kurt Schlichter, US Army ret

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Why the MacArthur Society?

By LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF ret,

USMA Class of ’59

MG Paul E Vallely, USA ret,

USMA Class of ’61

Col. Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., USA ret,

USMA Class of ’59

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Removing the Marxists, Rebuilding the Military

By Frank Gaffney, panel with Lt Gen. Boykin, others

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Biden Administration Policies have Weakened the US Military

Talking Points

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Pompeo: Rightly reward merit, not left-wing compliance in the military

Mike Pompeo is a USMA grad

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No one wants to accept blame for the Afghanistan war

By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96

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Former Navy Seal on 911 and Lessons from Afghanistan

By Jack Carr, US Navy ret

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Removing the Confederate Memorial is erasing history

By Lt. Col. William Layer, USAR ret

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Discrimination, Excommunication, and Indoctrination

By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71

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Recommendations for the FY 2024 NDAA

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Pentagon Civilian Leaders’ Attacks On Tuberville Are ‘Eroding Their Credibility,’ Experts Say

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Tuberville: Biden Democrats Have Created ‘Most Woke, Defenseless Military’ In History

Watch or read transcript

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Meet The Covid-Obsessed Biden Nominee Who Thinks You Should Suffer For Not Getting An Experimental Shot

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Biden’s Air Force Nominee Believes It’s ‘Naive’ For Service Members To Doubt The Military’s ‘Institutional Racism’

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AFOSI holds Political Commissar conference

AFOSI drinking the kool-aid

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Air Force To Miss Recruiting Goal For The First Time In Two Decades

What a shocker

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‘Woke’ Military Policies Drops Public Confidence To Lowest Point Since ’97

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Pentagon Clarifies: Award Citations Can Use Gender-Specific Pronouns ‘Himself’ and ‘Herself’ — Instead of ‘Themselves’

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After Tuberville Oversight, Navy Discontinues Digital Ambassador Program

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“If we lose a strong military, then we lost everything.”

Sen. Tuberviller remarks

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It Takes a Man

Article from the 1945 Infantry Journal

Response to a national security elite who thinks claims of wokeness in the military is overblown:

“My oldest daughter was in ROTC in high school, and now in college, she hasn’t graduated yet. A year away from graduating, she has decided not to go into military service. Many of her ROTC friends are serving already and are complaining about the Woke agenda classes they have to endure.”

"They need to pull their heads out and realize it is not the far left that joins the military, it is center left and right. People who do not want to be told they are oppressors or victims.”

“Do people really think that the leadership in the military are going to admit that their actions are the reasons enlistment is down? I know people with 14, 15 years in who are getting out “just” because of “woke” practices. I see the military reaching out to people who could not have served with us and at the same time neglecting people who are perfectly capable of serving.”

“Don’t believe this for a second. Heard from too many recent “lifers” that abandoned the military because of the current liberal policies.”

"I work with people in the military and Woke is having a negative impact. Not just on them, but their children as well, who are not being encouraged to follow in the parents steps.”

"Most of the active duty guys that I’ve spoken with feel that the woke ideology is being shoved down their throats. The woke ideology not only drives people off of active duty, but it also acts as a deterrent to future generations choosing to serve.”

“We’re a generational military family. Our boys were not encouraged to join. It’s so disappointing, but what straight, white male would want to join a racist, woke organization like the US military? There is no successful career path for them while racist, DEI policies dictate the governments’ values.”

“Newsflash: know your target market. Military leaders are playing politics and pandering to woke culture while abandoning their core recruiting population…not too hard to figure out.”

From: Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

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STARRS works to reveal and eliminate the divisive, radical and racist Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda infiltrating and harming the US military and its service academies.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our mission. Thank you!

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“We are all blessed to have STARRS members fighting this battle exposing all of this tyranny. You are all true hero’s and we are all so thankful for your hard work and dedication to saving our military and country!”

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!


STARRS is a group of retired military members and patriots dedicated to ensure the greatest fighting force on the globe remains the U.S. military. STARRS mission is to help educate our fellow Americans regarding the criticality of having a military that focuses solely on the essential readiness needed to fight and win our Nation’s wars. Winning requires a military which provides equal opportunity and a meritocracy leadership system which rewards high standards, ethical character, teamwork, and selfless service to our Nation. This mission accomplishment requires the elimination of DEI from the DoD by informing people about all ideologies, policies, agendas, and organizations that threaten a meritocracy based military.

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