In this issue

"Hearts, Hands and Heritage" opens October 29
"Every Body" continues through October 22
Artist Workshop: Copyright for Artists
Save the Date: FestEve!35, November 12, 2022
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Jubilee Quilt Circle

Art by Gabriel Martinez

Hearts, Hands and Heritage
opens October 29

Rich autumn colors and fanciful designs emerge in quilted fabric for the Community Artists’ Collective annual Hearts, Hands and Heritage Quilt Show opening Saturday, October 29, with a 2 p.m. reception.

Eleven talented quilters will display their original creations at The Collective, 4101 San Jacinto, Suite 116, through November 19.

Participating quilters include Leslie Abrams, Sean Casey, Carolyn Crump, Lady Trish Henderson, Gabriel Martinez, Sakeenah Mubashshir, Hastie Murray, Sandi Patterson, Phyllis Simpson, Rose Southall and Daniel Williams, Jr. The exhibition is in collaboration with CERCL (Center for Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning at Rice University).

The Collective, located at 4101 San Jacinto, Suite 116, is open Thursdays through Saturday from 12 noon through 5 p.m.