Forty-two percent of America’s 75 million millennials are multicultural.

Speaking their language, understanding their customs, and respecting their backgrounds matters.

Whether you’re at home or abroad, your ability to bridge cultural differences is a huge asset to your bottom line – and your workplace culture.

Shaking hands, introducing yourself, taking turns in conversation, negotiating deal terms, and gift giving seem simple, but norms vary dramatically across cultures. Get it wrong, and you could lose a valuable contract, offend a client, or miss out on a great hire. Don’t risk it.

Our CEO, Susanne Evens, will discuss this and much more at the Mid-America Trade Summit on November 2, 2022. It's not too late to join!

It is Halloween!!!

You love all things pumpkin, ghost and trick-or-treat related, but do you know the origins of this spooky fall celebration? Halloween traditions evolved alongside the Celtic festival of Samhain, a pagan holiday marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the “darker half” of the year.

The pagans believed that during Samhain the barriers between our world and the spirit world were at their weakest, so they would light bonfires and dress up in costume to ward off wayward spirits.

From Jack-o-lanterns to apple bobbing, many of today’s Halloween traditions trace their roots back to Ireland. One popular tradition that might be new to you? Barm Brack (or bairín breac), a type of bread baked with a ring, cloth and stick inside and used for fortune-telling purposes. 
This or that!
Bringing home a luxury item bought overseas?
5 things you need to take note of

Arriving travellers, both foreigners and returning residents, will have to pay GST if the total value of the item exceeds the relief amount granted to them.

Market outside your comfort zone. The multicultural population will be the majority by 2040. Marketers and programmers need to reach out to these audiences now – or risk being left behind. Here's what to know.

The falling costs of shipping reflect declining demand for goods and shipping containers, Petersen said. As people readjust to their post-lockdown lifestyles, they are spending more on experiences such as travel and restaurants. 
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