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January 2022

Monthly Update:

Dieting & Using the Right Ingredients

Have you begun your New Year's resolutions yet? A typical one is losing weight or eating healthier. Throughout this health hub, you will find healthy options to help you alter your diet and get back on track following those delicious holiday meals.


Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is a pattern of eating that involves regular short-term fasts and consuming meals within a shorter period. There are a variety of methods including: "Eat Stop Eat", the 5:2 diet and the 16/8 method. Learn more about the various methods and how to implement them in a safe and healthy manner by clicking below.

Fasting Tips

Eating Full Breakfast

Every day should begin with a healthy meal for breakfast. Eating breakfast can not only jump-start your metabolism, but also provide you with morning energy to get through the day. For the best results, choose a breakfast that is full of protein. Among the recommended breakfast items are eggs, oats, nuts, seed butter and quinoa.

Eating Breakfast to Lose Weight

Eating Mindfully

Mindful eating is an indirect way of helping your eating habits assist in your weight loss journey. Some quick tips in mindful eating include sitting down to eat at a table, paying attention to how your body feels as you eat and eating slowly can assist in leading a healthy life. Mindful eating can be essential, as it helps your brain detect how full you are and also teach you when you are actually hungry as opposed to just being bored. Learn more about this easy to implement process by clicking below.

Mindful Eating Introduction

Getting the Right Nutrients

Knowing how bodies react to various nutrients is a very helpful guide in your weight loss journey. They all have a part to play in your daily energy and how your body feels, but some can be more impactful than others. Carbohydrates is a nutrient that can really impact your weight. Excess carbohydrates generally break down into sugar and thus becomes stored as fat in your body. Keeping an eye on your carbohydrate intake can help you in your weight loss journey.

Low-Carb Dieting

Using the Right Oils

It's important to use the right oils while cooking as they have large impacts on healthy eating. Amongst the healthier oils to use while cooking are olive oil, avocado oil and sesame oil, while you should avoid using oils like fish or flax oil. Learn more about the use of oil in cooking by clicking the link below.

Best Cooking Oils

Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation | 610-828-7276 |

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