December 2023

National Girls Collaborative Project - Connect Create and Collaborate to transform STEM for all youth

NGCP Updates | Spotlight | STEM Events | Resources

NGCP Holiday Sweater Networking

December 7, 2023, 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern

Grab your hot cocoa and your favorite winter sweater for this festive collaboration networking event! Meet and exchange information with individuals who work in fields relevant to STEM equity such as educators, researchers, professors, industry professionals, college students, caregivers, and gender equity advocates. All are welcome! Discussion questions and breakout room topics will be distributed to all registered participants 48 hours before the event.

Holiday Sweater with Penguins

Apply Now for Brite 2024

NGCP is recruiting girl-serving informal STEM education programs to participate in Year 2 of BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to Transform Experiences. The Brite Program provides an online suite of activities centered on collaborative learning and engagement with diverse women role models for self-identifying girls ages 13-16. It is a Research in Service to Practice National Science Foundation Grant led by Florida State University, in partnership with NGCP and Smart Girls HQ. The project examines the STEM identity development of girls via the implementation of an online learning community. The application closes December 15, 2023, 3:00 PM Pacific / 6:00 PM Eastern. Learn more.


New England Girls Collaborative Kick-Off

January 18, 2024, 4:00 PM Eastern

Discover the New England Girls Collaborative Project and explore ways for you and your organization to actively participate. Join the next Collaborative working session and connect with organizations across New England while collectively establishing goals for this newly formed initiative. Email for more information.

Youth Adviosry Board Logo

Introducing Our New Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Members

NGCP is excited to announce new members of our Youth Advisory Board. This year's YAB comprises 38 exceptional high school students from varied regions, backgrounds, and STEM interests, all committed to shaping the future of STEM education. We warmly welcome these brilliant minds and eagerly anticipate their feedback and contributions to NGCP initiatives and our ongoing mission to create STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Meet the next generation of STEM leaders.


Help us make 2024 our most impactful year yet!

This giving season, we take a moment to celebrate the strides we've made towards a brighter future in STEM. Your contribution will help us continue to connect, create, and collaborate to bring transformative STEM experiences to all youth. We've hosted 2,600 collaborative events, enriched 32,546 programs with our resources and mini-grants, and engaged 88,612 practitioners through dynamic in-person events and webinars. Every donation is a step forward in our mission. Join us as we help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM and empower even more young minds to explore their potential in STEM.

For more NGCP updates, follow us on our social media channels

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IF/THEN® Collection

IF/THEN® is an initiative from Lyda Hill Philanthropies designed to activate a culture shift among young girls and introduce them to STEM careers.This month we’re featuring resources NGCP created to help educators and girl-serving providers use the more than 3,000 free assets featuring diverse women STEM innovators in the IF/THEN® Collection.

Video Tour: A quick overview of the site and our favorites sections, with tips for how to search for what you need.

One-Sheet: Details about the Collection’s photos, videos, posters, and other assets and how to use for educational and non-commercial purposes.

Scavenger Hunt: A hands-on activity designed to help you understand the Collection and how to access the assets.

Equity and Inclusion Assets: A curated set of activities and assets for afterschool and summer learning programs aligned to key strategies for increasing equity and inclusion.

Upcoming STEM Events

Citizen Science at your Library

Start Planning for Citizen Science Month

December 13, 2023 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

Join the National Citizen and Community Science Library Network to start planning your 2024 Citizen Science Month (CSM) events! CSM is an April-long invitation to learn more about a global movement and to find ways to get started through hundreds of free events and programs around the globe. Hundreds of libraries have hosted CSM events over the past five years, boosting awareness and participation in citizen science. Learn more at


CSEdWeek - Nationwide, December 4-10, 2023. Learn more.


Future of Education Technology Conference - Orlando, FL, January 23-26, 2024. Register.


American Camp Association Conference - New Orleans, LA, February 6-9, 2024. Register.


Beyond School Hours Conference - New Orleans, LA, February 14-17, 2024. Register.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting - Denver, CO, February 15-17, 2024. Register.


National Afterschool Association Conference - Dallas, TX, March 17-20, 2024. Register.


InventEd Convening 2024: Turning Passion into Action - Alexandria, VA, March 26-28, 2024. Learn more.


Science Near Me Partner Program

Science Near Me is seeking new partners to share their events and programs and help promote the database to their networks and the general public. Through Science Near Me, partners will join a nationwide directory of STEM opportunities, gain broader exposure for events and programs, and be able to tap into a network of other STEM providers. Partners will receive a $1,000 stipend for their participation. Learn more.

Reinvented Magazine Logo

Reinvented Magazine Calendar Giveaway

The Princesses with Powertools Calendar is back, and Reinvented Magazine is excited for everyone to meet their 2024 princesses. Formal and informal educators in the United States can request free calendars for their school, classroom, or organization. These donations aim to make their princesses, stories, and what they represent more accessible to students all over the United States. Learn more.

STEM Gift Ideas

Before you start your holiday shopping this year, our partners at STEM Next want to encourage you to think outside the box. Don’t let stereotypes limit your shopping lists and imagination. These 10 ideas can help promote girls' creativity and confidence in STEM, while also giving them more opportunities to explore! And the best part? Everything on this list is budget-friendly or completely free. Learn more.

Center of Excellence in Education RSI Summer Research Application Open

RSI is a free summer research internship program for rising high school seniors who are brilliant in science and mathematics. Students apply for admission to RSI during the fall of their junior year in high school. Apply by December 13, 2023.

EngineerGirl Writing Content

Calling all aspiring writers! Dive into the untold stories of the objects that grace your daily lives with EngineerGirl's 2024 writing contest: "The Secret Life of Everyday Items." It's your chance to spin a narrative around the lifecycle of an ordinary item, from its creation to its eventual farewell. Sharpen your pencils and don't miss the opportunity to showcase your literary talents. Submit your entry by February 1, 2024, 8:59 PM Pacific / 11:59 PM Eastern.

NASA Power to Explore Student Challenge

NASA has launched its third Power to Explore Student Challenge, a writing competition for students in grades K-12 in the US. One grand prize winner from each grade category will receive a trip to NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Submissions must be submitted by January 26, 2024. Learn more.

Techbridge Girls Logo

Techbridge Girls Applications Open

Techbridge Girls is recruiting out-of-school time (OST) educators to participate in STEM and equity training, curriculum, resources, and ongoing support. Services equip educators with gender- and culturally-responsive teaching tools and program materials to support youth persistence in STEM and expose girls to BIPOC peers and role models from STEM fields. You can visit the Programming Information Session and Application to learn more about how to participate in this program. Resources include curriculum, materials kits, training, ongoing support, and access to mini-grant funding. All OST program partners who serve Black, Indigenous, and Latina girls and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply.

STEM Equity Learning Community

Techbridge Girls is excited to announce that applications are being accepted to join the Spring 2024 STEM Equity Learning Community. All out-of-school time (OST) supervisors and administrators for programs that serve Black, Indigenous, and Latina girls and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply. Participation in this community of practice includes 5 sessions and access to $1,000 mini-grants.

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About Us

The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth.


Support Our Work

Help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM. Your support helps NGCP connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. Your generosity allows us to support programs working to increase girls’ interest in STEM by providing collaboration support, professional development, curriculum, and helpful evaluation and assessment techniques. Consider making a recurring donation to maximize your impact!

Shop Now

NGCP Online Shop

Explore the store and snag your favorite STEM goodies. Every purchase goes towards empowering youth voices through NGCP's Youth Advisory Board and helps to create STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in.


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