“To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the necessary conditions where learning can most deeply and intimately begin.”
– bell hooks
Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom

Upcoming Dates For Your Calendar

  • Monday, May 30: Memorial Day No School! 
  • Friday, June 3: Continuation & Graduation Ceremonies
  • Friday, June 3: Last Day of School, Early Dismissal.
Updates for Community

Dear Hallett Families,

Next week is the last week of school!

A few important reminders and announcements: 

  • There is no school on Monday, May 30.
  • Friday, June 3 we will have dismissal at 1:05pm 
  • Please stop by our lost and found if your child is missing clothing, backpacks, and lunchboxes.  Any items remaining after June 3 will be donated.
  • If your student has medicine that is kept at school, next week is the last week the nurse will be available for medication pick-up.
  • We need help with the Hallett Garden over the summer! Please read the information below, and reach out if you are able to help!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend! 

With love,

Dominique Jefferson

Click Here to Sign Up to Help in the Hallett Community Garden! 
Hallett Academy Summer Gardening Schedule.png

Medication Pick-Up

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Thank you for supporting The Denver Public Schools medication policy. Please make

arrangements with the school nurse to pick up all medications used by your child during

the school year. Colorado Guidelines state that medications are not permitted to be

sent home with your child. If your child is participating in a summer program, their

medication will not automatically be transferred to the site of the program. It is up to the

parent/guardian to pick up the medication from the school and transport it to the

summer program site.


Enclosed is the Denver Public Schools (DPS) Medication Release form for the next

school year. The DPS medication release form must be completed by both a

parent/guardian and physician in order for ANY medication (including any over the

counter medications) to be given next school year.

Please remember that all prescription medications must be in a labeled pharmacy

container. All over-the-counter medications must be in the original package and labeled

with the student’s name and dosage information.

It has been a pleasure to work with you and your child this school year and I look

forward to next year. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Should you have any

questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 720-424-6076.

I will be available for medication pick up May 31st-June 2nd 9am-4pm, and June 3rd 9am-1230pm. If these dates do not work for

you, please contact me to make arrangements.


Sadie Fenske, RN Hallett Academy

Click here for the Medication Release form for the 2022-2023 School Year

Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education & Summer Passport Program 

PHNEE is also excited to announce the second annual Summer Passport Program! This project provides a way for families to learn more about the Greater Park Hill neighborhood and its rich history through a FREE, fun, family-friendly, COVID safe activity for kids, parents, grandparents, and community members. 
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It’s easy to participate! You can sign up here or scan the QR code above and we will send you a passport as soon as they are available. On the passport, you will find a map of key landmarks in GPH and activities that can be accomplished at each location. The map includes every elementary school and library in our neighborhood as well as a number of local businesses. Pick a location, walk, bike, or scoot on over, and perform the activity described on the passport or get a small prize from a participating business. You can then “stamp” your passport and move on to the next stop.

The project runs from June 4 - August 15 so you have plenty of time to get to each stop. When you have completed the passport you can take a picture of it and email it to or drop it off at the PHNEE office at 1961 Holly St. If you visit all 5 schools, both libraries, and at least 3 businesses you will be entered into a drawing for Grand Prizes including tickets to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, gift certificates from Sexy Pizza and School of Breaking, a day pass to Elitch’s and much more!

Continuation & Graduation 

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Healthy Start Times 

Beginning in 2023, most DPS schools will have new bell times that align with the Board of Education’s Healthy Start Times (HST) resolution. The resolution calls for middle schools and high schools to start no earlier than 8:20 a.m. each school day to support healthy sleep habits in adolescents. To accommodate this change, elementary, middle and high school bell times need to be modified.

View the New Bell Times for the 2023-24 School Year »

We know you and your family may be impacted by these updated start and end times, and encourage you to take the DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” survey, available beginning Monday, May 2. The survey will include questions asking how the new bell times will impact you and your family. DPS will use the information to help prioritize solutions to those impacts.

To discuss these impacts, DPS’ Family and Community Engagement Team will also be holding a series of community meetings in-person and virtually beginning on Tuesday, May 3. You can find information for those meetings on the HST webpage.

Thank you again for your time and patience as we make these changes to support our students’ health and success, and move toward implementing Healthy Start Times beginning in August 2023.

Anchored in Excellence Summer Resources

Explore All Anchored in Excellence Programs
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Summer Connections is a FREE full day, 6 week program available in all DPS regions for ALL rising 1st-5th grade students that combines literacy, math, and science. Students will engage in hands-on  enrichment experiences in STEM, Art and Spark Career Exploration. Students may receive individual or small group tutoring.

How to Register 
Registration is open from Jan. 24 through 
Mar. 25, 2022. 
1. Log into your Parent Portal account 
2. Select “Summer Connections” in the top navigation bar 
3. Fill out the application 
4. Submit the application 
Click here for Parent Portal technical support. 

Schedule & Locations 
Summer Connections operates June 14 - July 22, 2022. The start and end time at some schools will be 8 am-3:30 pm and it will be 9 am-4:30 pm at other schools. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be served at all Summer Connections locations. All locations have central air conditioning. Students will be assigned to the school that is closest to their residence address. Bus transportation is available but is not guaranteed. 

Castro Elementary School Joe Shoemaker School Schmitt Elementary School Eagleton Elementary School Marrama Elementary School Smith Elementary School Farrell B Howell ECE-8 School Munroe Elementary School Southmoor Elementary School Green Valley Elementary School Newlon Elementary School TBD (replacement needed for Swansea due to construction) International Academy of Denver at Harrington 
Place Bridge Academy TBD (replacement needed for Trevista due to construction) 

**Registration is first come, first served. Once the capacity is reached at each school, students will be placed on a wait list.** For more information, visit our website at 

For questions or assistance, please contact the Expanded Academic Learning team at or 720-423-3629.

Rocky Mountain Human Services

Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS) can provide supports to students and families of children with identified developmental delays (under 5) and diagnosed intellectual developmental disabilities (5 or over) during the summer months and all year long! RMHS is also home to case management services for children in need of long-term care support through Medicaid waivers.

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“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
