The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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Volunteering is a great way to get involved with the school, learn what is going on, meet other parents, and help the school function smoothly and effectively.
VP Fundraising – PTSA Executive Committee
Responsible for leading annual fundraising activities, donor outreach, managing the company matching program, and tracking donations.
Hospitality Chair – PTSA Committee Member
Responsible for providing coffee and refreshments at 4 Principal Coffee Talks
Staff Appreciation – Event volunteers
Responsible for helping with staff appreciation activities throughout the year. Multiple volunteers are needed for each event and the time commitment is minimal.
Grants Committee Participants
Responsible for reviewing grants and allocating funds to Fall & Spring grant requests. We are looking for a diverse committee representing multiple sports, academics, clubs, and activities as possible.
Email Dana Gribble or Jenna Rensch - PTSA Grants Committee Co-Chairs
Vice President and Secretary – BHS Umbrella Booster Non-profit Board
Responsible for the behind the scenes business work that enables the 20+ Booster Boards (e.g. orchestra, theater, baseball, cheer etc.) to collect funds and support activities at BHS as a non-profit entity.
There are four Board meetings per year and the time commitment is
approximately 2-4 hours per month-with high flexibility on when the work is done.
This is a great time to get involved with Bellevue High School!!!
If you have any questions, please contact Krista Heys, PTSA Secretary.
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REMINDER: “Thriving at Bellevue High” Panel Discussion on Wednesday
“Thriving at Bellevue High: Success Strategies from the Experts” will be the topic of the first I-Connect meeting debuting on Wednesday, September 20. The event will feature a panel discussion, followed by audience questions. It begins at 8:15 a.m. sharp and ends at 9:30 a.m.
Panelists will include:
- Jocelyn Alexander, Assistant Principal
- John Hill, Director of Athletics and Activities
- Lorenzo McKinney, Graduation Success Coach
- Athena Bao, BHS Class of 2023
The speakers will offer key tips for parents and their students on how to excel
academically, emotionally, and socially. Additionally, returning parents will share their insider tips.
I-Connect is a new community engagement program being introduced this year by the BHS PTSA. The goal of I-Connect is to encourage new and returning parents to build relationships, foster participation, and strengthen our school community. I-Connect meetings will take place monthly. Some will be in the mornings, and some in the evenings. These gatherings are open to all BHS parents and caregivers. Come to one meeting or come every month; the choice is yours.
BACKGROUND: The I-Connect concept was born in 2014 when a parent, Asako Yoshimura, and her family moved from Seattle to Medina Elementary School. She felt that as families move into a new school community, whether from across Lake Washington, within the United States, or from abroad, they could
always use a friendly place to get to know people and make connections. She saw a need for a place where parents could see each other regularly and were encouraged to speak up. Yoshimura joined with two other moms and created I-Connect, a safe environment to share thoughts and experiences face-to-
face so parents could get to know, understand, and support each other. Subsequently, I-Connect offshoots began at Chinook and Odle Middle Schools. In 2017, the Washington State PTA bestowed a “Local PTA and Council Award of Excellence” on the I-Connect program.
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Looking for a volunteering opportunity to support our BHS community?
Bellevue Blast needs student volunteers to translate weekly blasts into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Working with adult leaders, you will be asked to translate Bellevue Blast regularly and earn service hours. If interested, please contact translation group leaders by September 30th.
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All parents of choir students please join us in the music room (1405) at 7:00 PM for the Bellevue Choir Booster's first meeting. Mr. Jacobsen will tell us more about the upcoming concerts including the Fall Concert, special events, fundraising needed to support the choir students’ programs and travel, and how you can help volunteer. The student Choir Councel will also be present! If you have questions, please email Beth Halvorsen at beth.halvorsen@gmail.com or Jeannie McGinnis at Jeanniemcginnis@msn.com. See you there! | |
Auditions for fall performances are this week! This fall the theater department will be putting on “Almost, Maine,” a comedy about relationships and love, and “Dracula,” a classic horror show. Audition materials can be found in the lobby of the PAC. Auditions will be held Wednesday, September 20th and Thursday, September 21st from 3 PM to 5 PM. | |
Bellevue High School Lower Parking Lot
Saturday, October 21st, 9 am – 12pm or when the 2 trucks are full.
Come early!
Help the Bellevue High School Band Boosters raise money by cleaning out your closets and garage. Goodwill is bringing a truck to BHS on Saturday, October 21st to accept donations of used goods. Normally, Goodwill does not pay when you donate your stuff, but they have a special program for schools. The more trucks we can fill, the more money to support the Bellevue High Band (and you'll get a donation tax receipt).
You can bring almost everything (OLD TVs, COMPUTERS, SMALL ELECTRONICS, RIPPED CLOTHING, BROKEN TOYS, etc. - what Goodwill can’t sell to the public, they sell to scrap dealers). Please note that items CANNOT be any bigger than an end table. Additional exclusions at http://www.seattlegoodwill.org/donate/donate-items/donation-guidelines
This is a fundraiser for the Bellevue High Band Boosters
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The dance team is having a fall tryout for our competition team on 9/27.
Tryout date: Wednesday September 27, 4-7PM in the upper auxiliary Gym
Sign up is required on final forms with updated physical and all forms signed.
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Interested in joining the Robotics team? BHS Team 949 is hosting an Open House on Thu 9/21 at 3:30. Drop by the Robotics Shop (located behind the Main Gym, by South Aux Gym) to meet the Leadership team and learn more about the different subteams. See last year's robot in action!
New Member Orientation will be held on Thu 9/28 @3:30 Robotics Shop (located behind the Main Gym, by South Aux Gym). Specific details for the upcoming year will be covered. There are opportunities for all, training will be provided throughout the year.
Follow the team on Instagram @team949robotics
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Bellevue High School Cheerleading is hosting a fundraiser at MOD on September 20, 2023, and we would love your support! You can participate by ordering online using the code MODGIVES20 or by visiting this MOD location and showing this fundraiser flyer or mentioning Bellevue Cheer at checkout!
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Pasado’s Safe Haven: LEAP (Leaders for Ethics, Animals, and the Planet) is a revolutionary humane education program designed specifically for high school students who love animals. LEAP aims to prepare the next generation of changemakers to tackle the challenges of animal cruelty, climate change, food deserts, and habitat loss, and encourages them to devise solutions for a more compassionate, sustainable food system. Application due 10/1 (see flyer)
Bellevue Ski School: Hiring for winter, paid or volunteer hours (see flyer)
- In the Community:
CollegeWise: Free presentation Wednesday 9/20 6:00 pm @ Bellevue College on Tips and Tricks of writing the college essay. (see flyer)
- College Visits:
Begin Monday, most visits in the library before school, a few after school Wednesdays. Check the “What’s New” section of Naviance for the complete list, notable visits next week include UW Seattle (Monday morning), University of Colorado Boulder, Redlands, Western WA and NYU among several others.
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Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Each student who reports 100 or more approved hours will earn the Wolverine Guard Community Service Award. During the last school year, WG had 98 Bellevue High students earn a Wolverine Guard certificate for the 2022-2023 school year!
- ALL BHS students from 9-12 grades are eligible for WG should they meet the requirements.
- Students who earn WG in at least two of their four years at BHS will qualify for a WG Blue/Gold Honor Cord at graduation; students with 4 years of service at BHS will be awarded the WG Distinction Community Service Award.
Application must include volunteer time logs, log forms should be detailed and with signed signatures from volunteer coordinators.
- Volunteering is done through a non-profit organization (usually a 501c3 organization).
- The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District volunteer hours requirement for graduation. We DO NOT coordinate with Naviance and will only accept Wolverine Guard time logs.
Application is due midnight on April 30th, 2024. No late application will be accepted!
Review guidelines and WG application and time logs at PTSA Wolverine Guard page: https://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/wolverine-guard/.
Any questions, please reach out to Lucille Tam and Michelle Pflaum at wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com.
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BHS Centennial Celebration | |
The 2023-2024 school year marks the 100th anniversary of Bellevue High School. Current and former students, families, friends, and neighbors are invited to join us on Saturday, September 30 from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. at BHS for an event where folks can stroll down memory lane, reconnect with old friends, and make news ones as we honor the last 100 years of Bellevue High School and our surrounding community. Come for the music performances, athletic showcases, alumni meet-ups, guest speakers, self-guided tours, oral histories, historical displays, food trucks, and activities for all ages. Click here for more information: https://bsd405.org/bhs-100-years/
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We would be delighted if BHS alumni and current families who possess classic cars from previous decades to drive them to the 100th BHS event September 30. The cars would be parked in the upper lot. Contact Carol Schmidt or Vic Anderson for more information. | |
Reflections is a National PTA arts recognition program that helps students explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful not only in school, but in life.
The theme for the 2023-2024 program year is “I Am Hopeful Because…” Students submit their completed works of art in one or all of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.
Deadline for submitting student entries is Monday, November 13, 2023, 6 PM.
Contest rules and more information available on the BHS PTSA website.
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Over 90 parents showed up on Sunday 9/10 to kick off senior year together! Thank you to Dave and Leslie Feller for opening up their home and providing the opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones! And, thank you to the generous families who came together to fund the on-site taco truck. The food was fantastic and a fun addition to the evening. It was an energizing evening and a great way to start the year!
$50,000 Total Goal – We are up to $42k!!!
Donate by September 29th!
We’ve got GREAT momentum – THANK you to the 25% of parents who have donated so far! We have TWO WEEKS LEFT to wrap up fundraising and if you haven’t yet donated, please do not wait any longer and donate today! This is our LAST CHANCE to raise the final 30% to support several important graduation events YOUR student will be invited to:
We are asking for a $125 donation per family by September 29th.
No amount is too big or too small - every dollar counts!
Donate here or scan our QR code!
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- EVENTS are not funded by BHS - donations offset costs for student’s graduation experience
- EVENTS provide EVERY one of our nearly 400 seniors with a sense of community and closure
- EVENTS touch 100% of seniors – every event gets at least 2/3 of the class in attendance
THANK YOU to these 102 families for donating! (as of 9/12/23)
Audia, Bakkal, Bede, Birkeland, Borberg, Buck, Campos, Chen, Colby, Corsi, Cunnington, Diefenbach, Downs, Dyer, Elmgren, Fancey, Feller, Feng, Fitzpatrick, Gese, Goates, Grieve, Gulrajani, Guo, Gurarie, Halvorsen, Han, Hu, Hughes, Ingalls, Isdith, Jack, Justus, Kang, Knudson, Kouidri, Kratovich, LaMoria, Landes, Leland, Lewison, Li, Li, Liffick, Lin, Little, Livingston, Lombardi, Masters, Mayes, McAughan, McDermott, Melnyk, Millen, Min, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Naini, Nair, Okubo, Palestro, Park, Patout, Pendergast, Pfeiffer, Pujol Boe, Quinn, Ramos, Razore, Reed, Rensch, Reynolds, Rohde, Rubin, Sapp, Saraiya, Serres, Sevier, Shanthi, Sheppard, Sodergren, Stolte, Strandell, Tanase, Tang, Thaut, Trilles, Tsai, Uyematsu, Viertler, Watson, Whiting, Whitten, Wilson, Wong, Wong, Wu, Wyatt, Zhou
AND, THANK YOU to these 65 families for selling and/or buying raffle tickets last spring!
Acosta, Audia, Bede, Birkeland, Chan, Corsi, Cunnington, Downs, Dyer, Elmgren, Feller, Fitzpatrick, Goates, Grieve, Halvorsen, Hauser, Hughes, Jack, Kagle, Kato, Kim, Knippel, LaMoria, Landes, Lee, Leland, Lewison, Liffick, Little, Livingston, Masters, McAughan, Merz/Mathis, Millen, Moore, Morgan, Naini, Neff, Okubo, Park, Pendergast, Perry, Pribble, Pujol Boe, Quinn, Ramos, Razore, Robillard, Rensch, Rohde, Rubin, Ryals, Scoma, Serres, Steele, Stolte, Strandell, Tanase, Tang, Thaut, Watson, Whiting, Wilson, Woll, Yamaguchi
We are excited to wrap up our student’s high school experience on a high note and are so grateful for your generosity and support!
Go Class of 2024 Wolverines! Kim Millen & Leslie Feller, Class of 2024 Parent Leads
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We have had to move our football game scheduled for Friday Oct. 13th to Thursday Oct. 12th at 7:00pm. Due to lack of official crews for the conference, this change has been made.
Friday is a professional development/non-school day for students so this is still likely to be a Friday night atmosphere.
Thank you for your help and support.
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ImPACT Test Dates for the BHS 2023/24 Sports Seasons:
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Students will need their BSD laptops for ImPACT testing.
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm at Bellevue High School – Lower Aux/North Gym – Room 0302
September 20 and 27, 2023, October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and December 6, 2023
January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, March 6, 13, 20, 27. April 3, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22 and June 5, 12, 19, 2024
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo, Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse prior to participating.
Any question please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities at mayerk@bsd405.org
The Wolverine Way. It’s Worth the Climb…. We hold high standards.
We embrace the challenge together and support one another along the way.
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Hello Wolverine Families,
Copied and pasted below is the link to purchase HOME sport specific passes, and individual game tickets for your review and to share with extended family and friends. We are using Hometownticketing and will almost entirely be online purchase this fall at all sites in the Kingco Conference. Varsity and Junior Varsity games for Soccer and Volleyball do have a gate fee. There is no gate fee for JVC athletics.
Look forward to cheering on the Wolverines this season!!!
Go Bellevue!!!
John Hill, CAA
Athletic Director
Bellevue High School
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Regular Season Sports 2023-24
Fall Sports:
Football – start August 16th
Cross Country, Boys Golf, Girls Soccer, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Boys’ Water Polo – start August 21st
Winter Sports:
Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys Swim and Dive, Boys and Girls Wrestling, Gymnastics – start November 13th
Spring Sports:
Girls Badminton, Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Softball, Girls Tennis, Boys and Girls Track & Field and Girls Water Polo – start February 26th
Boys and Girls Lacrosse – start TBD
Practices are mandatory beginning on these dates. If a team has a tryout, it will be scheduled for the first days of practice.
To find contact information for our all of our coaches please visit our school website athletics page.
Registration for the 2023/24 BHS Athletics open in FinalForms – register now for the upcoming sports seasons!
To Participate in a Sport at BHS:
Register for Athletics or Clubs at BHS FinalForms (https://bellevue-wa.finalforms.com/)
- A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season
- Parent/Guardian and Student questions need to be complete every year
If you attend International, Bellevue Virtual Academy or Big Picture, please contact Kelli at mayerk@bsd405.org.
2.Please attend ImPACT Testing (if required)
- Athletes for most high school sports must have a current concussion baseline ImPACT test completed to participate (valid for 24 months) require ImPACT testing.
- Sports that do not require ImPACT testing are: Cross Country, Badminton, Drill Team, Swim Only, Tennis, Golf, and Track & Field (except Pole Vault requires the ImPACT test)
3.Make sure a BSD sports physical is on file with the school Athletics and Activities department, email a copy to Kelli at mayerk@bsd405.org. BSD Sports physicals are kept on file for 2 years – please be sure we will have valid BSD sports physical on file for your athletes for the whole sports season.
4.To make payments: https://wa-bellevue.intouchreceipting.com/
- * Please Note: ASB membership is required to participate in Athletics and the Athletic Fees are applied to your students account & applied when team rosters are complete. The fees include the ASB Card fee, a school transportation fee (fee amounts vary), and a $100 program participation fee per sport (maximum $300 per individual/family per school year), $150 Club sport base fee for Water Polo, Lacrosse and Badminton.
Questions in regard to Fees/Fines, please contact Cathy Lanning, BHS ASB Accountant at lanningc@bsd405.org
Athletics Department Contacts:
John Hill
Athletic Director
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The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
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Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington
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