February 28, 2022


As most of you all have noticed early voting for the primaries has begun., and the actual Election Day is Tuesday March 1st.  I am the Precinct Chairman and for that day the “Precinct Judge” for the Republican Primary.  I have done this for several years but now the mechanics have all been altered and the new system and new machines are in place and the set up, while still similar has many more moving parts and requirements for those of us in charge. I am not techy at all, and I continue to be anxious about having all ready and active by 7:00 am that morning when doors are required to be opened. I have a great team but I am the one who is responsible for running a prompt and efficient election.  

That being said, this writing is especially for me, I am just letting you in on my thoughts and maybe you too might be anxious about something and it will calm you heart as I hope it does mine.   

Philippians 4:4-7 reads as follows: Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Happiness is an emotion based on earthly circumstances that can change on a whim whereas Joy, as in rejoice,  is a supernatural state of mind that is based on God himself.  The facts that God never changes, his love always abound, his plans are perfect, and his oversight is eternal and everlasting says that we should rejoice in the very fact that we know God and he knows us and we are his.  And since God never changes then our rejoicing should never change if  we truly believe in him with all our hearts and allow our minds to be consumed with his presence and  lead us through the anxiousness that has snuck into the crevices of our thinking. 

Anxiety charges through our minds when we begin placing our performance, actions and expectations on what we are doing rather than what God can do through us. In those verses above it calls for us to do three things when we begin to feel anxious, Rejoice, Pray and Receive the Peace that God has given us.  When shall we rejoice….always.  What do we do when we are anxious?... submit our prayers to God…all of them even the little ones like what route do I take to get somewhere,  or I need a parking place or please help me be techy and organized…(those are little but also reminders to me, that GOD cares about the details)… all of them in our lives.  As far as anxiety don’t wait…. when the intensity is about to make you go crazy, you are late… but Lift up your requests to God before your day even begins. And remember that any time and all times that we embark on life itself…God is listening and not on ly willing to help but wanting to.  He loves it when we call on his in our weakness and in our strength.  

This is my advise to myself and a reminder to all of us to ask God to be in our arena, stand by us and guide us and give us confidence not in our own abilities but in accomplishments that he will help us to earn through trusting him. And what will happen when I/we honestly seek to embrace these commands…Peace will follow.  Not the peace that the world offers, for that peace is temporary, limited and transient, but the peace of God himself. For  God’s peace has no bounds, it is eternal and without end.  

And sometimes if we truly are dependent on God’s  oversight and trust him with whatever situation has emerged, his peace may make no sense; and you will wonder why am I so calm, and not rattled. And His peace does not only surpass all understanding, it will guard our hearts, and smother the flames of fire that the world is throwing our way.   

So… Do not be anxious about anything… sounds easy but it definitely requires  a shield of God’s grace upon our hearts and minds and a reminder to thank God for what he has already done, and for him to give us a willingness and desire to trust Him in all situations. And what do we get in return…PEACE… and always his unexpected LOVE.  

May God bless you and I both today with the ability to let go of whatever anxious thoughts we have and rejoice in who/what we know to be true and eternal. Beware …of earthly compromises that creep in to steal your joy. For peace abounds to those who believe in God and his precious son Jesus.     

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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