Friday Newsletter

November 10, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

Sunday School: 10 am

New Song Chimes Rehearsal: 11 am

Stewardship Hoedown: 11:30 am

Mid-High Youth Group: 11:30 am

High School Youth Group: 6:00 pm

Time to Celebrate with a Hoedown Luncheon!

West Pres and the Stewardship Committee would like to thank everybody who has submitted their pledge for this coming year. We appreciate your commitment to this church body and the work we are doing in the Salem area. If you have not yet pledged, you still have time to submit a pledge online or bring your pledge packet to church on Sunday.

To celebrate this pledge drive coming to a close we want to invite everybody to the Westminster Hoedown Luncheon! This Sunday after service in Boulder Hall we will have food, a live caller for those who want to dance, and an opportunity to celebrate together this symbolic season of harvest.


Women's Night Out will be at The Olive Garden at 6 pm on Monday, November 13. Hope to see everyone. RSVP to Michele at 408-402-2396 by November 12.

We are all invited to an ecumenical Thanksgiving (Eve) worship service at First Christian Church downtown on November 22 at 6:30 pm. Please contact the church office ( if you would be able to represent Westminster as a reader during the service or would like to participate in the all-comers choir (5 pm that evening). Music will be available ahead of time--talk to Jeffrey (

Join together for a discussion on the Doctrine of Discovery--what it is and what the effects are on justice for all on Sunday, November 26, after service. Read the book The Land is Not Empty by Sarah Augustine (a copy will be available in the library soon), listen to this podcast interview, check out this article, or simply come to hear and learn! The discussion will be hosted by the Mission Peace Ecojustice committee.

Advent Craft Event is Sunday, November 26, from 2-4 pm in Boulder Hall. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to come make Advent wreaths, ornaments, paper crafts, and of course, a graham cracker house. We will also make some nature crafts to decorate one of the trees outside the church so the birds can celebrate too. Start the season off right with fellowship, snacks, hot cider, and creative fun!

Deck the Halls! Advent is coming (a little later than usual this year: note that it’s NOT beginning on Thanksgiving weekend!) and we need help decorating the church. Please join us for the annual decorating party on Saturday December 2 from 10 ‘til we’re done, or maybe around 1. Many hands make light work.

Christmas Journeys is coming! Please put December 10 on your calendars for the second annual production of our intergenerational telling of the Christmas story. Everyone who would like to participate is welcome. There are speaking, non-speaking, and crew parts, musicians, setup, takedown, and food prep needs, and room on the planning committee. If you would like to participate in any way, please contact Terri Crall as soon as possible (

Save the Date

November 19: Open Debrief with Elders: Budget & Scouts (11:30 am)

December 18: Red Cross Blood Drive (1-6 pm)

January 6: Un-Deck the Halls


Please return your pledge card or make your pledges online by November 12.

Nursery Update: throughout the summer and early fall, we spent five months intentionally considering the next best steps for Sunday nursery care for our much loved littles. Starting in Novemer, Lucy Foster and Carole Brewer have agreed to serve as the Nursery Coordinators. We are transitioning to a new model of one paid and one volunteer attendant in the nursery each week. Please be patient as we get this new approach up and running. Feel free to reach out to Lucy ( or Carole ( with any questions or if you would like to volunteer. Volunteers need to be Child & Youth Protection Certified. Thank you.

If you have not yet had a photo taken for the directory, you can still: 1. Submit your photo via the provided email: Put the name(s) of who is in the photo in the subject line. Include any updated information, as well. 2. If you are unable to submit a photo you may request a photographer come to YOU. Please contact Katie Nelson,, 503-580-5631, or Ellen Chambers,, 503-364-5767. The deadline for submitting photos will be November 26 in order to give the committee time to produce the directory and get it published by mid December.

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


For Maggie Sather's daughter-in-law Drea with multiple health concerns and son-in-law Tim who is in treatment for cancer.

For the family and friends of Shirley Swank, whom we discovered passed away in January of this year.

For Doug and Jan White with acute health challenges this week.

For the family of Carol Teagle--memorial service will take place at Westminster on Saturday, December 9, at 11 am.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin or here, please email or call the church office (503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.

Give the Gift of Time

Want to invest in the life of a child in our community? The SMART reading program is looking for volunteers to read one-on-one with a child at Faye Wright Elementary's Head Start program. Timeslots available are Mondays at 10 am or 2 pm. A short training is provided. Please contact Paul Allen (, 503-540-1934) or find more info here.

Leadership Corner

For Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Staff

11/19 @ 10am Elder-led worship service

11/19 @ 11:30am Quarterly open debrief with Elders. Topics: Budget & Scouts

11/19 @ 12:00 pm Deacon retreat

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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