Action Requested. We need your help!

Support the historical designation of 540 Thorn Street and ask the council to deny the appeal and to uphold the historical designation by taking any of these actions:
1) Speak at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 20, beginning at 11am. To join the Special Meeting Webinar by computer, tablet, or Smartphone click HERE. To join by telephone dial 1-669-254-5252. See Item 331 on the agenda HERE. Suggested talking points are below; OR
2) Submit written comments by using the City Council webform HERE, or email a comment letter directly to the City Clerk ( Form webform comments, find Comment Type, click “City Council Comment” and add Agenda Item 331, then type into the comment box. Suggested written points are below.

Sample talking points for testimony or comment letter
  • This is one of only two known buildings within San Diego to represent the Richardsonian Romanesque style. 540 Thorn Street must remain designated under Criterion C for architecture.
  • This is an exemplary and rare example of a Tudor Revival style house with Richardsonian Romanesque, Tudor Revival, and Arts and Crafts era influences. Due to this rare and significant stylistic combination, the high-style execution of the Richardsonian Romanesque influence, and prominent corner and anchor location—across from and related to the Balboa Park 1915 Exposition—540 Thorn Street must remain designated under Criterion C for architecture.
  • This block is one of few to remain in Bankers Hill that still conveys the history and architecture that once dominated the western edge of Balboa Park. The loss of this house would be substantial to San Diego, and to the architectural heritage of Sixth Avenue and the western edge of the park.
  • One of the last remaining significant architectural residences that once fronted onto Balboa Park, 540 Thorn Street is an iconic anchor to the Sixth and Thorn corner. The combination of these styles during this time period is notable and one of only two within San Diego, which further heightens the level of significance for this resource under Criterion C. Please maintain designation for 540 Thorn Street under Criterion C for architecture