Weekly Update
May 13th, 2022
I enjoy reading 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings. Some of the greatest stories and characters in the bible are found in these four books: Solomon for one. Solomon became King after his father, David, died. In 1Kings 3:5 the Lord asked Solomon, “Ask what you wish Me to give you.”

We can only dream about what our answer would be to that offer! Solomon asked for “an understanding heart to judge God’s people….” (1Kings 3:9). God was pleased with his answer, granted his request, and added wisdom, riches, and honor like no one had before and no one would have after- with one stipulation; “…if you walk in My ways…”

One way God instructed the sons of Israel to walk was by not getting involved with foreign women. 1Kings 11:1 records that Solomon “loved many foreign women.” Among his 700 wives and 300 concubines were found many foreign women…”and they turned his heart away from the Lord.” Along with foreign women came their foreign idols. Solomon built “high places” for them to burn incense as they worshiped their idols made with human hands…”and Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord.” (1Kings 11:6). It’s a tragic story; living a long-life serving God only to turn away in the twilight of your existence.

Solomon started strong and reigned 40 years over Israel, only to have his heart turned away from God by disobedience and have his kingdom torn from him. Two thoughts come to mind considering this story: One; Eugene Peterson authored a classic book entitled “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.” We need to start and finish life well as disciples. Two; 1 John 5:21 “Little children (speaking affectionately to his adult disciples) guard yourselves from idols.”

Mike W.

  • Joyce & Jennifer request prayer: Jennifer tested positive for covid last Saturday.
  • Please pray for my family as we grieve the loss of 2 family members over last weekend. ~ Tia
  • Please pray for my brother-in-law Dave as he had cancer surgery this week. ~ Jean
Livestream link for Sunday May 15th
Click on this link "The Mission of the Church"

Or go to youtube.com and search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"
You will also be able to watch any service at any time.
Bible Zone Time Change:
We are excited to include our children in the service for worship again! Starting JUNE 5th we will ask parents to keep their children with them during the worship time, then escort them down to Bible Zone to sign them in during the last song before communion. 

  • Nursery will still be available during the entire service.
  • Discovery Zone (3rd-5th grade) will continue to start at the beginning of service and run every other week.
Spring Indoor BBQ
Sunday May 15th
Mark your calendars and save the date for our first all church barbecue on Sunday May 15th following morning worship service. Since spring weather is unpredictable, we are planning on an INSIDE BBQ. We will provide burgers, buns & dogs as well as paper products & beverages. We need you to bring the side dishes, salads and desserts.
Men's Breakfast
May 21st ~ 8am
It’s time for our monthly Men’s Breakfast on Saturday May 21st.
What is better than a nice, hot breakfast? When it's a hot breakfast with a bunch of guys who know what it's like to be a follower of Christ in today's world. Come and be nourished physically and spiritually on Saturday May 21st beginning at 8 am. You'll enjoy a short time of just hanging out with the guys and building relationships while enjoying some great food. 
Missions Fair
May 22nd
On May 15th & 22nd our focus is on Missions. Following the May 22nd service there will be a Missions Fair in the Fireside Room. Each table will feature a missionary and a finger food representing each culture. Stop by and get to know the missionaries you support!
TWO Baby Showers
Baby Shower
for Kaylee Stone
Tuesday, May 24th

We're having a baby shower for Kaylee Stone and son Elijah on Tuesday May 24th at 6:30pm at Love's home.
Some ideas for gifts:
  • Diapers - size 2 or larger
  • wipes
  • clothing - 6 mos or larger
  • Amazon gift cards

Contact Sarah Lawrence for more details. (503-405-5388)
Welcome Felix!
Sunday, June 5th
Join us after Sunday morning worship to shower Eedy & Trevor as they prepare to welcome their son Felix. Check out their registry at babylist.com/baby-eedy. Please no disposable diapers; they will have a diaper service.
Summit to Summit
Men's Retreat
June 3-5
Washington Family Ranch
Registration now open.
Stop at the Hospitality Desk for brochures & registration forms.
We are in need of help getting tee shirts tie-died for Auntie Peace in Uganda for her children and adult choirs. Andy & Keeky Smith will be here May 22 for the Mission's Fair at First Christian Church and would like to take them at that time. They leave for Uganda on June 3rd, so if we can't have them ready when they are in The Dalles, we will need to find a way of getting them to Clatskanie by June 1st. 

We have 24 children's shirts and 13 adult shirts to get done. Jennifer and I have never tie-died shirts before so really need someone who knows how to lead the project. Please contact Jennifer at 541-300-9061. Thank you!

  We really appreciate everyone's prayers and support of The Last Days of Jesus pageant.  This weekend we wrap up our 44th year with a time of fellowship with our cast & crew. There were many trials to overcome this year with a shortage of cast & crew; costume trailer mishap while being stored in Husum and the snow load crushing the back of the roof in and causing mold damage to baskets and other items stored in the rear; having no access to the High School for practices (could only do performance there and need for blocking etc...) so it was held in The Dalles City Park; and the usual glitches with sound.

  We persevered through it all and are preparing for next year already. We did have some positive feedback which is encouraging. We were really blessed this year with Pastor Aaron Brenner from The Dalles Evangelical Church joining us for the first time, and he is wanting to take the task of making sure The Last Days of Jesus pageant is attaining a higher level of reaching people for Christ and seeing them involved in our local churches.  

  Thank you to everyone at FCC who were involved as cast and crew and behind the scenes. Thank you Pastor Mike for his Resurrection morning invitation. You are such a blessing to The Last Days of Jesus pageant. 

  Please continue to pray for our 2023-24 Jesus portrayal selection as the Board will decide at June meeting on candidate Josiah (JoeB) Chrisman (who played Peter this year). Pray for future plans as we move forward in fellowship and fund gathering for our 45th year.

  We finished our clubs the week of April 25th through the 28th this year so Jennifer could attend IOT in Hillsboro. We asked for prayer that we would finish well and we did. Our kids had a wonderful time of doing the review games for the book of Genesis. It is amazing how much the kids remember. 

  We received thank you cards from a couple of kids from our Monday club. One of our 5th grade boys was really sad that he was going to be a Middle schooler but we reassured him that he was welcome to continue accompanying his siblings and also invited him to our Jesus Youth Challenge club. He was so excited about this.

  A father of three girls from our Monday club wanted to know if there were going to be clubs this summer and told Jennifer he was going to get started on his yard so we can have a Neighborhood Bible Club at their place.  
Monthly goal $33,210.17
May received to date $24,925.00
WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles
Watch for updates on Facebook and our website