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September 5, 2023
For Immediate Release
Are you Planning Your Event for the
8th Annual Global ONE HEALTH DAY??
Officially celebrated November 3, 2022
A One Health approach is needed now more than ever!!!
Launched in April 2016, One Health Day has for the past 7 years provided a mechanism and reason for organizations, groups and individuals around the world to hold hundreds of events that raise awareness about the One Health approach* to complex challenges involving people, animals, plants and the environment.
One Health Day gives advocates and practitioners around the world a powerful voice for moving beyond provincial approaches to emerging zoonotic infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, climate change, environmental pollution, food safety, comparative medicine, translational research and many other problems, to a holistic, One Health, way of thinking, acting and living for the benefit of all living creatures.
One Health Day 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Event Descriptions and Maps provide impressive examples of how the world is embracing and advocating for One Health. Anyone, from academia, government, corporate industry to private individuals, can plan and implement one or more One Health Day events each year. These events do not have to fall right on 3 November but can occur any time of the year. It is free to register an event to get a pin on the global One Health Day map each year and One Health Day fliers and logos in many languages are free for using to promote your event. (Help us develop them in even more languages.) These maps are very powerful visual messages for policymakers to see just how One Health is being embraced around the world. Just remember to Register your event to get on the map!!!
The One Health Commission and the One Health Initiative Coordinating Team for One Health Day is joined in 2023 by the global One Health Community in urging international One Health champions to plan and implement events to raise awareness and understanding of One Health. We would love to exceed our record of 150 events (that we knew about) held in 2016 for the inaugural One Health Day.
Each year students are encouraged to form One Health teams with colleagues from different disciplines to envision, plan and implement One Health Day events and, if desired, to enter them into an annual Student Events Competition for a $1,000 cash prize. Additionally, in 2023 we are excited to announce that 2 students from the winning student team will each receive a registration ticket to attend the 8th World One Health Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, 20-23 September 2024, organized by the global One Health Community with the support of the Quadripartite collaboration on One Health (FAO, WHO, UNEP and WOAH).
Any questions about One Health Day 2023 may be directed to your Regional One Health Day Point of Contact. More information about One Health Day is available at .
*About One Health
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview.
The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept. For history on the significance of a recurring annual global One Health Day see: ‘One Medicine – One Health’: An Historic Perspective’ prepared by the One Health Initiative team.
Cheryl Stroud, +1 984-500-8093 (USA),
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