Dear Parents,

We are looking forward to greeting your children on Tuesday.  The full Faculty and Staff returned to the building yesterday to participate in professional development and planning meetings in preparation for the school year.

Supply drop off for lower school students - Monday August 23rd 3pm-4pm

7th grade student and parent orientation - Monday August 23rd 2pm-3pm

As stated in my previous email our protocols are aligned with guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health specifically for K-12 schools and include masking, social distancing, enhanced hygiene, and cleaning recommendations. These recommendations are designed to keep students in school. By masking and distancing students 3 feet apart, we minimize any potential risks of spreading the virus. Following these guidelines will ensure that the majority of students and teachers who have an exposure will be able to continue to come to school in person and will significantly reduce the number of students and teachers that are required to quarantine due to a Covid exposure in the school setting.

Please see the chart below with the updated Covid symptom chart that we ask you to be mindful of before sending your child to school.

Shabbat Shalom and looking forward!


Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff
Head of School