3rd graders Antonia and Audrey took on a specific challenge together in honor of the 100th Day of School last month.

Welcome back everyone, we missed you!

Happy Wednesday,
Based on changing conditions and new recommendations, we are making some adjustments to our COVID protocols. As you’ll see below, this is something we plan to revisit continuously over the next weeks and months based on conditions. Here are the changes we’ve made to our COVID protocols effective immediately:

Riverside had its spelling bee for all interested 4-8th grade competitors just before the winter vacation. 7th grader Phoebe Donn earned 3rd place, 4th grader Phoenix Newell earned 2nd place, and 8th grader Colin Randall won 1st place. It was really fun to watch all of the students try their best with pose, joy, and support for each other. Colin will go on to compete at the Vermont State Bee later this month.
This week's Cocoa Sale for the Lyndon Food Shelf will be on Thursday, so stop by their table in front of the barn and enjoy a sweet treat.
We will be skiing and riding for the last time this Friday afternoon. Congrats to everyone who expanded their skills this winter, whether it was in their ability to slide on the snow, or take ownership of keeping track of their stuff and the time, or in helping other Riversiders, or in communicating their needs to others.
K-8th grade conferences are next Wednesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 10, after an early dismissal from school at 12:30 on those dates. We hope all parents will take advantage of this opportunity to meet with teachers and discuss student strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Older students are encouraged to participate in the conferences, as part of practicing active learning and engaged citizenship.

Meetings will be virtual meetings. You can sign up for a meeting time at the links below, and teachers will send out a link to join the conversation next week.

The Extended Day Program will run from 12:30-5:00 on those dates, please email Sean if you plan for your child to attend and when you anticipate picking up, so that staff can plan accordingly.
6-8th graders are hard at work memorizing lines and rehearsing scenes for their production of Shrek, which will be Friday, March 25 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, March 26 at 2:00 pm at Lyndon Institute Auditorium. Additionally, each middle school student has a role in producing the show, either in costuming, sets, props, or publicity. Those groups meet twice each week as well, where students design and build all of those elements of the show as well.

During the week of March 21-25, there will be no academic classes at all for 6-8th graders. They will rehearse, build, sew, and publicize each and every day. Toward the end of the week the work will move to the auditorium at LI, with specific info about needs, meals, pick up and drop off times coming in future Monday Memos.

On the afternoon of Friday the 25th, elementary students will be bused over to LI to see the final dress rehearsal, and pick up will be there.
We are so grateful for all those in our community who have participated in giving to the Annual Fund, which bridges the gap between tuition income and program expenses. This year we hope our teachers, and their tireless commitment, creativity, and engagement, has inspired your donations.

It's not the amount of your gift that matters as much as the act of participation. If you haven't yet donated, please help us increase the percentages below by making a donation to Riverside today. While you can give online, you'll save us the cost of processing fees if you make a payment to Krystal directly with cash or check.

Parents: 32% (national average for independent schools 62%)
Alumni: 3% (national average for independent schools 8%)
Grandparents: 10% (national average for independent schools 13%)
Trustees: 75% (national average for independent schools 100%)
Parent Book Club has decided to postpone its last meeting until Wednesday, March 16 at 5:00. Even if you haven't read the book, or have not yet been to one of our meetings, you're still welcome to join in the conversation! At our gathering we'll be discussing the final sections, "Hadzabe Health" and "Western Parenting 2.0."
Chess Club will meet this Wednesday. K-2nd graders will be in Allee's room; and 3-5th graders will be in Hanna's room from 3:00-3:45. 6-8th graders will meet in Hanna's room from 3:45-4:45. We will not meet next week because of conferences.
Math Counts Club for 6-8th graders will meet this Thursday from 3:45-4:30 pm. We will not meet next week because of conferences.
As summer camps and programs for youth in the NEK are shared with us, we will link information here.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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