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2022 B'nai Mitzvah Families

January 2022 Updates

Dear 2022 B'nai Mitzvah Families,

We hope this email finds you well. We have been thrilled to welcome some of you back into our building over these past few weeks and watch as members of this class continue to rise to the challenge of the b’nai mitzvah process. Mazal tov to Frieda Rich and Hannah Schneider, who both became b’nai mitzvah this month!

Thank you for your understanding as our policies continue to shift in light of the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be on the lookout for continued updates in our regular weekly emails. We will continue to be in touch individually with upcoming families to discuss any changes and how they may affect the logistics of your special day.

For those of you with B’nai Mitzvah ceremonies scheduled for March and beyond, please see below for some updates to your preparation process.

Debra Winter, Director of Spiritual Arts

In-Person Tutoring to begin February 24

We were saddened to push back our plans for in-person b’nai mitzvah tutoring in light of the omicron variant. However, we are delighted to be able to welcome you back into the building for one-on-one tutoring beginning in a few weeks. Please make arrangements for your students to get to the Temple Micah building for weekly tutoring beginning Thursday, February 24th.

ACTION REQUIRED: If you have not already, please email Mckinley Edelman to either confirm that your current tutoring time slot will work, OR that you will need to make an adjustment to accommodate the transition from virtual to in-person tutoring. We will continue to offer opportunities for virtual tutoring as needed, or when sessions are rescheduled for other days of the week.

Liturgy Schedule to begin February 12

We invite you as always to find opportunities to attend Shabbat morning services as a family, in advance of your child’s B’nai Mitzvah. Each student has been scheduled for two Saturdays to lead one piece of the Shabbat morning worship service from the bimah. The liturgy schedule was paused for the month of January, and will remain on pause until mid-February. However, after this time, please plan to bring your family to Shabbat services for the mornings you are assigned.

As a reminder, we ask that at least one parent accompany the student when it is their turn to lead part of the worship, and that students arrive at least ten minutes before the service begins to check in with a member of the clergy (Debra Winter or one of the rabbis). It is expected you remain for the full Shabbat service. If you are unable to be present on the date you are assigned, contact Jeannelle D’Isa at least three weeks in advance to receive an updated assignment.

We look forward to continuing to celebrate this special time with you and your families.


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