Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"...One of the biggest reforms is the removal of the 1.5 multiplier also known as the “shared parenting penalty multiplier.” Before, child support in shared parenting situations was calculated by combining both parents’ obligations..."
By Brigitte Pellerin - National Magazine, 02/03/2022
"...In situations where one parent has primary residence with the children, that parent is eligible to claim the dependent tax credit. But what to do when the separated parents are in a shared parenting arrangement?..."
"... While it’s difficult enough for parents who live together to figure out how to best care for their children during school closures and other difficult moments, it’s even harder for separated parents to deal with these challenges..."
"...Children who have experienced nurturing and positive connections have more secure, healthy relationships and are more likely to do well academically and socially into adulthood2 than children who experience insensitive or harsh caregiving..."
"... A movie about the rights of fathers titled, The Daughter, will be hitting local television screens soon. Castro Musinyali who has a BA law degree and radio experience, based the movie on his own experiences as well as the challenges other fathers like him face daily..."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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