May 13, 2022

Dear Residents -


If you happened to drive by Town Hall this week, you could not miss the construction that is under way for the new Town Hall. This project started in 2017, when Supervisor Stewart commissioned a study of alternatives to address the decaying Town Hall. It was followed up by Supervisor Day, with architect selection, design and planning for it. Both of these men, along with their respective boards, understood the need for a new Town Hall and worked hard to bring it to fruition. I want to thank them for having the foresight to do the right thing and look forward to welcoming all of you, sometime in late 2023, to a Town Hall that you can be proud of.


Our Parks and Recreation staff is excited to get the first of their Spring Movie Night program under way tonight, with How to Train Your Dragon. It starts at 8:00 pm at Veterans Memorial Park.  Pre-registration is required and no dogs are permitted at this event. At $3.00 per person and a maximum of $12.00 per family, which includes a drink and a snack, it’s an affordable, fun way to spend time with the entire family. So, grab a chair and head over to Veterans Park tonight!  


Unfortunately, we still do not have a grand opening date for our new playground (we need for the rain to stop). However, my staff is working hard to finalize the name and want to thank all of you who e-mailed name suggestions. We received over 35 submissions and are excited to have so many great options. I must say, you are a creative bunch. The names proposed were clever, thoughtful and very inclusive. Thanks to all of you!


With longer days ahead of us, get out and explore Orangetown, for we are "Rich in History" and have so much to offer our residents.


Have a great weekend!



Teresa M. Kenny
Town of Orangetown
26 Orangeburg Road
Orangeburg, New York 10962
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Town of Orangetown

Supervisor Kenny presenting a proclamation to NAMI for Mental Health Awareness Month.  Sandra Wolf is to the left of Supervisor Kenny and Rena Finklestein is to the Supervisor's right.

Orangetown Town Board Meeting, May 10, 2022.

Top left - Aric Gorton, Jim Dean and Eamon Reilly, receiving proclamations for National Public Works Week.  Jane Slavin received her proclamation for Building Safety and Chief Butterworth received his for National Police Week. 

Top right - members of service, being promoted or appointed to Orangetown Police Department.

Bottom right - honoring Commander John Antonucci and the Raymond W. DeMeola VFW Memorial Post 1615 for their service to the Camp Shanks Museum. 

May 24, 2022 - Public Hearings:

  • To amend Chapter 43 in the Town Code to address zoning in the Hamlet of South Nyack
  • Proposed zone change for a property on Gatto Lane in the Hamlet of Pearl River

June 14, 2022 - Presentation:

  • POSTPONED Proposal for the re-use of the former Chase Bank property on Main Street in the Sparkill Overlay District

Public Service Announcement
Orangetown Police Department

Share the Road:

It’s Everyone’s Responsibility

Runners and walkers, you should wear reflective clothing when you go out and dusk is settling in or the sun has yet to rise in the morning.  A study showed that cyclists/runners/walkers and almost all motorists believed that high-visibility clothing would increase cyclists' (runners/walkers) visibility, and almost all drivers agreed that cyclists/runners/walkers need to wear reflective clothing in low-light environments.

Upcoming Events


Competitive, Fixed Rates Protect Consumers

May 15 Info Session: Get Answers to Your Questions!

In November 2020, Orangetown launched an energy program for local residents and small businesses. Seventeen months later, the program has delivered nearly $1.5 million in cost savings to residents and small businesses. This program also makes renewable energy available at competitive rates. This program will renew in the fall.

Join us at an online session to learn more. This event is open to all. Get answers to your questions.


Sunday, May 15 at 4 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: >> 

Meeting ID: 854 5759 4384

One tap mobile: +19292056099,,85457594384#

 Or call: 1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 854 5759 4384

For more information, you can also visit or call 845 859-9099 option 1.