Middle School Updates

August 25, 2023

Stay Up to Date on Sign Ups & More!

Hello, Middle School Parents!

October is an exciting time for our Middle School students. From Breakfast with Dad on Friday (RSVP today!), to Fall Fest on Saturday, to Spirit Week, to the Middle School Neon/Glow Dance on October 27th, our oldest Owls have a lot to look forward to in the second half of this month!

Read on to find out ways that you can get involved in supporting some of the Middle School fun and festivities in October. We appreciate your support!

Middle School Neon/Glow Dance | October 27th

Our 7th and 8th grade NJHS students have been working hard (and having fun) planning their first dance of the year! The Middle School Neon/Glow Dance will be held on Friday, October 27th, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the gym. ARPS students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are welcome to attend. We'll have music, snacks and drinks, a photo booth, and more...all with neon/glow vibes.

If you can contribute toward our snacks, drinks, or decor - or if you can donate some time to deck out the gym in neon/glow, please sign up here!

Tickets will be sold for $10 beginning tomorrow, October 20th, through Friday, October 27th. Students are welcome to dress in the neon/glow theme, or to wear whatever else feels fun to them for this fall dance.

Let's glow, Owls!

Jelly Drive for Erie UpLink

Bring a Plastic Jar of Jelly to the Dance!

Our students would like to support local families in need by holding a Jelly Drive for Erie UpLink!

All Middle School students are invited to bring a plastic jar of jelly to the Neon/Glow Dance. Whoever donates jelly will get two free concessions at the dance!

Erie UpLink let us know that this is a need of theirs right now - and we want to do all that we can to lift up our neighbors! The jelly will be used to fill Tiger Packs next month.

Your child is welcome to donate their jelly jar ahead of time if they would rather not bring it to the dance. (They will still receive two free concessions.)

Thank you for supporting our Jelly Drive!

Middle School Spirit Week

To get our Middle Schoolers psyched for their fall dance, our students requested a Spirit Week! Next Monday through Friday (October 23 - 27), your student is welcome to dress in the theme of the day. Please remember to have your child wear their uniform to school on Friday for class pictures. All students will have the chance to change into spirit week clothing after class pictures.

All of these spirit outfits are more than likely are already in your child's closet, so you don't need to run out to the store to buy anything. Need some inspiration? Check out this video of some of our NJHS students modeling each spirit day!

Sign up for Girls' Basketball or Boys' Wrestling!



Phone: (720) 242-6225