Community Health Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)
weekly message from the Executive Director
This Week in the Numbers
For the fourth week in a row we are reporting a reduction in COVID-19 positive cases with no DSP and no VMRC reported cases, and only 7 consumers this week. This is the kind of trend we all want to see because it is the kind of news we need in order to keep planning and moving towards our safe reopening. However, keep in mind that the seven positive cases we saw this week are still more than we reported this time last year collectively, and we didn't even reach a combined total of seven until June 12, 2020. While the numbers are still concerning with 2250 positive cases and 241 deaths in California yesterday, hope is on the way as reflected in these important facts:
· Vaccines: California has administered vaccines to 41% of residents (16 million people) and starting on April 1st people 50 years and older will be the new priority tier.
· Counties Continue to Progress Through the Tiers: Only eight counties are still in the Purple Tier (San Joaquin is still purple), 39 are in the Red Tier (Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Calaveras and Amador are all in the Red Tier), nine counties are in the Orange Tier, and two are in the Yellow Tier.
· Testing is Widespread: Over 100,000 Californians are tested every day and the positivity rate is now down to 2% (seven day average).
· Hospitalizations and Deaths are dramatically declining: Each week California has seen a decline in hospitalizations and death since the first week in January 2021.
Big News
This week we heard back from the Patient Care Services Manager from Safeway Northern California and learned they have agreed to work with VMRC to set up a vaccination clinic at our offices in April. VMRC will be gathering a team of our employees to help host and manage the event, and we have already reached out to several of our community partners who will help us with outreach and event management. The vaccines will be administered by the Safeway Pharmacists and they may bring other clinicians to perform the health screening. Our event volunteers will check people in, direct traffic, monitor the post vaccination waiting area, etc. We are still working through the logistics and the exact dates for the first and second shots but we are very excited to bring this service to our community. Stay tuned…
A Shout Out to Our Providers
Every day our providers are performing what might appear to be normal every day tasks in support of people with developmental disabilities, but these tasks are often the difference between full participation in community and continued segregation to various degrees. Last week a story came across my desk from Pam Sanghera, Service Coordinator, that excited her and reminded us all of how dedicated our Direct Support Community is to people with disabilities, and how important their role is in facilitating community access and connections. Recently Antonia Hernandez, Director, Person Centered Services - Supported Living Services, learned that a local Costco was not following the guidelines for vaccinations, guidelines that include all people served by a regional center as eligible. Antonia just couldn't let this be so she went into the Costco to speak directly with the pharmacist, and after being told the same thing as the day before she pushed the issue and asked for the corporate office number. In the end she was told that they are now going to follow the state guidelines, and assured her they will now vaccinate whoever is eligible to receive the vaccine. Now that's great advocacy that will make a difference for many people to follow who will never know that Antonia was the one who helped make sure they got access to this life saving vaccination. Thank you for your advocacy.
Tony Anderson
Executive Director
Valley Mountain Regional Center
Case Management Update
History of Developmental Disabilities Month
As Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month winds down, it is important that we continue to be mindful of the work that has been done throughout the years. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed March “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month”. This was built on the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1970’s and 1980’s.
The proclamation inspired further social change by asking Americans to provide the “encouragement and opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to reach their potential”.
Feeling optimistic these citizens moved from institutions and began living in communities. This changed living situation led to the need for more comprehensive solutions provided in the way of community supports. Social change was a bit slow, and preconceived ideas of how to provide opportunities to individuals with developmental disabilities had to be overcome. Fortunately, advocates continued to push change by encouraging Congress to recognize that those with developmental, and other, disabilities deserved more. The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 made discrimination against people with disabilities sanctioned by law.
As the framework of services and supports changes, those with disabilities and their families embraced living productive, self-directed lives.
The ability to provide safe and secure, quality, fulfilling lives led to the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 2004. IDEA provides guarantees of early intervention, special education, and services to transition High Schoolers into early adulthood.
More than three decades after President Reagan proclaimed March Developmental Disability Awareness Month we still have work to do. On ourselves and our understanding of disability, on protecting the taxpayer-funded programs and accomplishments of the past, and on encouraging more expansion in services to provide freedom of choice and control to remain safe, healthy, and independent in one’s home and community.
Social Workers are “Essential”
VMRC Service Coordinators and staff also celebrated March as National Social Workers Month. The campaign began almost 30 years ago in an effort to inform the public and legislators about the crucial role that social workers play in improving the well-being of people and helping our communities become a better place to live.
It first started when the White House officially recognized social workers in 1984. Every year since then the National Association of Social Workers selects a social issue to promote. Due to COVID, the theme this year was “Social Workers Are Essential” and revolved around issues pertaining to the pandemic. The struggle was real for all social workers during this past year, attempting to provide needed services in less than optimal conditions.
We continue to recognize our amazingly talented and tenacious case management staff. In March, but also throughout the year.
Learn About Self-Determination
· Registration for the April 16-18 Self-Determination Conference is happening now. Conference attendance includes participation in all sessions, a manual and a T-shirt. Current SDP participants can register, with DVU invoicing your FMS. All other consumers and families interested, please register and indicate VMRC SDAC in the narrative section on the form and billing will occur through agreement with DVU. Contact your Service Coordinator with any questions. Registration is available at the following link:
· VMRC Self-Determination Orientation Training via Zoom on Monday, March 29, 1pm to 4pm and Saturday, April 3rd, from 10pm to 1pm. Please register in advance for this webinar:
One session of training is mandatory if you have been selected and not already attended. Anyone is welcome at any session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Contact Angelique Shear at (209) 955-3294 or with any questions.
Purchase of Services (POS) Disparity Meeting—Spanish
March 30 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: 060740
Consumer Services Committee Meeting
April 5 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 912 6700 7341/Passcode: 108771
Donation Recognition
VMRC would like to take the opportunity to thank Father Mark Wagner, Mara Bernard and all the wonderful volunteers from Presentation Food Pantry again for their continued support and collaboration with the regional center in providing food bags to our consumers and families who are in need during this difficult time. Since starting our collaboration with the Presentation Food Pantry in April 2020, VMRC has been able to deliver food bags to more than 500 families. We look forward in continuing collaboration with Presentation Food Pantry. –Gabriela Lopez, Cultural Specialist
Cindy Mix
Director of Consumer Services
Clinical Update
Great news to Californians! On April 1st, the COVID-19 vaccines will be open to individuals 50 years old and older, then on April 15th, it will be open to individuals 16 years old and older.[1] Essentially, every Californian 16 years old and over will have the chance to get the vaccine by April 15th of this year. Please remember that the local county public health offices still have jurisdiction to vaccine distribution based on their vaccine supply. I am now hoping for the vaccine trials for younger individuals be done soon, as well as get the necessary approval from the FDA.
Latest news on AstraZeneca vaccine indicated that vaccine efficacy after 15 days from the second dose is 76%, increasing to 85% for those 65 years and older.[2] AstraZeneca emphasized that the vaccine is 100% effective in preventing severe COVID-19 and hospitalization.
With more and more individuals getting vaccinated, some people ask what is the risk for those individuals fully vaccinated? The definition of fully vaccinated individual is more than or equal to 15 days from the last shot; meaning 15 days after the second dose for those who received Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, and 15 days after the first dose of the single-dose Janssen (J&J) vaccine. Let us remember that the vaccines we have are not 100% effective but does have certain percentages of their efficacy rate as to preventing severe COVID-19. Looking at their efficacy rates[3], if it is Pfizer or Moderna, one has about 5-6% risk of getting severe COVID-19, while it is about 34% risk of getting symptomatic COVID-19 for the Janssen (J&J) vaccine. The approved vaccines are good at preventing severe COVID-19 and COVID-19 related deaths but there is still the risk of getting mild to moderate COVID-19. This goes to point that it is still necessary for vaccinated individuals to continue practicing safety precautions of wearing mask, physical distancing, hand washing and avoiding crowds.
All regional centers are tracking how many consumers have been immunized with the COVID-19 vaccine. Based on the data below, we have about 870 consumers who have received the second dose or the single shot vaccine, and 506 who have received the first dose, totaling to about 1,376 consumers who have received the COVID-19 Vaccine based on our records. Below is the latest data we have for our consumers:
Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C
Director of Clinical Services
Clinical and Early Start Updates
- April 2nd is the 14th annual World Autism Awareness Day! Join us in lighting it up blue to recognize individuals with autism!
- Check out the top 10 assistive technology apps for individuals with autism.
- A beautiful essay about being autistic. “The Joy and Vibrance of Autism”
- Ten tips to help students with autism transition back to school.
- Research on how “family navigators” can help families with cultural, language and income barriers obtain early autism diagnosis and intervention.
Early Start
Our Early Start program is California’s early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families in our 5 counties. Early Start services are available statewide and are provided in a coordinated, family-centered system.
The online Early Start referral form has launched! You can now apply for our Early Start services online.
Tara Sisemore-Hester
Assistant Clinical Director
Community Services Department Update
Weekly Residential and Day Program Informational Session hosted by VMRC’s Community Services Department EVERY FRIDAY at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 912 0489 6749
Please join us to learn about important changes and trends as it relates to the COVID pandemic and other changes.
Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance Department is offering the 2nd of two SIR Training for vendors on March 29th from 9-12 a.m. Looking forward to seeing those of you that are participating.
Licensed Residential Providers please submit your Covid Mitigation Plan to Robert Fernandez at as the deadline has lapsed. VMRC will accept either VMRC’s Covid Mitigation Plan or the COVID – 19 Mitigation Plan Report - LIC 808.
Please continue to follow all COVID – 19 safety precautions while delivering services to consumers. Thank you for all that you do for our consumers!
San Joaquin Rapid Transit is hosting a “virtual open house” on March 31st from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM.
Resource Development
VMRC has been awarded the following Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) / Community Placement Plan (CPP) Projects for the current Fiscal Year (RFP’s will be posted SOON on )
· Specialized Children's Step-Down home in Calaveras or Tuolumne County ($150,000 Grant)
· Specialized Children's Residential Step-Down home in San Joaquin or Stanislaus County ($150,000 Grant)
· An informational ZOOM session about these two projects will be held on April 19th from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Meeting ID: 944 6380 6660
· Swim/ Water Safety for Children up to 18 yrs. old and their families ($15,000 Grant)
An informational ZOOM session about this project will be held on April 23rd from 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM.
Community Care Licensing Informational Call
Community Care Licensing is hosting a Provider Informational Call about the Department’s new guidance on visitation, outings, dining, and social activities. The call will also feature a Q & A session to answer questions and clarify information on Friday, March 26 (TODAY), 2021 Via ZOOM: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
HCBS Update
The Community Services Department
Transition Fairs are Coming!
Every year Valley Mountain Regional Center puts on Transition Fairs as the school year is coming to an end. Due to the pandemic last year, and also this year, these will be done virtually.
The Transition Fairs are a great way for individuals and parents to learn about educational and employment services after young adults leave the school districts. Various colleges and universities, day programs, supported employment programs, and others will virtually present about the different pathways that their programs can put you on.
San Joaquin County Transition Fairs
- Spanish - Tuesday, April 13th, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Webinar ID: 950 8508 2301
Passcode: 100159
US: +1 669 900 6833
- English - Thursday, April 15th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar ID: 934 7641 7158
Passcode: 365745
US: +1 669 900 6833
Stanislaus County Transition Fairs
· English - Tuesday, April 27th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar ID: 994 6107 7808
Passcode: 945239
US: +1 669 900 6833
· Spanish - Thursday, April 29th, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Webinar ID: 952 1136 1938
Passcode: 814425
US: +1 669 900 6833
Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne County Transition Fair
· Thursday, May 6th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Webinar ID: 977 7016 1596
Passcode: 759652
US: +1 669 900 6833
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Ordering
VMRC has welcomed R&D Transportation Inc. as our new transportation broker. Effective Monday, 03/29/21, they will also be managing the PPE ordering from our website. Not much will change externally, but internally they will be working directly with our transportation providers daily. If any individual, family, or service provider is in need of PPE, please continue to utilize our website for ordering. You can order from our main page at, or at our COVID-19 page at
If you prefer to place your order via phone, you can contact R&D at 888-695-8848.
April COVID-19 Drive Through Testing
VMRC will be hosting another COVID-19 Drive Through Testing Event on Thursday, April 29th, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at our Stockton Office, located at 702 N. Aurora Street, Stockton, CA 95202. Registration is required, and will open in our Health Advisory that comes out on Friday, April 23rd.
North Valley Hills Update
Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930
The Listos team has produced a Resource Catalog to help you identify and access all materials that have been produced by Listos California. For complete list got to
Listos California – Resource
Catalog | All Languages
● Guides, Handouts and Print Resources
○ Disaster Preparedness Resources
○ COVID-19 and Public Health Resources
● Online Courses and Interactables
● Workshop and Training Materials
● Social Media Assets
● Audio Resources
● Video Resources
○ Five Steps to Prepare for a Disaster: Video
○ Voices of Californians: Video Series
○ InformaGente: Video Series
○ Talks with Mom: Video Series
Guides, Handouts and Print Resources (just a sample)
Update from Family Resource Network
Family Resource Network (FRN) continues to assist consumers and families with Project DATA registration to provide devices and internet services to those in need. Please see the flyer for more information or contact the FRN office for assistance at 209-472-3674.
Lisa Culley
Executive Director
Family Resource Network
Self-Advocacy Council 6 (SAC6)
Join SAC6 for Our Weekly Chat!
Let’s Check In with each other!
WHEN: Friday March 26, 2021
TIME: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM
WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 0856 0514
Passcode: 713436 (MUST ENTER PASSCODE) OR you can call in:
TOLL FREE NUMBER TO CALL IN 877 853 5257 US Toll-free
Topic: COVID-19 - One Year Later with Tony Anderson and Claire Lazaro of VMRC
ALSO at each CHAT: A VMRC update by Tony Anderson Executive Director and a Mental Health Tip of the Day by Dr. Dave Demetral!
Five County Data Update
as of March 25, 2021
San Joaquin County
· 69,295 total positive cases and 1244 deaths
· 11.7 new cases per 100,000 people and 4.6% positivity rate (Widespread/Purple....Most Restrictive)
Stanislaus County
· 52,315 total positive cases and 988 deaths
· 12.2 new cases per 100,000 people and 5.0% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....Most Restrictive)
Tuolumne County
· 4020 total positive cases and 62 deaths
· 1.6 new cases per 100,000 people and 1.3% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....Most Restrictive)
Calaveras County
· 1991 total positive cases and 51 deaths
· 3.2 new cases per 100,000 people and 1.5% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....2nd Most Restrictive)
Amador County
· 1651 total positive cases and 37 deaths
· 5.6 new cases per 100,000 people and 1.8% positivity rate (Substantial/Red....Most Restrictive)
State of California
· 3,653,190 total positive cases and 58,437 deaths
· 5.5 new cases per 100,000 people and 2.0% positivity rate
Valley Mountain Regional Center
· 706 positive consumer cases and 24 deaths
· 34 positive VMRC staff cases
· 4 positive volunteer cases
· 281 positive provider cases and 1 death
Local County, State and National Public Health Resources