The annual meeting of the
American Public Health Association (APHA) of 2016 is fast approaching! Although I am not attending this year, I will surely be with you all in spirit. The
is planning a variety of scientific sessions, a special session in partnership with Equal Health Opportunity Committee (EHOC) honoring 25 years of CBPH, and our annual business meeting.
Please browse this newsletter for information about these and other related activities and opportunities. And please take note that we are looking for
NEW LEADERS to take on important leadership roles for our Caucus. This year, I will be concluding my two year term as chair. It's been a wonderfully enriching and worthwhile endeavor, and I look forward to seeing who among you will step up to take on this role. Leadership within the Caucus is critical to sustaining our work within APHA and beyond.
Again, please be sure to read this newsletter in its entirety, and be sure to renew your membership to the CBPHC if you have not already. Membership dues help us plan events at APHA and allow us to sustain our caucus status within APHA.
Every year, the CBPHC, in partnership with the National Community Based Organization Network (NCBON), honors community and academic partners every year with three awards:
Please join us for our NCBON business meetingon Sunday, October 30 at 3 p.m. This meetings will be at the Hyatt Regency Denver: Mineral Hall G. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we have a full schedule of sessions highlighting community-academic partnerships in action. For a full list of sessions, visit the APHA website.
Join us for the CBPH Caucus Annual Business Meeting! Whether your a Caucus member or not, we hope you can join us early on
Tuesday, November 1 at 6:30 the Hyatt Regency Denver: Mineral Hall A. Similar to last year, this year's meeting format is to engage in dialogue over complimentary coffee, tea, and juice around the work of the caucus and ways to augment our work in APHA and beyond. We'll also celebrate our annual Tom Bruce, E. Hill De Loney, and Lucille Webb awards! We look forward to seeing you there.
Here is a 2003 picture of Dr. Derek Griffith (bottom right) as a post-doctoral fellow in the Community Health Scholars Program. Dr. Barbara Sabol (top center) was the program officer from the WK Kellogg Foundation. Derek is currently an associate professor at Vanderbilt University.
Celebrating 25 Years of Community-Based Public Health at APHA
In 1991, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation announced a new initiative called Community-Based Public Health (CBPH) with the grand vision of "putting public health back into communities and community back into public health." A special session, organized collaboratively by the Community-Based Public Health Caucus and the Equal Health Opportunities Committee, will celebrate the accomplishments and impact of CBPH at the upcoming APHA Conference in Denver. Please be sure to mark this special session on your calendar.
This session will review the history of CBPH and CBPR and will explore their accomplishments, barriers, and future potential from community, academic and practice perspectives.
The session will be dedicated to Thomas A. Bruce, recently deceased, the Kellogg Foundation's program manager who designed and oversaw the initial implementation of the programs that launched and expanded these two streams of activity.
The session was organized by
Toby Citrin, former director of the Community Heath Scholars Program. Speakers include
Janice Bowie (Johns Hopkins University),
Eugenia Eng (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill),
Derek Griffith (Vanderbilt University),
Barbara Israel (University of Michigan),
Melvin Jackson (
Strengthening The Black Family, Inc.),
Robert Pestronk (formerly National Association of County and City Health Officials),
Angela Reyes (Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation), and
Alan Richmond (Community-Campus Partnerships for Health).
APHA Presentation about CBPR Partnership Academy Nov. 1
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Partnership Academy, is a one-year, all-expenses-paid program whereby community-academic teams learn about CBPR through: 1) a one-week intensive course in Michigan; monthly webinars and trainings; mentoring sessions; and other guidance and support as the teams develop a CBPR partnership and program in their community.
The program is hosted by the
Detroit Urban Research Center, which will be presenting on the program at APHA on
Tuesday, November 1 from 4:30 to 4:50 p.m. The session is called "Strategies to Enhance Community-Academic Partnerships," and is in Section 4378.0. The Detroit URC will have informational handouts available at the session, as well as at the U-M School of Public Health table in the APHA Exhibit Hall.
If you're an academic researcher or community organization who is interested in learning about, and incorporating, CBPR approaches in your work, then please attend the APHA session to learn more about the program and how to get involved.
Re-Engaging Ethics Town Hall
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, through funding from the Greenwall Foundation, invites you to participate in a Re-Engaging Ethics Town Hall Discussion to formulate guidelines for the ethical conduct of engaged research.
The Re-Engaging Ethics project aims to create guidelines to guide for the conduct of engaged research and is informed by an array of stakeholders conducting and supporting research, including academic and researchers, community partners, IRB representatives, and ethicists.
The Town Hall will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2016 in Denver, CO from 1 to 5 p.m.
Together with experts and leaders in the Denver metro-area, the Environment Section organized an afternoon tour of community revitalization, demonstrated through urban ecosystem integration, affordable and healthy housing, mixed-use renovation, and public transit (new light-rail) systems.
We invite you to join us on
Sunday, October 30, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. in an engaging and exciting opportunity to see Healthy Community Development in Action.
Angela Reyes accepts the first CBPH Caucus "E. Hill DeLoney Award" in 2009 with two youth from her organization next to her. They attended and presented at the American Public Health Association Meeting that year.
Thanks to those of you who contributed toward our Go Fund Me fundraising, we have raised more than $2,500 to send five youth to APHA in Denver, CO!
We are down to the wire and want to raise a little more to support the rest of our youth travel needs, which includes hostel stay, food, and incidentals.The youth are traveling from California and North Carolina to present their own research and stories of partnership.
This Go Fund Mecampaign is part of the CBPH Caucus' commitment to fostering the understanding of CBPH in research, teaching, and practice. We involve youth because we know how important it is to make sure this important, collaborative work continues into the next generation.
Empowering our youth to attend the annual APHA Conference is a critical component toward helping them to become the public health leaders of the future. Their participation also gives APHA conference participants the opportunity to hear, first hand, the voice of today's youth, as they deal with a wide range of public health issues and concerns.
Please visit our
"Go Fund Me" page to learn more about CBPH Caucus youth activities--and to contribute toward helping bring critical youth perspectives and passion to our public health arena.
Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Please Volunteer!
The CBPHC urgently needs its members to volunteer for important leadership roles within the Caucus. We currently need both a CHAIR and CHAIR-ELECT for the coming year. We ask all members to please consider volunteering or nominating one of their peer members of CBPHC to serve in one of these roles.
Please email to share you interest as soon as possible and no later than Friday, October 21.
If you are interested in any of the above, please email our Chair Tricia at
Join the CBPH Caucus
Want to help support the vision of the CBPH Caucus--and enjoy some practical benefits at the same time? If so, then please consider joining the Caucus or renewing your membership if it has expired. A regular membership is $25; a student membership is $5; and organizations can sign up three people for $66. Caucus membership benefits are as follows:
Informative group emails;
Invitations to participate in the CBPH Caucus Annual Business Meeting at APHA;
Can serve as volunteers and as active members of committees and networks;
Eligible to be nominated for leadership positions;
Can apply for travel scholarship funding, if available.