St. Philip Catholic Church News & Updates

August 25, 2023

Misa de Sanación sábado

Acompáñenos a la Misa de Sanación sábado 26 de agosto a las 8 pm. Oficiada por el Padre Denis Donahue, Padre, Felipe Briggs y Padre Fredy Rivera. 

Esperamos un grupo grande, así que considere viajar en el carro de alguien más. La Misa es patrocinada por la Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Arlington. Para más información contacte a Mario Méndez 240-441-3003 o Alejandro González 571-352-0019.

Spanish Healing Mass Saturday

St. Philip welcomes the Diocese of Arlington Spanish Apostolate and Diocesan Charismatic Renewal for a Healing Mass this Saturday at 8pm. Fr. Donahue and Fr. Briggs will officiate.

All are welcome owever please note that the Mass will be in Spanish.

RCIA Begins September 5

RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. is open to parishioners who want to learn more of the Catechism and the Bible.

What is RCIA? A program of classes for initiation into the fullness of life in the Church, providing a comprehensive coverage of the teachings and tradition of the Church, culminating in entrance into the Church through Baptism and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil in the Spring.

Who is it for? All unbaptized adults, baptized non-Catholic adults, Catholic adults needing Confirmation, as well as their spouses, sponsors, fiancés or fiancées.

When and Where? First class: September 5; then every Tuesday 7:00-8:30 pm, September-May.

To sign up: Contact Deacon Rob or call the office at 703-573-3808.

Urgent Food Pantry Need

The shelves are empty. We need everything. Drop off donations in the shelves in the hallway, or donate through our Amazon Wish List and the food will be delivered directly to us.

The Food Pantry distribures food on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month starting at 8:30 am. Email for more information or to volunteer.


Friday, Aug. 25

  • Adoration 3-6:30 pm; 7:30-8:30 pm (Church)
  • Grupo de Oracion 8pm (Hayden Hall)

Saturday, Aug. 26

  • Trinity School Event All Day (Field)
  • Healing Mass 8pm (Church)

Sunday, Aug. 27

  • Rosary in Spanish 12:40pm (Church)
  • Grupo de Jovenes Cristo Vive 2:15pm (Room 11)
  • Divine Mercy Chaplet in Spanish 3:40pm (Church)
  • "Eat, Drink and Be Catholic" Evening Prayer 6pm (Church), potluck and fellowship (Hayden Hall)

Monday, Aug. 28

  • Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet 7:30pm (Church)

Tuesday, Aug. 29

  • Grupo de Rosario y Biblia 7pm (Newman Room)
  • Catechism in a Year 7:30pm (Newman Room)

Wednesday. Aug. 30

  • Spanish Users Meeting 7:45pm (Hayden Hall)

Thursday. Aug. 31

  • RE Parents Meeting 8pm (Hayden Hall)

Friday, Sept. 1

  • MIS School Event 9am-noon (Field)
  • Youth Group Food, Faith, and Fun 4:30-6pm (Church, Field)
  • First Friday Adoration 3-6:30 pm; 7:30pm through 6:30 am Saturday (Church)
  • Grupo de Oracion 8pm (Hayden Hall)

Saturday, Sept. 2

  • First Saturday Rosary 7am (Church)
  • Food Pantry Open 8:30-10am

News and Notes

First Friday Overnight Adoration Sept. 1-2

Come and spend some time with Our Lord in Adoration! Let Him pour his Grace and Mercy over you. Adoration begins at 3pm on Friday, Sept. 1, pauses for the 7pm Mass, then resumes after Mass until Benediction and Reposition at 7:30am Saturday morning. First Saturday Rosary will be prayed prior to Benediction at 7am. 

Please consider signing up in advance (not required) for a specific time slot, which ensures that someone is always present with Our Lord. A sign-up board will be posted in the vestibule or sign up online.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Needed

We’re looking for more Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) at St. Philip. Are you a faithful, practicing Catholic who would like to help distribute Holy Communion at Mass and take Holy Communion to the homebound? If so, please contact Fr. Donahue at the Parish Office. Act now if you believe the Lord may be calling you to this important and much-appreciated ministry!

Heaven In Your Home Starts September 16

You’re invited - your kids too - to meet up with other Catholic families to build community and support one another in making home a little taste of heaven for the renewal of faith and culture. Come hear a brief presentation and share in small group conversations while kids play. Childcare will be available. The small group conversations are then followed by a potluck style dinner, dessert, and fellowship!

This is a Heaven in Your Home free event for the whole family and single parents are welcome. Read more about the program here.

Youth Ministry Updates

Parish Work Camp crews hard at work.

Come and Craft ... and Carve Watermelons!

Saturday, August 26, 1-3pm

Back by popular demand, all are welcome to join us for crafting together. This time includes but is not limited to crochet. In fact, we will also feature watermelon-carving! Please bring whatever art or crafting supplies you need for your preferred activity, including a watermelon if you would like to carve one. We will meet in Room 4.

First Friday: Food, Faith, and Fun

September 1, 4:30-6pm

Join high schoolers for a "back-to-school" gathering, beginning with Adoration in the Church and followed by games on the field and snacks and s'mores at the campfire. Feel free to bring a friend! Parents, please make sure you sign and sign out participants.

Quick Notes

Live Stream Masses Ending Aug. 27

Please note that starting in September we will no longer be streaming the 9am or the 1pm Mass on Sundays. You can still listen to the weekly English homily online here. We look forward to seeing everyone in person.

Welcome Metaphor International School

We have a new tenant renting our school building. Please welcome the families and staff of Metaphor International School (MIS). The scool will be using our building and our newly refurbished playground Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm, and on Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm. Students also will be using our field and exploring other areas of our beautiful property, so please be extra vigilant about your speed in our parking lot — children are back on our property on weekdays!

No Longer Need Offertory Envelopes? Let Us Know!

If you donate through Parish Giving and are still receiving offertory envelopes but don't want or need them, please contact the Rectory Office or (703) 573-3808 and we can remove you from the list. Please contact us by May 15 to be removed from the next envelope mailing.

Read the Bulletin Online Every Friday

Get a jump on the week's news and read the St. Philip Parish Bulletin online every Friday here.

Are You Registered at St. Philip?

It is important that you are registered with the Parish of Saint Philip so we may adequately respond to your spiritual needs. Please note that you must be registered to receive a Sponsor letter or enroll your child in any of acramental programs. If you are over the age of 21, you are asked to register independently of your parents. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office or online here.

Thank you for supporting St. Philip through online giving.

Need help signing up? Call Parish Giving at (866)-307-7140 or Email Parish Giving

Mass, Confession, Adoration and Prayer Times

Saturday Vigil Mass

5:30 pm

Sunday Mass

9:00 am & 11:00 am in English

1:00 pm in Spanish

4:00 pm Bilingual

Daily Mass

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am and 7:00 pm

Saturday: 8:00 am​

Morning Prayer

7am, Monday through Friday

Evening Prayer

Sunday 6pm


Sunday 12:30 pm; Monday 7:00 am; Tuesday 4:00 pm; Wednesday 7:00 am; Friday 8:30 am, 3:30 & 7:30 pm; Saturday 8:30 am & 4:00 pm

Heard in English and Spanish; Also by appointment

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